UOR Factions Sigil Defense 2/10-2/12 ~36 hour battle

Discussion in 'Photography & Videography' started by Mes, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    The wow thing is still in there, it's a jab at myself. Yes, I play other games or do other things when I don't feel like playing UOR. There's no reasonable expectation for me to no life it 24/7. I'm established and I've been in more fights than anyone else. I don't see any reason to spend 18 hours a day waiting on idocs or killing elder gazers or waiting for the same reds or oranges to come out of their houses.

    Let's be clear. I don't sit on irc or the forums saying we want fights where are all the fights telamon fix pvp. I know this community and I know what it's likely to do. So I have no clue why half of your shots at me involve claiming I'm begging for pvp. And I am absolutely complaining about how it happened.

    It wasn't a good fight.

    It was a bad fight that we won. The only reason I was there to see it done was to show that even with all three factions working around the clock I could shut you guys down. Truth be told if sandro, clyde, jleem, and budou were on with the rest of their minax team and joined you guys I would have just let it go and do other things.

    You don't have to keep telling me that noone broke the rules of the game. I'm aware of that. I'm saying that I have no respect for your playstyle and I don't think you are fostering a healthy pvp scene with your actions.

    The next night I logged on and all those people (ie 3 factions) were begging me to log on to fight them.


    Because they aren't going to seriously fight each other. There is no rivalry there. They may do a set up battle occasionally, they may gank someone that's in the wrong place at the wrong time, but they aren't seriously at war. And when I play, you know it's war.

    So everyone wants to find ways to incentivize pvp and I'm trying to tell you all you need is a little pride and rivalry. Why did TB and CoM spend two days sharing sigils, well aware that some were in one base and some in the other? Because they colluded (bro, let me just get this one so I can get make a blessed weapon, you can have the rest.) Let's not pretend that it didn't happen because you personally didn't negotiate it yourself. Let's not pretend you had no idea that bart was standing next to you orange, in your voice server, and fighting with you. Are you color blind? No, it is explicitly the server vs SL. And I enjoyed beating you down just the same and watching you act like you weren't mad. I enjoyed you flooding IRC when noone else was talking, claiming good fight and that some SL somewhere was talking shit and that we were poor sports. I liked how in IRC you were saying good fight, but when you would res at a healer you would run back into our base spamming "faggots." Hoping we would res kill you so you could act like we were griefing you. You know better than to run into a faction base naked. It's just another part of your constant bullshit.

    Atleast it felt good to have you in game doing it for once, so we could kill you.

    But if you want to see a fun pvp scene, try fighting each other. If the only thing that is important to any of you is getting back at SL, you're not going to have a fun time on this server.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2015
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I never said you were begging, I said you were complaining. I will continue to return YOUR choice of insult until you let the bar drop. You opted to call me a faggot for expecting a pvper to support a tournament by participating, not watching. You get what you give and I guess if you want to stop calling me a faggot, I can do you the same service. I don't spam it, I say it to those who have said it to me. I can't rightly say who's you among 15 The Dank Nuggets, so I just say it to all of you.

    I'm not going to stop Factioning and I'm not going to avoid fighting other factions. As for who was splitting sigils, you're right, they probably had an agreement somewhere I wasn't involved in. Personally, I don't care to capture all sigils and would like to just work for towns I care about specifically as "home turf" rather than do my best to make sure no one else gets any. I don't see the fun in that. I also died to CoM the same night you claimed we were colluding and so did bart. I know it doesn't support your complaints though, so why bother acknowledging it?

    If you wanted GOOD fights (subjective), you would ask your teammates to respect the number of opponents you have had in other situations where you specifically encourage the imbalance to ensure victory and more killpoints, the easy way. It's part of the game and I rightly can't fault you for it, but there's no GOOD fight in a clean sweep, in my opinion. The folks attempting to get a grip on Factions are working in whatever capacity they can muster to take down the champs. I don't see that as a bad thing just because a few are mutual enemies.

    I have been having fun. I don't care about "getting back" at anyone and have no reason to. I "got back" at you for being a bitch about CTF, by ONLY doing CTF for a time. Even though I had already committed to building a rival faction to give you some field competition, because I wanted to fill the void you and other SL so clearly saw. Clearly that's not what you want if it's not exactly on your terms or ideals, so I don't know what to say. Keep playing for you and I'll keep playing for me, having a good time, with and without misc trash talk because that's fun too. I'm sure you'd understand considering how often you like to call people man-babies for getting upset when they die, or bart a piece of shit for playing with whomever is around at the time, etc. The majority of SL are good sports but there are some who are so high on the smell of their own farts, they just don't care that they're shitting up the scene as bad as they claim everyone else is.

    But if you want to see a fun PvP scene, make one and stop complaining that it's everyone else's fault because they fight you more than each other. I'm not going to beg for fights, or complain about how many people come at me. I always supported the SL group's numbers and to this day wouldn't suggest anyone split up to fight each other if they want more fights. If you want more fights, go fight. If people asking you to come fight is a problem, say no and ignore them. They're not bad for wanting some action just like you're not bad for complaining about it when it comes your way in undesirable fashion. You also claim to be a dueler and now that someone here can beat you consistently, I haven't seen you in the tournaments since. I am glad you felt good about seeing me in the field and having the chance to kill me, multiple times. That is proof positive that I'm getting what I wanted, a chance to give you what you wanted. I may not agree with everything you do or how, but I know when I left SL I looked forward to building a team that could give my old buddies what they wanted. Fights.

    FYI: Unless sigils are hot, there is no REASON to fight other than to practice fighting.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2015
  3. Liberation

    Liberation Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    See you at the tournaments, never.
  5. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Well, I hope you have the sense to realize how small that makes you. I said something out of anger to you when you were talking shit. And you were talking shit. You know this, I know this. There was a year of tournaments prior to Hazy's two and noone was ever harrassed or shit talked for watching. I both competed in and watched many, and it was always an easy going event where all were welcome. I know that you attended some and did not compete, and I don't recall anyone talking down to you. I came to that event so support and cheer for pax who was someone I recognized from OSI long ago and that noone really knew at the time. There shouldn't be anything wrong with that.

    So I said 'Blaise stop being a faggot'. I should have tried to be a bigger person instead. You seem to think that that one line has given you a free pass in the eyes of the community to spam IRC and the forums with SUCK A FAT COCK and SL ARE FAGGOTS and EAT A BOWL OF DICKS and any other homopobic shit you can come up with for the last 9 months - and direct it to anyone at any time. Yes, it's the internet and you can get away with it. But if you think that makes you any less small than you need to step away from your computer and try having some real life interactions for a while.

    Yes, you colluded the perceived objective of the system with 3 separate factions. You in this same post say there's no reason to fight in your opinion if the sigils aren't live. And then say there's nothing wrong with passing them out to all your friends in other factions. I'm sorry. Are you fighting for the sigils or not? Or is this just a matter of obtaining one so that you can have purple war horses and pretend to be a pvper?

    So some CoM attacked you one day. It didn't happen the night we capped the sigils. Musician was the only CoM on and he was with you and he was with bart, and you know this to be true. It was a 7v3 in moonglow and an 8v4 in brit and our base - and your side included all three factions. If you are pretending you didn't know this you are being dishonest. What can be said is that SL fights oranges. We don't ally cross faction, it's more important to me that we win as a faction. It is a black and white system for us. Oranges are enemy targets. That's the only thing standing between this server having no consentual pvp scene at all.

    I'm tired of this circular argument. You, like many butthurt baddingtons want to believe that SL is the bad guy because they gank people, and that you and your poor victim friends have never ganked anyone.

    Get this through your head. You gank. They gank. We gank. Noone, noone is different in this. There were two periods where we had numbers on our opponents - the two evenings we fought. Every other hour of the day and night we were outmanned, 2:1 odds. And there's nothing I can really complain about that. I have spelled out for you very clearly and honestly what the numbers looked like.

    You brought 5 to fight 3 in glow that night. Why? Is it because you didn't ask your teammates to respect the number of opponents you have had in other situations where you specifically encourage the imbalance to ensure the victory and more kill points, the easy way?

    And when you got your ass beat, you brought 6 to fight 3 in glow. Is it because you didn't ask your teammates to respect the number of opponents you have had in other situations where you specifically encourage the imbalance to ensure the victory and more kill points, the easy way?

    And when you got your ass beat again you brought 3 factions for an 8v3 to fight us in glow. Is it because you didn't ask your teammates to respect the number of opponents you have had in other situations where you specifically encourage the imbalance to ensure the victory and more kill points, the easy way?

    No, it's because you brought all hands on deck for a fight just like every other group out there. But the difference between me and you is I draw the line at enemy factions. I believe they should remain enemies and fight as their own side in a fight, regardless of who's their best friend or who's mumble they're on or how many people are on in their faction.

    Phrase it however you like. 8v3 cross-faction alliance is trying your best to get that non-competitive clean sweep. You don't see it as a bad thing because you were the one with all the other faction allies. If they had been on my side (and why wouldn't they, we were outnumbered 2:1, right?) then you would have pitched an epic tantrum. But you will be spared this because I simply won't ally across factions. We won't be propped up by our enemies. We'll lose or win on our own.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2015
  6. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    We brought more because we needed more and still got beat. Clearly we need more than numbers but we were giving it the best we could muster in any regard. I don't "give" sigils to anyone but I know full well I've been saying it since I was in SL as well that just capping a few towns would be fine (pretend that never happened too, that's fine). It's not about pretending to be a PvPer it's about not being greedy and having some fun battling for towns when it suits our desires to have what town control provides. Home turf and some trinkets like horses and blessed weaponry. If I needed them to get out there and field, I wouldn't field because we don't have them when we just get started. I know SL doesn't need more numbers to make it happen, you've proved that just recently. It doesn't mean that you can't be the bigger man (especially with how often you like to call me small) and try to bring a good fight, instead of an easy fight, when that situation arises.

    I know I've taken it too far and I am completely at fault for dragging out the homophobic trash talk you instilled in me at that tournament. Whatever your excuse is now for not participating is just that, an excuse. I did in fact participate in a number of Grimoire tournaments, just not very many and probably fewer than I could count on one hand. I did actually still get begrudged as someone who doesn't pvp, by the host. Whether you recall that or not, really means nothing.

    So go head and keep riding that "you're small" and "you're a pretend pvper" all day. See how much that promotes a healthy community that you balk at every time it doesn't pat your back for being the best....in large group fights. When it comes to the weaker parties bringing as many as they can muster it's not because they want it easy, it's because they want any help they can get because they need it. When it comes to player run tournaments in the shard you claim you care about, you are not even there to watch anymore, let alone participate with this wealth of experience you bring to the table. But we all know already how little Mes likes to lose. Saying you attended an event to cheer for someone who will clearly beat you every time, when you also on the same hand call yourself a PvPer and a 5x dueler, makes you big how? It boggles my mind that you would not want to practice and compete against those that are better than you. I surely do it, every time I field or combat players in almost every regard.

    If, or when (lol), TB comes into its own and gets enough practice to be an efficient team I assure you I will gladly stand down and ask my teammates to not overwhelm with numbers if numbers will make an easy win. I don't like easy wins and I don't mind losing as long as I tried my best.
  7. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I have no idea what you just tried to say.

    So, now because there's a 1v1 7x tournament I haven't competed in recently that's somehow your shot at me?

    I'll make you this promise. When the day comes that you are in the finals of that tournament and you have won, I will show up and duel you for your trophy.
  8. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2014
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    At least you acknowledge the inadequacy of yourself and your fellow factioners
  9. Liberation

    Liberation Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    this is why i stopped hosting tournaments; not enough people recognized the value of what i was doing.

    i hosted 52 tournaments over a full year and never banned anyone that wasn't breaking the tournament rules. the only derogatory remarks i ever made were during the last five tournaments and were directed at Bart, who i had asked not to bring Perseus because he was basically just farming vs RPers.

    i did everything i could to keep all grudges out of Friday Fight Night at Grimoire.

    you're really a shit stain on this community, Blaise. it really would be better for everyone if you quit.
  10. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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  11. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    I don't like cross-faction teaming. If you guys are going to cross-faction, you should just all join the same faction and clear up the others so that people who want to use the system properly can join.
    Right now there's an anti-SL hatejerk deeply rooted in all of the factions and you indoctrinate everyone who comes along to join in. Some of the newer pvpers on the server have explicitly stated that their only intended goal is to beat SL and they don't care who they have to ally with to do it. That's not a sign of a healthy pvp system.

    Let's see what else
    Oh, that tournament. I don't really understand why there was so much bad blood over this. It's not a crime for someone to want to sit one out, I'm not really sure why Blaise felt the need to sperg out at mes that night, and I'm not sure why it has developed into a grudge.
    I personally chose to sit out of that tournament because I didn't like the rules. Purple pots were allowed, and there were tons of potion sounds coming from the crowd when I showed up. I think people should be allowed to like certain sets of rules and dislike others and that we shouldn't go around shitting on people for not participating in tournaments that run rules they don't like.
    Oh, and Bart. Blaise, you seem to really hold it against us that Bart wasn't allowed into the circle. The irony of it is that the people you bitch at the most about it (lib and mes) actually said they were fine with it. It was your friends that blocked Bart's wanting into the group.
    Personally, I've no grudge against Bart. I dislike his playstyle, though. He's too greedy when it comes to taking stuff from other people, and he shits on newbies too hard. Before you go "but you're just like him", I'll point out that's really not true. I rarely accept things from other players and I don't really pk newbies at all.
    If you want a good example of a time that Mes and I were not like Bart, we faithfully held Lib's grimore properties without disturbing the contents of them for quite some time even though Lib was an enemy at the time and complained about us on a regular basis. Fun fact though, within 15 minutes of Lib giving us that stuff to watch over, Bart and Google were out there asking if Lib had quit and why didn't he give his stuff to them.

    Anyway, these constant arguments over the same things are annoying. Blaise, I think you really have some issues to work out. It's not healthy to hold grudges over such small things for such long amounts of time.
  12. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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  13. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    lol, I should have checked back earlier. So to summarize, when I win a 7x tourney (something I rarely take part in or care much about), Mes will duel me for my trophy. Liberation wants me to quit the shard that I've helped build and supported for 3 years while he plays Moses finding other shards for "his people" and doing his best to recruit through IRC PMs (yes, I know you're the GM of TT Glorious Liberation the bard). napo thinks I need to work out issues and stop holding grudges....kinda like the grudges you guys hold against the shard for a long since fired admin who doesn't play anymore. I have no grudge about bart not being welcomed into the circle. I never wanted him in and removing him from my own guild should have been a pretty clear indication of that. The fact that I left of my own accord and the myriad reasons why I just don't jive with the group, couldn't have anything to do with my departure though, right? lol.

    Here's a thought: Get out there and fight and stop arguing with me about things. No one's stopping you from fighting and if the teams working together against you are such a problem, it's not mine. Sorry I'm not sorry. I'll wait here for more pissing and moaning about admins moving NPC vendors that were placed to block faction guards into a place they don't belong to suit a single person trying to hold down a base.

    We could just have more "retarded" (as napo puts it) conversations about how to improve Factions for the better. Such as Faction vendor placement restrictions, guard spawn limitations, 1 Faction per IP restrictions, etc etc. I mean, let me put it this way, we will be having those conversations and whether you bring mature discourse to the table or more name calling and high school bullshit, is entirely up to you.
  14. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    FWIW, which is probably very little, my 2 cents on the faction guards being removed:

    I don't agree they should have been removed by a GM. However, in their current use I do not believe they were intended to be used as such, OSI or here.

    I know there is a standing argument that this is how factions used to be on live servers and it shouldn't be touched. Here's my counter argument to that: We did not have Razor on live servers, and anyone who had the balls to use it was eventually caught and banned. Razor is allowing us to fire/hire guards with 1 button and literally paint a line of guards in your wake, this was never something that was intended. The managing of guards during a faction fight was not an easy thing to accomplish because of the targeting and gump process. The current location of TB's base allows a turret to be used, again, something not intended.

    I think there needs to be a long and civil talk about factions again. I remember when Telamon held a public talk in a channel in IRC to pen out changes to factions. I believe this needs to happen again, with changes actually taking place this time.

    It's no secret that PvPers are server shopping right now, the time to sit down with the community to hash out some changes is running out.
  15. Mindless

    Mindless Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2014
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    Just to clarify, guards were never removed (OR EVEN MOVED) by staff...

    Faction VENDORS were MOVED approximately 10 tiles south.
  16. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Which subsequently allowed the guards to return to where they belong, WITHIN THE GUARD ZONE.
  17. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 20, 2014
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    Just when after 10 days you thought this thread had died...... Blaise.
  18. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    can't place guards outside of a guard zone

    i placed them inside the brit GZ

    they will not walk naturally out of a GZ, they try to walk back to their created or last ordered location if they aren't in combat

    telamon actually moved them about a screen south, then they walked back to their spot on the bridge, but i was recalling at that point anyways, damage was done

    but they would have always walked back to that spot on the bridge where they were made, unless ordered differently or chasing an orange

    it's like the blind leading the blind in this place sometimes

    i've been meaning to take some time and make a post about some mistakes being made with the faction system and peoples' perception of it
    Truly the least of which being GM intervention that day, as much as i was shocked and believe that is not how a GM should interact in the game world.
    Xegugg thinks i shouldn't because it will obviously become another shit talk post.

    I know you guys have to disagree with me no matter what I say, but i think some people don't understand factions and want to change it into something else. And - just in my opinion - i think it's a continually slippery slope we are on - and as Napo once said - i dont think we should just smile and ride down head first. There are bottled pvp systems already, and if there are people that enjoy that, who am I to stop them. But there are systems that are more classic to a feluccan UO as well, and I think there is a freeshard playerbase that would like to continue reliving that system as well.
  19. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    They have no place outside GZ and that should be corrected. It's like you don't really like pvp, you just like abusing mechanics like a tool. gg
  20. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2014
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    Considering I was behind those guards when I got whacked for attacking your blue, that not being gz is bullshit, next excuse

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