What a waste of time

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by WoblinTheGoblin, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I serve most dishes with salt.
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  2. David Scraggs

    David Scraggs Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    Quit being a cry baby. Set a trap and get those fuckers back. Place a house. Make it look as though there will be loot. Learn to use the timer. Find some friends to help be your wrecking crew. Then don't refresh the house. When it's nearly about to drop log in with a ghost And refresh it...but at the same time gate in your wrecking crew!

    Clean them the fuck up...then sell the house. Otherwise stfu and go play trammel.

    Rant over. lol

    Oh yeah I quit reading after page 2.
    Bloodlust and Blaise like this.
  3. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    What I like about your response Heretic is that your willing to admit that what the current idocers are pulling off isn't effortless or easy. In fact they have set the bar so high that casuals have little chance at competing. At least then you are being honest when you ask for mechanic changes to lower the bar. I ultimately still disagree that we should lower the bar by randomizing timers, as the best time I have ever had playing UO was reaching that bar with a group of friends & I think it would be a shame to take away that opportunity from others. THAT SAID, at least the position on the issue here that idocing under current mechanics is too tough and that you want mechanical changes to make it easier and available for more people is finally being honest(Something which the OP refuses to admit).
    A little anecdote. When I was in the IDOC guilld a few years ago, we were always pretty careful with out vetting process because we felt like our system was what was giving us the edge. I was always under the impression that if our spreadsheets got out, and people got access to the systems we used to dominate the scene, we would be easily edged out. Now that TC's guide has been out for so long, I realize that it wasn't just the system that gave us the edge, it was what you mention in your last paragraph. Trying to fill a roster of players who are willing to sacrifice as much as these guys do is near impossible. Their edge is the fact that they put so much more into it and work so much harder. The spreadsheets and systems are all there for everyone.
    WoblinTheGoblin and Blaise like this.
  4. WoblinTheGoblin

    WoblinTheGoblin Member

    Feb 8, 2017
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    People are allowed to call for changes. That's partly why quick fixes and patches occur.
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  5. WoblinTheGoblin

    WoblinTheGoblin Member

    Feb 8, 2017
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    About me not admitting how tough IDOCing and the efforts involved, you're right, El Horno. From my perspective, I haven't played UO in ages and when I saw a group of established players swoop in at the last couple of minutes, I rushed my judgement. And for that, I apologize.
    One, Ahirman, Blaise and 2 others like this.
  6. Milky Milkerson

    Milky Milkerson Active Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    I've never played the idoc game. I get what you're saying and can agree with most of it. Randomizing idocs is fine with me. But... the original poster is crying about not being able to come to a new server, spend a few hours camping an idoc and being awarded a million gold fortress . I just think if you want massive riches with minimal effort this isn't the right game for you. I mean, the only possible way the game can give a million gold to every noob who stares at the screen a few hours would be my previous suggestion of a free idoc Trammel instance for everyone.
  7. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Blaise is friends with the idocers so he's here to defend them, that's the bottom line. He will counter with some self righteous crap but it's the truth.

    Asking for a randomized idoc timer like OSI had isn't trammel. That's a stupid comparison. But sometimes on this forum people call everything they don't like trammel. Blaise often called things trammel when pks had advantages like strong tracking. It's just a stupid buzzword that people don't know how to use properly.

    Don't expect a change to this mechanic to ever happen. But there are other parts of the server you may enjoy and there truly isn't a better option for server to play on. Obviously it's not perfect but I wouldn't let this one thing ruin it for you. For some reason the people on this board will trash you if you suggest you may leave. Literally out of one side of their mouth they'll tell you to stay and on the other side they'll tell you to fuck off. It's like the guy that asks a girl out and when she declines he calls her a bitch. 'Please stay here and play. But if you don't like it - fuck you trammie.' I don't understand it either.
    One and WoblinTheGoblin like this.
  8. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Man this post is crammed with hyperbole. He was camping a small tower sized plot by himself for ten hours and was annoyed that the server vets showed up in the last 2 minutes and res killed him while they took everything. How is that million gold fortresses? He just didn't realize the idoc timer wasn't random and had a bad experience after spending his day watching it. Don't be an asshole.
  9. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I've defended Mes plenty of times but I know acknowledging that doesn't suit his pathetic narratives.

    I've never once called PK's with Tracking Trammel, but, you will continue to dream up shit that never happened to assuage your butthurt.
    I have absolutely called it overpowered and campaigned for the changes that have recently been implemented (albeit slightly broken), blocking tracking from one dungeon to the next, as an example.

    I speak my mind clearly and defend what I feel is right and it is never biased for the people I'm friends with. Just like when people were calling for SL to split up more and I spoke out against that saying that people should form up a group to fight them instead of calling for a division. This was while I was part of SL and several times after. Go ahead and pretend it didn't happen though.
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    It's called exaggeration. Don't be a blatant idiot.
  11. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Make a new thread in trash talk if you like blaise. I don't want to take this one further off course.
    WoblinTheGoblin and One like this.
  12. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Hypocrisy at its finest. You should start a new guild with this guy for people who kvetch on forums regularly and don't play anymore.

    Oh wait, that's TT right? Send him an invite.
  13. Animal Control

    Animal Control Well-Known Member
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    Feb 3, 2014
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    That describes you too right blaise?
    BlackEye and One like this.
  14. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Aside from some occasional hiatus, not in the slightest. Real life is always a priority but I've never stopped playing and all my characters are public. Feel free to attempt to disprove me any time you like.
  15. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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  16. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    This discussion should be about attended vs unattended gameplay! Nothing else!

    AFK gameplay is critically used for IDOCs right now, and this shouldnt be like that! --> Afk gumps for Item ID! Or dont make their messages to be sys messages so that screenshots arent triggered.
  17. One

    One Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
    WoblinTheGoblin and snap dragon like this.
  18. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Lol, like the last dozen times for topics that were important for me? :) No no, I am not noob enough to bother with that anymore... well, at least not right now.
  19. ToX

    ToX Active Member

    Nov 26, 2016
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    The same old story... uo can be unfair, deal with it.
  20. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    You cannot afk gump a skill that gives you ... NOTHING tangible!!

    The only reason I agree with an AFK gump on clicking a house sign is because if you are indeed caught AFK clicking on house signs, you are also caught using 3rd party programs.

    As far as randomizing drop times, sure!! This game was built on the premise of sepparating those who are willing to put up the most effort over those who want to play it in easy mode. It is pretty clear IDERP is willing to put forth that effort, and this change will only cause IDERP to have to camp longer with their alts/pk's/muscle. It will not give random noobs more of a chance at riches, only expose them to more res-killing and further aggravation.

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