Weapon Damage

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Worm, Apr 30, 2015.

  1. Worm

    Worm Member

    Apr 21, 2015
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    New to the server, TY for having me. Anyways I did some testing on test center and got some strange results.

    10 Str
    100 Dex
    100 Swords
    100 Tactics
    0 Anatomy

    The beat stick had 0 AR

    Katana damage = 3d8+2 (5-26) according to: http://www.uorenaissance.com/itemlist/Weapon

    With a tact modifier of 150% base damage the minimum damage I could possibly do is 3
    (5 * 1.5) / 2 = 3.75 minimum damage on hit. The str bonus is negligible.

    The problem is that I was making hits for 1 & 2 damage on a freshly bought store katana when the min damage is 3.

    I tested also tried a longsword (5-33) and had to raise str to 25 (negligible) and still had hits of 1's & 2's.

    I also checked the weapon status with arms lore and both weapons were "look unused status"

    Is my tact formula incorrect? ( Base damage * 150%) / 2

    BlackEye and MikeK like this.
  2. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Welcome to UO Renaissance Worm.

    Based on the information you posted the reason for the low damage hits would be your 10str and 0 anatomy. Str and Anatomy make up 50% of your damage potential on Renaissance.

    You can run some more detailted tests using our test server and combat log book.

    test.uorenaissance.com port 2597 > http://uorforum.com/threads/uor-test-server.1844/

    Combat Log Book
  3. Worm

    Worm Member

    Apr 21, 2015
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    Damage Dealer:
    100 Swords
    100 Tact
    100 Anat

    Punishment Taker:
    100 Str
    100 Dex
    10 Int

    Anatomy @ 100 & Eval @ 100 = 100 Target Defense % 50% Chance to Hit
    Anatomy @ 100 & Eval @ 0 (1 Shown)= 60.5 Target Defense & 68% Chance to Hit
    Anatomy @ 0 & Eval @ 0 = 12.4 Target Defense & 120% Chance to Hit
    Anatomy @ 0 (3.7 Shown) & Eval @ 100 = 61.8 Target Defense & 67% Chance to Hit
    100 Wrestle = 100 Target Defense & 50% Chance to Hit

    Please help me make sense of those numbers. I only gain 18% change to hit when the target does not have eval, or 17% when the target does not have anat. So what is the point of taking Anatomy or Eval if you are only looking to gain defensive wrestle?

    swords/tact/lj/mage/med/eval/resist -- Is the addition of a guaranteed extra 10 points of damage and eval/med better than "20%" from anatomy, an extra 17% chance to block, and your secondary?

    GM Swords / GM Tact / GM LJ / 0 Anat
    Rolled 12 hit for 15
    Rolled 17 hit for 19
    Rolled 13 hit for 16
    (Roll lower and still hit harder!)

    GM Swords / GM Tact / GM Anat / 0 LJ
    Rolled 15 hit for 15
    Rolled 16 hit for 15
    Rolled 16 hit for 15


    Back to weapon damage:

    0 Tactics = 0 + 50% Base Damage
    Damage Roll of 7 hit for 1

    Damage Roll of 10 hit for 3 ---- 10*.5/2=2.5 ... So it rounds up?

    100 Tactics = 150% Base Damage
    Damage Roll of 20 hit for 9

    Damage Roll of 19 hit for 9 ----19*1.5/2=14.25 ... Strength bonus and anatomy bonus should be after tactics. Regardless it should not reduce damage below 50% of the possible base damage due to the lack of str & anat.

    Either the damage formula is way different here o
    r something is wrong.

    1) Determine Speed of Attack.
    2) Determine % Chance to Hit.
    3) Randomly determine base damage, within weapon's damage range.
    4) Determine Tactics Modifier to Damage Dealt to base damage.
    5) Add STR Bonuses to Damage De
    to base damage.
    6) Add Anatomy Bonuses to Damage Dealt to base damage.
    7) Add Lumberjack Bonuses to Damage Dealt to base damage.
    8) Double all Spell-damage against non-players.
    9) Check for magical defenses. (Reactive Armor, for example).
    10) Modify for Chance to Bloc
    k an Attack with
    / Damage Absorbed by Shield. (Ignore if Defender is not wearing a shield).
    11) Determine Hit Location
    12) Modify for Damage Absorbed by Armor - What armor?
    13) Halve all remaining damage.
    14) Apply final damage.

    (Yea I had a fancy shirt and long pants on but the issue still remained when I removed them, only reason why damage was being absorbed... b ut should those items really stop physical damage when it has 0 shown ar?)
    Last edited: May 1, 2015
    BlackEye and MikeK like this.
  4. Steel

    Steel Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 20, 2015
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    Telamon, hire this kid!
  5. Nature

    Nature New Member

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Wep damage is still booty IMHO as im hitting for 3, 4, etc... with a Aggy Warhammer 100 Str, 100 Anat/Tacts.
  6. Brun

    Brun New Member

    Apr 29, 2015
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    So the damage formula is NOT

    ( base ) *
    (( 100
    + ( tact - 50 )
    + ( anat / 5 )
    + ( str / 5)
    + ( 20 if excep )
    + ( LJ / 5 (LJ<100) , 30 (LJ=100) if axe)
    - AR * .75 (average)


    HALP! I may need to edit my weapon dmg calculator for UO:R then...
    Last edited: May 1, 2015
  7. a bad name

    a bad name Member

    Apr 30, 2015
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    I had a +20 war fork of force, and was hitting for 4-5 dmg to a player with 0 armor... and RARELY for 15-20
    Last edited: May 1, 2015
  8. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    I can get into some details in a bit. However I suspect that your combat log book was just not updating the players armor. The armor is set at the start of the test and doesn't update the book on each hit. So you need to stop/start the test when the armor changes.

    But here are 2 tests with a player targeting another player with no armor using a katana at 100%. The first test with 10 Anatomy (lowest you can go with 100 str) and a second test with 100 Anatomy. This causes the combat effectiveness to be 73% vs 100%. This is a normalized visualization of the combat effectiveness of a player on a scale of 1 to 100. Which is applied to the damage roll.

    10 Anatomy

    100 Anatomy

    Note: I sped up the katana for a quicker test.

    I can go into more detail on how your chance to hit is calculated here as well when I have more time.

    Our combat system is designed based on a hybrid of UO demo information, old guides, stratics information, the expected weapon damage, and other factors.

    We even have our own UO demo server (available on request) and our own stratics archive.
    BlackEye likes this.
  9. Worm

    Worm Member

    Apr 21, 2015
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    (All assuming attacker has 100 Weapon Skill)

    The biggest issue that I see is that attacking a player that has 0 anat + 0 eval + 0 wrestle has 120% chance to hit. Attacking a player with 100 anat + 0 eval + 0 wrestle reduces the chance to hit to 68%. With 100 eval / 0 anat / 0 wrestle CtH is 67%. Why do they gain a defensive bonus from just having anatomy OR eval? Now if the player takes 100 anat + 100 eval OR 100 Wrestle CtH reduces to 50%.

    Turns out that the formula for defensive wrestle is (Anat + Eval + 20) / 2.
    Meaning that (def capability):
    100 anat + 100 eval = 120 Wrestle (50% chance to block)
    80 anat + 100 eval = 100 Wrestle (50% chance to block)
    90 anat + 90 eval = 100 Wrestle (50% chance to block)

    WIth that in mind, application of the shown skill @ 100 str + 100 DEX or 100 INT with a skill of 100 anat + 1 eval (shown) =
    (100+1+20)/2 = 60.5 Wrestle ! Which gives a 68% chance to hit.

    This formula is the current Ultima Online formula! It is not representative of the UO demo as the demo lacked this change. If its hidden somewhere on the internet archive back in 2002-2003 I would like to see it because from *what I remember* you had to have 100 anat + 100 eval in order to get any defensive capability when they decided to give this ability. Im not advocating this server needs to be era accurate or some craziness but the current formula doesn't seem right...

    ( I will harp on weapon damage some other day when I feel like being all nerdy again )
  10. Worm

    Worm Member

    Apr 21, 2015
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    Im such a nerd... Well I found it under publish 16 but lack of formula. It states:
    • Unarmed "to-be-hit" changes (chance to get hit while unarmed is now the better of either Wrestling skill, or an average of Anatomy & Evaluate Intelligence).

    I guess its up for interpretation as to what the formula was/is. I guess anat + eval / 2 would be slightly better , but I would put a vote for 0 gain unless gm in both skills.
  11. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Things change for my cable modem enabled 100/100/25 no magery fencer after that change... xD *pours one out*
  12. Baine

    Baine Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    This thread is far over my head lol. Can someone tell me if there's a decrease in a character's chance to BE hit (with UOR mechanics) if he has both GM anat and GM eval rather than just GM eval?

    Not asking about wrestling or parry whatsoever.
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  13. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
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  14. Worm

    Worm Member

    Apr 21, 2015
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    The formula is actually (eval+anat+20) / 2 and I think it should be eval + anat / 2
    (eval+anat+20) / 2 is current Mythic UO formula

    I checked it on test. Chance to hit against a GM wrestler is 50%. Chance to hit against a 80 / 100 (eval / anat in either spot) is 50%.

    Any eval anat mages that dropped 20 points in anat to pick up 20 points in track (dont know if that is effective here) do not have a disadvantage. Free 20 points to spend however you wish
  15. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
  16. Worm

    Worm Member

    Apr 21, 2015
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    -GM weapon skill attacker-

    Defender with:
    GM anat + GM eval: 50% chance to block
    80 Anat + GM Eval: 50% chance to block
    GM Anat + 80 Eval: 50% chance to block
    GM Wrestle: 50% Chance to block

    GM Anat + 0 Eval: 32% chance to block
    0 Anat + GM Eval: ~32% chance to block
    60.5 Wrestle: 32% chance to block
    Baine likes this.
  17. Baine

    Baine Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    And these numbers are with UOR mechanics, right?
  18. Worm

    Worm Member

    Apr 21, 2015
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    Aye, taken directly from test center
  19. Worm

    Worm Member

    Apr 21, 2015
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    I figured out weapon damage.

    At 100% combat ability damage is always rounded down. At 83% 3 combat rolls of 11, 12, 13 all produced damage of 9 but they were either rounded down or rounded up. At 53% everything was rounded up. I am not sure why these are so random.

    LJ vs Anat w/ 2-H Axe (5-39)

    100 Str / 100 Tact / 0 Anat / 100 LJ = 72% Combat Ability
    Min 13.24
    Mid 24.256
    Max 35.272

    100 Str / 100 Tact / 100 Anat / 0 LJ = 100% Combat Ability
    Min 5.25
    Mid 23.1
    Max 40.95

    *Only at the top end Anat does more damage.

    Attached Files:

  20. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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