What a waste of time

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by WoblinTheGoblin, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. WoblinTheGoblin

    WoblinTheGoblin Member

    Feb 8, 2017
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    Right, I get the subtle 'just do something else and get on with it', but I wanted to be apart of IDOCing. There's a few things I find fun in this game and IDOCs are like the apex for me. I appreciate you taking the time to comment about the issue I had. Best wishes.
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  2. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 8, 2016
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    @WoblinTheGoblin i hope you reconsider and do not let this one instance sour your uor experience. Keep playing my man
    One likes this.
  3. WoblinTheGoblin

    WoblinTheGoblin Member

    Feb 8, 2017
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    Thanks, Scuba.
  4. WoblinTheGoblin

    WoblinTheGoblin Member

    Feb 8, 2017
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    Thanks, but not with this system. Take it easy.
  5. TrojanCow

    TrojanCow Well-Known Member
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    Feb 16, 2014
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    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  6. WoblinTheGoblin

    WoblinTheGoblin Member

    Feb 8, 2017
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  7. Desolate

    Desolate Active Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Glad things seem to be calming down and hope you stay Woblin. I don't think you're wrong though. I don't think Idocs should be on a specific timer like that. I myself have not been interested in Idocs since probably around 2000-2001 honestly. But I understand your frustration with something that automated because my frustrations are with how nightmares spawn here. But maybe for a different time as I don't want to hijack your thread. But yea, some people are gonna say you're just attention seeking. But I get it. It's frustrating for casual players who get excited and invest time in something like you had only to get it taken away from you in what feels like an unfair way in the last few climatic moments. Just happened to me the other day while spending 2 hours to get the Azure Dragon to spawn and doing most of the work and having pks come and take it away from me when I had it down to a 1/4 life. Needed the rest of the night off after that one. But hopefully you'll reconsider.
    One and WoblinTheGoblin like this.
  8. Hydrox

    Hydrox Well-Known Member
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    Jan 24, 2015
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    I know most of the idoc crews, and am friends with them.. And i've been killed and looted by them on my main refreshing my own house because they were waiting for a house to drop (even lost some anni clothing when it happened).. Most made an effort to apologize, but I think your decision to get pissed off at a single facet of this game we all play is just poor sportsmanship (or whatever we can refer to it as..).

    I love UO because it allows me to play a game I'm familiar with and quest, build, and "live out" different scenarios to make it never ending.

    I spent 3 weeks playing all 3 Mass Effects on my xbox only to not save anytime near the ending and i was pissed i chose the ending i did.
    I've played countless games where i make it right near the end and lose everything when i got to a boss.

    Still enjoy the game.

    To say that IDOC crew's are ruining the game or your experience of the game is you just getting pissed and not having a controller at hand to throw at the TV.

    Be realistic, if you're going to leave a server because you spent a day trying to do something and didn't achieve your goal, your just quitting and asking for sympathy as larloch said. Your getting frustrated at one single situation that took place in a video game and letting it ruin everything about the game we've all come to enjoy to begin with. If you get excited about great placement, or idocing in general, then perhaps a less populated server would suit you better. But don't try and say that shit here is unfair because of a technicality. If there was only 10 True brit's and 1000 Shadow Lords, we wouldn't eliminate factions, or change the whole thing around. This is nothing new and one would think that playing on a populated server where things are not easy is something we've all searched for prior to coming to this shard.

    Quitting because someone is better at you than something, or because you lost is just taking the fun out of it for you. Everyone will still be here, having a great time doing what we do because we don't need to win at everything. That's what trammel was for. Don't come on a board and complain or argue your opinion and then "delete ultima online" because this one situation was just so excruciating for you that you just had to walk away... Come on dude. It's a god damn video game. Not a promise to make everything in life perfect and easy. Man up, reinstall UO like a boss. Start an IDOC Guild, contribute to PVP and guild wars, and help create something to and introduce a challenge to the community here.

    But no more of this emo board posting bullshit.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
  9. WoblinTheGoblin

    WoblinTheGoblin Member

    Feb 8, 2017
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    Real estate is a pretty big facet of the game imho. But that's fine, we can disagree.

    It's not that I got pissed, as I said earlier already. It's how houses aren't randomized when they collapse. The system is broken imho. Yes, I got upset earlier, but I've already gotten upset at a few things in game and none of those made me want to quit.

    I already demonstrated in my earlier statements that I wouldn't have had a problem if someone waited along with me and placed the deed before I could, especially if I had to take a bathroom break or I turned away from my screen. But showing up for two minutes with a group of people and destroying anyone present is a terrible system that discourages others from participating in IDOCs, as others have already confirmed on this thread. I will stand my ground and defend myself when I say I am not looking for sympathy. I wanted to let the server know what I thought was an example of why a new player who worked hard on the server for 2+ weeks GMing a tailor and a dexxer provoker, helping newbs, answering questions, macroing alt accounts, etc... would drop everything. Think of it like a notice. That's all. What am I going to do with sympathy? As I said earlier, someone already tried to give me a fat check and I told them I would not accept. I'm concerned with how the game is being played, that's all. It was my hope that my struggle tonight would open some eyes to this issue.

    If there was only 10 True Brits and 1000 Shadow Lords, it might be worthwhile to investigate why and see what could be done to balance the game. I don't think that should be controversial.

    Just because someone points out something that they feel is a systemic issue, doesn't mean they don't want to be challenged. I worked my characters and didn't ask for handouts. I had someone come up to me last week and say "Hey, I really like your outfit." I told them, "Thanks!" Their response was, "Can I have 5k?" I laughed and they ran away. A moment later I went back to the bank and pulled out 5k for them. I'm not someone that wants something handed to me. If you think that, you didn't really read what I had to say tonight.
  10. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    I have a pink horse now, guys. Just wanted to remind everyone.
  11. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  12. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    I would have no shame in that whatsoever. I draw the line at those pink handcuffs though.
  13. Jean-Pierre

    Jean-Pierre Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Just wanted to stop by to say it's cowardly as fuck for you to hide behind an alt forum account like that. Sure he may be overreacting a bit by quitting due to running into your crew at an IDOC, but you could at least have the balls to reply to him on your main account rather than hiding behind an alt account like that.

    Just sayin'...

    So... @Gideon Jura is this what it's come to? People in your crew using alt accounts to argue with new players who are frustrated by your crew's actions? You don't want to see people quit this server (as you've said in this thread) and I'm sure many other people in your crew don't either. So what's with you guys pulling out the alt account Wolfbane to hide behind when running off this new player?

    That seems pretty messed up to be honest. I thought you guys had abandoned the alt accounts and hoped you all had the guts to stand by your own words on your main accounts. Apparently one of your crew doesn't though and would prefer to hide behind an alt forum account while running off a new player interested in IDOCs.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
    One, Erza Scarlet, Xegugg and 2 others like this.
  14. compsays

    compsays Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 20, 2017
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    See, here's the rub. I've been back for just a fortnight, and I wouldn't expect to be able to solo an IDOC. I don't feel like I've put in the time or effort to get to the point where I perhaps deserve such a thing. Sure, once in a lifetime I might just randomly come across an IDOC at the right time in so remote/unloved a location as to allow me to get on the housing ladder for free, but generally, in the same way I wouldn't expect to be able to solo a Daemon, I wouldn't expect to be able to get a nice free house with so young an account, unless I was with a group of more experienced players.
  15. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Someone should simply state how it works here. Just the facts. Everybody can decide for himself how he reacts.

    So this is the UOR system right now:

    1) Houses have a FIXED timer. All the IDOCs I attended had a fixed timer. There is nothing random in the mechanics. The only random factor comes from how the shard operates: the lengths of the shard saves, server downs, world exports, hick ups, etc etc.

    2) House signs can be either clicked once to check their status or the skill Item Identification can be used on them. This is very important because:
    2a) Clicking house signs can pop up the AFK gump for attended gameplay checks.
    2b) Using the Item ID skill doesn't pop up the AFK gump.
    2c) Ghost's can't use the Item ID skill. So in principle, ghosts can't check house signs unattended with Razor.
    2d) Using 3rd party programs to check the house signs is forbidden. Officially. There have been hints that people might be using 3rd party programms but without proof you are just called a conspiracy theoritician.

    3) When a house falls, everything drops on the floor, nothing is deleted.


    Now this is how IDOCing on UOR works:

    1) People have the best success when grouping up. The dominating IDOC group since several years is usually called IDERP and their core consists of very wealthy vets that can hardly be seen ingame playing or farming. They focus on events and on IDOCs. IDERP's core is formed by Iago, Cynic, Bart, Larloch and Pax Romain right now. Former members are among others Amfekk, Ariadne/Avery, Blaise, El Horno, Trojan Cow (who defected from them and revealed their methods). I definitely have missed some and forgot to add some names. I will add them when I remember and check my logs. I bet others have more accurate lists. I also have some suspects that I don't want to name, because they could belong to other smaller IDOC groups as well.
    IDERP nearly never misses houses, they camp even the smallest, least important houses. They crush anybody near the IDOCs with the use of red PKs and blue tamers and try to get 100% of the loot. They place houses and broker them on forums. House sales used to be done with alts, but that has been forbidden by now per forum rules.

    2) They split the house status checking between members of their group. They split the map into zones and control them. Once they see Greatly Worn houses they install FULLY AUTOMATED BOTS that check the house signs via Item ID and take FULLY AUTOMATED screenshots when there is a transition from Greatly Worn to IDOC.
    2a) It's either static, hidden bots that check the signs or
    2b) recalling bots are used, that cover a certain route with runebooks every 10-20 mins.
    2c) No AFK gumps are ever involved in this procedure, it's done fully automated. There have been ALOT discussions about this, they didn't lead to any changes.

    3) You can technically screw the working mechanism of the dominating IDOC group by simply hunting and killing all their IDOC bots. You will see, that they don't cover certain hours of the day because they don't have the manpower. So, that's easy kills. It is tougher when they actually are online, but don't worry, they still aren't able to react fast enough, because these guys really don't play the game like normal players. They will just re-install their bots the next time they check them.
    3a) In principle, killing their bots should be enough to destroy their near perfect timers. Still, I have been experiencing the opposite and have heard many weird stories of how the dominating IDOC group (DERP) always seem to have the right timers, even when there is no bot around the GW --> IDOC transition. But naturally you are called a conspiracy theoretician when you have no proof of something fishy going on.

    4) After the actual IDOC, they transport their loot to house patios, where they drop the loot off in the accessible yard. One member of them secures it and instantly starts sorting it.

    5) They claim to sell everything on the open market. But I don't believe it. I guess there is a first choice option for certain very high-end rares. Anyway, the stuff is either sold in big forum sales or sold by Gideon, Cynic and others in their IDOC fencing shops (e.g. north of the Yew Bank).


    In my opinion you can either A) accept the system or B) don't accept it.

    A) You accept the system:
    1) You can build your own group and try to compete.
    2) You can stay solo and try to grab everything you can. (very frustrating over time)
    3) You can skip going for the loot and punish the IDOC groups. Kill their bots, Blade Spirit their IDOC loot houses, go for pure grief. And steal.

    B) You don't accept the system:
    1) You can still skip going for the loot and punish the IDOC groups. Kill their bots, Blade Spirit their IDOC loot houses, go for pure grief.
    2) You can mention the mechanics as often as possible in forums and try to change it, with polls and discussions etc. But be warned, this has been tried many times, and it never worked. You will also be harassed and flamed by the IDERPs and their associated members/friends/alts.
    In fact, Telamon, UO:R's shard owner is famous for his IDOC past and success on other shards and the above described mechanics are very similar to his methods that he used. I haven't seen any acceptance of proposed and discussed demands for changes. Most recently it was the AFK/Unattended aspect of BOT scouting via Item ID skill that was discussed. So I think it is safe to say, the mechanics won't change.
    3) You can ignore the IDOC business at all and focus on something else.
    4) You can try to reach the players that leave UOR and try to get their loot donated or something. Try to decrease the amounts of IDOCs.
    5) You can decide for yourself, that you can't live with the situation on UO:R and quit (least favourable option in my opinion).
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
  16. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 5, 2016
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    You absolutely CAN solo an IDOC if you keep your expectations low! You'll likely grab a little bit of loot to keep you motivated and have some fun. @WoblinTheGoblin, don't give up on a server over one incident. Was this your first time trying? There is a lot of good advice being given in this thread. Learn how to get timers and minimize your time investment, and reduce the things that are likely to trigger you emotionally if it goes badly. We've all been there. I IDOC solo, very infrequently, but always come away with something and get a thrill out of it. This topic has been brought up a lot, along with some others, and it comes down to people wanting game mechanics changed because they aren't very good at something, while they haven't put the effort in to learn. Adjust your strategy and try again!
  17. Lnomer

    Lnomer Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2016
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    Well I know some groups don't care about the IDOC loot but who wants to fight Iderp and ruin their IDOCing.

    You guys should contact some of them for help.

    I don't care about IDOC at all tbh.
    blasfede likes this.
  18. Lnomer

    Lnomer Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2016
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    When did you fail Scuba,

    I remember we rolled in 3 IDOCS and killed everyone..

    Perhaps it was before we merge?
    blasfede likes this.
  19. blasfede

    blasfede Active Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Yes @Lnomer , "we" (i had a very very very small part) used to IDOC when we were CPU. We had some fight with Cynic and his crew and they defeated us.

    I miss you @Meradin
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
  20. Kijimea

    Kijimea New Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    As if IDOC is the only thing UO has to offer. On the other hand always nice to see a group ganks a single player, must feel good. And then if the OP wants to leave cause he doesnt like the system, the server or whatever, well let him? Sure i would like to see the server grow also, even though i am new here, the server looks pretty nice. But reading the whole thread here, its like ppl beg him to stay.. let him go if he doesnt like to play on here anymore. His IDOCs dreams got shattered, poor soul.

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