UO:Renaissance - Thieving perfected (ongoing thread)

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by BlackEye, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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  2. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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  3. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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  4. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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  5. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Last edited: Sep 5, 2022
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  6. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    free hair rest.png
    Plentimon likes this.
  7. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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  8. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Well I can't let @Kiryana post all his fun and I not post some of mine...

    Recently I was minding my own business when I saw a gate open and a fellow appear with a set of pack horses...

    Of course, curiosity got the best of me and I had to take the gate. *Jumps Gate*

    I was teleported to a log cabin standing on the porch next to the character that was gating.

    So, I quickly checked the front door *Turns Handle*

    To my amazement it was open!

    But my stride was quickly stopped by the trusty chop barrel... *Waaa waaaa waaaa*

    Although there were many characters training magery on the top level the player seemed to be more interested in reg purchases and not what was going on at his home.

    I quickly closed the door and ran off screen thinking this might require a closer examination.

    I opened a gate to the world of the shady arts and suddenly out of the shadows a familiar conspicuous lady appeared. She immediately disappeared as she stealthed back to the house.

    Once I stealthed back in I quickly but firmly I opened and closed the log cabin door and stood next to the chop barrel.

    A few moments later another character showed up, they opened the door, chopped the barrel, immediately replaced it and went inside BUT did not detect...

    At this point I thought there simply is NO way to get behind this table wall as the only way is to push through the character and be revealed...

    But after some pondering I thought what are the odds that this person (I assumed was using pack horses to purchase regs) would bring the pack horses inside the house to put the new purchases in a locked down chest....

    I thought if this does happen he most likely will NOT have red potions or use them.

    Which means because the pack horses follow you so close you will have to walk inside the house make a circle (leaving only a very very slim window of the barrel being down and open) and replace the barrel.

    After what seemed an eternity a gate appeared and poof in came the player with the pack horses! I could hear the sound of the horse’s hooves each individually slapping the worn wood steps as they ascended into the entryway.

    *Insert sweaty hands here*

    I thought here's my chance! These are the sorts of plays that separate the boys from the men! The window will be slim and I must be on my toes and not waste any time!

    He opened the door and walked in RIGHT next to me, I could feel the warm moist breath of the pack horses on my skin. I stood motionless as if I was frozen in carbonite, from corner of my eye I could see the fellow lift out his old warn rusty axe. If he was Paul Bunyan he swung that trusty axe and the sweet sound of a barrel being chopped filled the cabin.

    He took his trusty animals and started to walk through the table wall, I quickly and cautiously worked my way around the tables completely unseen!

    The fellow placed the chop barrel and proceeded to the locked down chests in the back without detecting. This was it, I was in!

    I stood next to the chest eagerly watching and he restocked his regs from the pack horses. Once he was done he walked over, chopped the barrel again and left presumably to purchase more regs. I quickly tossed the regs all in one bag and gated them out!

    The heist was worth about 350,000 gold in regs! Sadly enough the soft spot in me for new players got the best of me and a few hours later I showed up and returned the regs. But it made for a great story

    Clear looting JPG.jpg
    Rick Thorp, Hobie, Kiryana and 2 others like this.
  9. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    I love it when spies think with their heads! Great grip and rational approach! The victim is lucky that Ron is so generous!

    @Ron Jeremy Often you are lucky for reagents! Nice))) ;)
    Rick Thorp likes this.
  10. Air

    Air Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 15, 2015
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    A few moons ago, a little leprechaun found some peasants acting suspiciously at the Moonglow stables. o_O

    The leprechaun noticed then running in circles quickly with a pack horse, figured they were checking for invis'd people before they opened a gate.

    Of course, the leprechaun waited until they gated.... then he made his move...:cool:

    Being a little fella, the leprechaun easily stealthed into their gate...arrived in front of some shack of a tower...with very poor decorations (if any at all). Definitely not easy on the eyes, bleh. The roof was littered with weapons of slayer power, in an attempt, The leprechaun assumed, they intended to show dominance over the peaceful creatures of Britania, that do NOTHING to harm anyone. These beasts only try to protect what is rightfully theirs, yet animals like these guys continue to hunt them like game!:mad:

    The leprechaun watched as these two random bottom feeders ran into the tower and closed the door behind them...and the only thing he could think of was "I am not prepared for this...no scrolls, regs, runes...NOTHING.."o_O

    Did that stop him? Nope...he quietly walked right up to the door and to his surprise ...it was UNLOCKED!:eek:

    The leprechaun quickly opened the door, snuck inside, and found 3 or maybe 4 people standing there with their pet horse.;)

    The leprechaun heard one of them whisper "uh oh..." surely, they were speaking of the door that had just opened and closed with no one in sight.:cool:

    Without delay, he hurried to snoop as many packs as he could, trying to find his GOLD, figuring they were about to open a scroll of some sort, or maybe gate somewhere else.

    The second pack was cluttered with garbage...nothing worth taking. That was until the leprechaun opened a second bag inside...and BAM! It was a Blue/White (can't remember) Christmas Scroll!:eek:

    He quickly took a deep breath, snatched the item out of the peasant's bag, and took of RUNNINNNGGGG!:confused:

    Out the door he went, SCREAMING in the most intimidating battle cry he could summon, "RAAHHHHHHHH!!!" in an attempt to strike fear in the hearts of his victims, his little legs were moving SO FAST, but he was moving SO SLOWLY....:mad:

    But alas, he was dressed only in a robe, no footwear, and this poorly maintained property was full of debris outside scattered everywhere in the field.

    As he turned the corner behind the structure, he tripped on a stone, broke his little toe, and down he went.....:oops:

    The peasants were not far behind, and used some kind of magic on the leprechaun, which left him helpless and not able to continue his escape.:mad:

    The leprechaun had succumbed to his injuries, at the hands of these animals. and the item was recovered by them. NO respect for life in these parts of Britania, all savages! :oops:

    A wonderful experience indeed, but the moral of this story is to ALWAYS be prepared. :)

    (I think I know who you all were, but the names escape my memory...also, forgot to record and take pictures. Hopefully you can visualize wonderful experience)
    Rick Thorp and Kiryana like this.
  11. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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  12. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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  13. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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  14. Serotonin

    Serotonin Active Member

    Sep 3, 2022
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    Just a little commissions for the penetration testing...

    Started with a little casing potential marks:


    Some recall hopping to find some recent activity...


    A little patience....


    Some intimate moments...


    Showing some potential ....


    Nice little commissions for a day's work!

    Woobie, SteelyDan, Kiryana and 7 others like this.
  15. Toby2211

    Toby2211 Active Member

    Jul 23, 2022
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    A poorly dressed, orcish thief stole some black pearl from me at ocllo bank, the chase is on, i cast spells on him, i get tripped up on people AFK by the bank, i chug a refresh pot. i lost where he was, i track the player, no luck, i track again, again nothing. i decide to go back to the bank and just wait for his return, as he would be perma grey. With patience and luck, he comes back into my life as a false blue player. He indeed was perma grey, i launch my attack casting EXP on him and setting up my next move. The race is on he runs as i target him with EXP, he tucks under the roofs of local shops in town and hides. i cast reveal in hope he just starts to run away so i can melee attack so he cant rehide. He forces me to waste the mana with revealing him, he dashes away leaving no footprints. I'm checking under trees, in bushes, in shops, not able to locate him. i use tracking again, im hot on the trail, i reveal, he takes off i cast lightning on him, nothing is slowing him down, this black pearl thief had some moves. I FINALLY get him right next to healer in town, ironically. At this moment i see my black pearl is nowhere on his body, BUT i do a player just standing next to the healer. An AFK player at that, by the name incant even speak of, I've had a dealing with this peasant in the past, I stole a set of house keys off this player once. They casted EB on me and ran the other way, they opened a gate portal and hopped thru. The curious cat in me decides to hop thru the gate grey, but not after i dropped the set of keys on the ground before going thru the gate. I use a second acct to pick up the keys and hide, going back to the thief, this worthless creature decides to use a dexxer to bring my thief to rest. In this moment im trying to figure out where they live by using world map, in the meantime this city sitter is rekeying all his houses. theres like 5 to 8 houses he owns all side by side.
    i spent the next 2 to 3 hours attempting to sneak in houses while he opens doors, i fail every time as i didnt want to get banned. i eventually gave up and felt defeated. All of this ran thru my head the moment i see this peasant at the healer just standing there. I grab my thief, wasting no time i barefoot run from jhelom GY to a portal to get to this smelly city sitter, i snoop his bag, I see ANOTHER set of keys in his bag, and one loose golden key. i attempt to steal, as i have a murder count i cannot steal with my thief. i kill him in town, rushing to get to his body, i loot the keyring, guards knock me down to ground, i open a gate to chaos shrine on my other acct, repeatedly loot an item, guard kill, res pass item, guard kill, over and over in waves. 20 dead bodies of my own fill the streets, finally i decide to TRY to remember where he lived. I message people in hopes to get some answers with hast. NOONE " knew", although i know many knew, they remained neutral as I can apperciate that. i remember in the moment of looting and dying i passed runebooks, i rapidly check then over and over thinking im missing house runes in his books. but none were there, i remember there was a golden key, i locate it and click it, its to a ship. i said to myself, eh at least i get a boat out of this. i recall to the boat, JIMINY CRICKET, he had all the answers and prayers on his body, the boat was RIGHT NEXT to ALL his houses.

    i teleport off the boat, i am foaming at the mouth trying to get the door of his large tower, half way expecting the doors to remain locked, the doors parted ways like the red sea, heart beating 3X faster instantly, the race is on. Gather everything as fast as i can before he comes and bans me, i call in for back up, ordered a posse of pack horses, instructions of loot what u want, loot as fast as you can. managed to clear the entire first floor, i ransac the other smaller houses in the area. bags, cloth, trash loot, spread across the house. We gate the pack horses to safety. after picking thru several bags of aninversary items, CBDs, about 30 full books of bods(yes even 20 exceptional valorite large bod and partially filled with small ones), looks like 2 years plus of bod collecting. all kinds of semi rares, cloth, weapons, treasures for all and all for me(and one of my right hand men), i remember the boat! without the boat we have nothing, we have no story, we have no rush, we have boring farming of gold. I HAVE TO GET THIS BOAT, there are many boats, but this one is special, this one will be mine. I recall to the boat from the key, The city sitter IS THERE!!!! On the top story of the LT i just ransac, and destroyed the lower level of. With shame the peasant char either hides/logs off with shame. just before this happens, i dry dock the boat in front of them, the last nail in of coffin. Rage quit happened in this moment, no fight left to offer, no defending his house, his goods, his boat. Simply log off/hide until i leave..... RISE up! Fight back! last message i ever recieved from you in a page system message "sorry i cant help you with that" How's it feel? The most valuable bod collection I have ever acquired will be for sale, it will also be combined with another bod collection that was stolen in the past, roughly 40 bod books combined, all filled with countless bods, from iron and leather to valorite and barbed leather bods. Message me on discord with interests, Toby2211

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    Last edited: Dec 4, 2023
    Air, Venger, Dash and 3 others like this.
  16. Mac Daddy Slim

    Mac Daddy Slim Active Member

    Aug 13, 2020
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