What PvP changes would you like to see?

Discussion in 'PvP Discussion' started by Genocide, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. Var

    Var Active Member

    Mar 1, 2013
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    Hello, this what I would like to see!
    • Small increase one hander damage (This would help promote parry, poisioning, and more than the same old 3 weapons in the field)
    • Fix to the 1 damage dexxer hit (A wide variation in damage is fun, but not 40 points wide, here's your indirect archery buff)
    • Fix to wrestling interrupting (here's a place for that douchey 1 damage hit! make wrestling slaps 1 damage minimum so stun will interrupt recall, etc.)
    • Fix to the lack of heat of battle (wait where you going bb?)
    • Narrow the gap between GM weapons and top end runic weapons(Heres looking at making you fun CTF aka Battle of the Bods aka Corp Por Vs Order Status)
    Wow! gee golly thanks for looking!
    Xegugg likes this.
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    None of those are low-end slayers. Slayers with no damage mod sell for cheap, if at all. Every single one of those are damage mod + HIGH END SPAWN type. Please, compare more apples and oranges. Yes, slayers that are worth 'a shit' are more expensive. What fucking game are you playing? Tetris? I mean seriously, where the fuck are you dreaming this shit up that newbies should all be rocking high end slayers and living in large homes? Get real you scrub. It takes work to get what you want in this game, not just tears.

    I understand you and your losing team are sad about not having Faction fights. I still don't care that you suck at CTF. You may also notice from last night's match that we happily carried a handful newbies/un-mic'ed/unknowns to a victory with my 4 teammates who had microphones. I don't recall anyone complaining about losing CTF but I guess I tend to ignore sore losers when I'm yelling "GOOD GAME EVERYONE". In case you failed to notice as well, you had a teammate with a valorite axe and just as many people mic-capable on the opposing team last night, loser. The enemy team had like two people actually trying for flags. I remember at one point at least half a dozen of my teammates in the red base (that's called teamwork) and most of them were not on the mic.
    Based on this image, you had just as many runics wielders and well equipped mages on your team as we did. I guess you just didn't give a shit for trying to coordinate your team. Yes, I'm assuming you were on of the LesClaypools not getting a trophy for kills, captures or points healed. That would be Dalavar, no one and Wah'ya. If you weren't there, oh well, I guess keep bitching about newbies losing in a team game where everyone knows they can bring their best gear and lose nothing but time while they practice using their characters in combat and get this shit...having fun.

    By the way, YOU ARE NO GOOD AT ALL at playing peace dexxers. I've known several, and still do, who like them just fine. Just like any other warrior template, if you want to rock really high end mobs, you better bring a buddy. That's just the way of it and I don't think it was ever different until well after UO:R era on OSI. I have played a peace dexxer on test but I prefer a discordance dexxer here. His name is Tseramed, look it up if you don't believe me. He does best with a provoking or peacemaking partner but I have no problem rocking mid-high end mobs with the right gear. No, not store-bought garbage, but shit I can afford because I worked for it or found it myself.

    Oh, one more juicy tid-bit for this thread. Last night I was rocking WHOPPING 4 damage hits with my valorite war hammer. Please, tell me more about how great these runics are. For comparison factors, Perseus was rocking a verite axe, while Topper had valorite. Perhaps his team just backed him up better.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
  3. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    First of all, you sound incredibly angry. I like that you would call napo a scrub, as if he hasn't been one of the top pvpers on the shard since he's been here much like you've been one of the bottom ones.

    As you know, basic slayers are pretty worthless and uncle Dalavar can probably drop by and explain at which point it's even worthwhile to bother (i.e. slayer +might or desirable weapon type.) Napo never said newbies should be 'rocking high end slayers', he said that they should be able to get by with GM weapons (like you could in era).

    Decent slayers are one of the most rare and sought after items on the server. It's not reasonable that new players should have to find weapons that cost more than houses to save up for houses. Seriously, if you actually go to occlo and into the dungeon and talk to new players many will tell you that they don't understand why their weapons don't hit hard. I know you probably think that the only part of the population that matters is you, but there is a bigger picture and you seem really detached from it.

    Napo and I weren't there. As you know SL has won every CTF we made an organized effort for, like the one later last night. You are right now talking shit at Les and Xeg and three orcs with GM weapons. You should be ashamed of yourself. I personally told them beforehand I wouldn't be able to make it and I think they knew going in that it was going to be terrible, but I think Les was still surprised.

    Here's a quote from a concerned spectator that messaged me on irc last night

    [21:33] <protected name> that was the most retarded CTF match I've watched so far
    [21:34] <protected name> 2 nox dexxers a verite axer and a val warhammer weilder followed around by a pocket healer who did nothing but spam heal (had 2.2k healing at end)
    [21:34] <Mes> yeah i stopped doing ctf like a year ago because of that stuff
    [21:34] <Mes> but its awful being on those bad teams
    [21:34] <Mes> and when you're on the stacked team its such a faceroll it's not that fun either
    [21:34] <Mes> i really support randomized teams
    [21:34] <protected name> a poor orc had to be given a barbed set right before the match
    [21:42] <protected name> well it doesn't help that as soon as one of the guys finds a weak link
    [21:42] <protected name> they slaughter it
    [21:42] <protected name> incessantly
    [21:42] <protected name> Like did bart have to kill the underequipped orc and hunt him down?

    Everytime I've been there, you spend the whole time saying SL griefed or cheated when you lose. You think you're a good sport because you say GG when you win and piss and moan when you lose? The other day Xeg said she went on her orc and you spent the whole time saying that SL griefed you somehow. Your temper tantrums are out of control.

    Nobody seriously plays peace dexers here. The pvm leaderboard is dominated by mage bards and mage tamers. Peace dexers did work pretty decently in era. Mobs stayed peaced longer and weapons did more damage to them. I don't actually believe you played seriously during this era of the game, and I think I have seen you say as much. If I remember correctly, the meat of your UO experience is from uosa.

    I looked him up. You have 257 total kills between all mobs and animals. Your tamer has 12,268. It's clear that this character collects major dust. You don't even actually have a peace dexer. You just set skill peacemaking on test center once by your own admission.

    Do you really think you presented a solid enough argument to call him a loser, a scrub, and tell him he's NO GOOD AT ALL in caps?
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
  4. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    I had a decent time, I didn't really realize it was that one-sided.

    I don't see the point about feeling bad for characters who purposefully nerf themselves. Playing an orc at this thing is literally bringing a knife to a gun fight. If you do that, you either don't care about winning, or you enjoy the heck out of whatever wins you manage. Either way, I don't understand why this would lead to frustration.

    I think 60 seconds in the little area before the teleporter into the match area opens would be very helpful. At least you can bang out some roles. For example, in this match, if we had one or two people who were committed to pulling flags, we'd have scored some points. There was a lot of chaos in there and I think even our outgunned team could have kept it a bit closer.
    Blaise likes this.
  5. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    and hear me out

    you had some reasonable expectation going into it that you would be okay with GM->force weapons, as you would have been in era. Do you think those orcs were getting ready beforehand and said to each other, "oh hey, we could just grab up all these 25 vanqs and valorite weapons we have laying around, but why give ourselves an advantage? Let's show up naked and in ringmail with gm weapons!"

    and for the record, I spoke to no orcs and saw none of them complain. I have seen some newer players get very upset with team balance issues and I've seen many that get stomped and just say thanks it was fun.

    But it's clear that it's an arms race and only wealthy people will be successful in CTF (and you seem to support that idea, no? If by wealthy people, I mean people with access to 25vanq type weapons.) And also people that get on voice and stack on the right team will be successful. As has been demonstrated in nearly every CTF by either SL or blaise's group.

    So should CTF be an event where casual or newer players can enter and be reasonably successful with the supplies, organization, and experience they have, or should it be one where an organized team with several million gold invested in weapons stomps on those casual players?

    I think it should be the former, personally. A server wide message goes out beforehand, which calls in both the new and the wealthy players, both are welcomed to enter by the staff and the vets. But they find when they get there that didn't have a prayer. It is very nearly a system designed to farm newbies in its current state.

    Where's the place for the vets to battle it our with organized teams? O/C, factions, clearly.

    So here's my suggestion for CTF:
    1. Randomized teams
    2. Incognitoed names
    3. 1-2 minutes before the doors open to form parties and talk strategy
    4. More reliable GM/normal weapon damage, as would be expected in era, as is expected by new players
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
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  6. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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  7. Hazy

    Hazy Active Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Can't we all just have a group hug and get along?
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    You're being the pompous piece of shit you claimed I was the other night. If napo thinks that GM weapons or low-end slayers are shit for new(er) PvMers, then he just doesn't fucking PvM I guess. This has nothing at all to do with his PvP ability and everything to do with him PvPing as much as I PvM and vice versa. Slayers with NO bonus mods are still mob-raping weapons, hands down. If you don't know that, then you don't use weapons enough to learn. I don't need Dalavar's mathematical prowess to know that 2x base damage is always more than +9 for any weapon someone would honestly use. Players in Occlo dungeons are still using newbie weapons. I just made some DULL COPPER war hammers for a new guy and he was in IRC moments later talking about how awesome they were. Even a plain iron hammer would have been better for him than whatever shit he was so obviously using before that.

    If I were Les, I would not be surprised that I lost when he, Dalavar and Korbal were the only ones seriously trying to get flags. I am, right now, talking shit about everyone in SL who gripes about teams in CTF and items in CTF, yet stacks two enemy teams against me and runs away from me with a gheal wand in their hand (that was you btw). Please, take a look at that scoreboard from the match in question and tell me which orcs were named LesClaypool and LesClaypool. Les was actually on Topper, and still didn't get mad that he lost. If I were him, I would have been asking the two 'friends' who ruined my name why they weren't crosshealing me like Vic did for me on our team. But hey, who am I to speculate as to why such a great team can't actually work like one without you there. Before the match, in PARTY CHAT (not Mumble) we said "X, Y, Z, you guard the flag. A, B and I are going to be running flags" to which everyone who cared replied "OK" or "Roger that". It's called teamwork in a team game, sorry you are bad at it or leave your team hanging because you're not interested in the challenge or fun of it. Whatever.

    It's a damn shame that protected innocent wasn't looking at their own team and wondering why Les with the val axe and Dalavar with (I think) a valorite spear weren't asking their friends to pocket heal them to actually put up a fight. If they went there on orcs with garbage gear, they got exactly what they should have known was coming. Maybe bart was targeting the obviously poorly equipped types but if anyone was paying attention you'd have seen me attacking flag carriers, hustling flags and doing what I do best in CTF.....PLAYING CTF. Not trying to get kills for trash talk, not trying to demoralize anyone, just playing a good team game with a good team. It's a shame you're not using yours to embraces those without, like we absolutely did (everyone on blue got a party invite last night).

    You use a lot of superlatives and you're clearly in denial of your own shady practices. I have no regrets calling you out for abusing the ethereal bug, watching you clearly synching with enemy teammates, or sitting in your base like a pompous ass and thinking you did great because you didn't give up any flags. You just didn't actually play the game and the guys we stomped who actually tried to win, played 100x better game than you, sitting in your base holding hands.
    The other day, it appeared as though Xeg and some SL jumped to red team to force-stack and break the balancer despite me saying in ALL CAPS that there's a balance bug. I have already apologized to her, but I won't apologize to Punt for mocking his lame-ass attempts to bring his bonded dragons to CTF. Talk about a sore fucking loser. I'm glad I took the chance to break my MO of relentlessly running flags, to stop by his base and smash him in the face with my hammer.

    No one said peace dexxers were on par with tamers and mage bards here. That's a conclusion you're drawing. Pikka likely still has his peace dexxer and I know he doesn't want any of this argument but I know for a fact he was successful with it since Beta and made most of his cash with it here. Maybe he doesn't play it anymore because PvP is his only game these days, but that's an example very close to you that you should have no problem asking the opinion of. If mobs stayed peaced longer and weapons did more damage in era, great, let's work on getting that improved for the peace dexxers. Not sure your point. My point was that they are still perfectly viable templates here and player do in fact, use them. Whether or not napo sucks at pvm is something entirely different.
    I didn't actually play seriously for very long at all in this era as I left shortly after Trammel was added. I never even had a bard warrior, nor do I give much of a shit what they were like back then. My disco dexxer was finished probably 6 months ago and has spent 1/1000th of the time in the field that my tamer has. My tamer has also done champ spawns which you know full well bump kill counts quite high.

    If your assumptions are to be taken seriously, then I guess no one seriously pvps here either.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
  9. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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  10. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Blaise, you are making the same mistake that Hazy made in another thread. Attacking me personally does not refute anything. Many of these are baseless personal attacks.
    For example, you're trying to paint me as someone who is unwilling to work for what I want in the game, but the truth is that I have more money than I know what to do with right now. You might not recall (since you weren't there) but I was number 2 in the latest scavenger hunt events and made an insane amount of money off of selling the rares I won.

    I am sad about not having faction fights, but in every CTF I've been involved in we've won or at least made a solid effort. I at least remember that we kicked your dream team's ass in the last one I participated in, even though we had Pill on our team feeding you guys kills because he hates us.
    And no, I wasn't involved in the last CTF. You could actually see that for yourself if you put forth a little bit of effort - all of my characters have public kill and death histories, including my lesclaypool.

    I don't really think I'm bad at peace dexers, I played one well on OSI at least. I really do think it's difficult to be very effective as a peace dexer here, things break peace too easily at low levels of health. I'd love it if you proved me wrong, get on a peace dexer and go kill some lich lords or something. Show me some results on the database and I'll gladly acknowledge that you're right about this.

    Anyway, the rest of your post seems like you really are in favor of a large divide between the rich and the poor in terms of performance on the field. I don't really agree, but don't see much point in a continued back and forth. I don't think such a philosophy is very good for the shard however, I think that a server where people can be competitive with minimal supplies tends to help with player retention. I think that UO should be a game of skill, not a game of wealth.
  11. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I don't think so. I tried repond bow on orcs and couldn't produce worthwhile hits personally. But new players in occlo don't have them anyways, they spawn with normal longswords and krysses and use vendor bought items and assume this will be good enough to kill lizardmen and are disappointed. This is reality. I think the idea of being able to buy GM weapons from smith players and do mid-level monster bashing is a fair concept and era accurate, but doesn't translate here. I think a year ago you would have agreed with me, but now you're just so polarized against me you can't bring yourself to be reasonable.

    Lol please. I have and continue to prove to you that anytime I organize a group and go to CTF we will win. I was cooking at that time and not willing to risk burning my food. Do you honestly believe you have better organizational and teamwork skills than SL? Do you honestly believe that we have not completely shaped the pvp scene and expected tactics of organized groups on this server?

    That person was a spectator only, not an SL member, and a very respected community member who gave me permission to post their name but I would rather not drag them into our mud slinging.

    I think your number one thing is wanting to prove some point against SL or win some battle (feel free to join factions fyi.) But in this case, I genuinely believe you want to show up, try your best at CTF, and win. I don't think you're doing it to demoralize new players. But I wish you could take a step back and look at the system as a whole and not how it relates to you. I wish you could consider whether this system could use some perfecting, instead of assuming it's good because you won some games against new players. There was a poll thread and it was clear that the majority of forum users/voters were in favor of random teams and I think some good arguments made that didn't involve drama between you and I.

    I have mounted an ethereal four times total in CTF events on the server. Three on live and once on test. Everytime with intention of finding and testing bugs. 2 of 4 times I dismounted myself, 2 of 4 telamon dismounted me. Every time I was dismounted within seconds. Everytime I communicated with Telamon about getting it fixed. I have thought of many ways to cheese or break CTF and many bugs or problems with the event center and CTF. I have communicated all of them to Telamon for the sole purpose of helping the system instead of personal gain. You frankly, have no idea how many bugs I've found and communicated to him. Some are things that he has no plans to work a fix for until other people figure them out and try to abuse them. Almost all are currently working bugs and none of them are being abused.

    this didn't happen, completely false

    Wow, you just sound like a terribly sore loser.

    Spare me, you know exactly why you were on that team and not willing to go to one of the empty teams. I have communicated this bug to Telamon and I believe he will get it fixed or fall onto two team games until he has it fixed (despite your assurances that there was nothing wrong with team balance or the red team while you stacked it every day and played 8on2 in some instances.)
  12. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I don't play CTF to win, I play CTF because it's fun no matter what. I know it's your right to not believe me after I jumped to a random team and still enjoyed myself the whole time. I actually have gone out and used GM weapons, in CTF, tournaments AND PvM. Not a great deal because vanqs are EASY TO COME BY here, and have only in the last year decreased in drop rate. Perhaps orcs have a bug with repond as I've never tried repond on them, but orc slaying works great. I know I found a bug with Executioners not getting the right setting for Repond in the past. This is not a problem with slayers, it's a problem with mob coding.
    Any newbie disappointed with the results of store-bought gear, is just that. A newbie. Seriously, welcome to UO where unless you JUST started, you know GM>Might>storebought/newbie weapons.
    I'd like to believe that napo isn't just full of shit when he's talking about dexxers sucking, but outside of PvP, I have no freakin clue what he means. I've been dexxing down mobs, slayer or not, since Beta. Not sure where you're playing but lizardmen are not standing up to any weapon that isn't utterly shit (storebought/newbied). As for peace dexxers and LLs or higher, like I said, get a teammate. They're just not going to rock a casting high end mob solo, without a great challenge. I can solo LLs on my parry macer with no barding skills and a plain silver war hammer. It's not easy, but I don't think its meant to be. If peacemaking sucks....champion for change. Don't try to argue with me about it because I never heard anyone complain out of all the people I've known to build and use them, until now....from two guys who I don't really think use them.

    I think a server where people can be successful with minimal supplies is called OSI pre-1999. Never in my time on any free shard has anyone expected to get anywhere with jack shit for gear or supplies. That's just silly to think that anyone outside of RPers really even care to try that. Leaving the RPers to it, they understand full well that junk gear gives junk results and the work towards better gear and skill IS THE GAME. Yet, I've heard countless tales of "How I used to go out on OSI with a GM katana and 20 bandages and PK a dozen people".

    This is just not happening here, ever, and no one should expect it. This has nothing to do with rich vs poor and no one in their right minds thinks they will be worth a damn in the field of combat before they get out and earn better gear.

    As for CTFs, suit yourselves. Go ahead and boycott them, see how many fucks I give. I have watched you attempt to exploit bugs, post pictures of exploiting bugs and none of that says to me "Oh, well he reported a bunch of bugs that he doesn't abuse, so being a piece of trash this time is totally cool." I applaud you for supporting the shard and helping Telamon find and eliminate bugs. Building a team and doing so well, in CTF, is not a bug. It is a result of the intended design. Anyone who wants random can wait for the option to get coded (Telamon already said once that he hopes to make a voting system for it). Right now, there are very few things wrong with CTF that are not subjective (like teams vs random). The balancing bug for team auto-balance is obviously one of them. The existence of an Orange team is another issue and other than that, the system runs damn good. The verbiage on the announcements leaves a bit to be desired and perhaps the timing between sign-ups closing and match starting could stand to be longer for coordination purposes.

    I have been looking at and playing with the CTF system as a whole, since the first matches were held here two years ago. Never once, regardless of how badly stacked my team was (formerly all dexxers vs almost all mages, practically every match for a year), did I avoid sign-ups for fear of losing. I play because my brain gets in flag mode and that's all I care about. I go for the flags, and I bring them back and I die a billion times trying. Occasionally I get some kills and whoo hooo, that's great. The entire time, expletives or not, I am having a fun time playing the game.

    You can call it 'stacking' all you want, but never in my time since the team gump got added, have I joined a team because of who was already on it. I hear the announcement and say to the folks I want to party with "Everyone go team X". This is not stacking, it's teamwork. Stacking is when everyone sees me and my teammates together and they toggle to our team thinking it will be an easy win. Their energy would be better spent trying to communicate and coordinate with others to form their own team. This is how team games work, as I'm sure you know. Perhaps you got picked less on the field as a kid, I don't know. I really have no idea why anyone would want randomized matches but again, I won't avoid playing those either, for any reason.

    So you can lambaste me for not jumping on the empty teams all you like. No one else did either, so I guess we're all terrible people. I won't change my mind just because 30 people took a blind poll to say they don't like losing to a team and would rather lose to people who were fortunate enough to get randomly placed with their teammates. In any regard, I hope you guys can all get over your sadness and just get out there and show us that dominance you claim you can organize any time.

    BTW: You lost the match where you holed up in your base. If anyone's a sore loser, it's the guy talking proudly about how he turtled his base and died less than the rest of the people who left their bases actually trying to win the match. So, that being said, you clearly proved that any time you organize a team, you don't win. You lost that match and there's nothing you can say to change it. Crying about whose flags we were capping while you sat in your base making tea, is not going to change who lost that match.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
  13. Var

    Var Active Member

    Mar 1, 2013
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    I wish half the people that show up for CTF, were out in the field :(
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  14. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    Maybe I don't understand the point of the way they play, or the rules. I'm admittedly ignorant about that stuff. But when I see Xegugg for example, submitting a sweet tower to the house deco contest, it makes me think the orcs aren't in such bad shape financially.

    I never considered going to one of these with GM weapons, because I really enjoy having advantages, and am willing to spend a year doing the most terrible thing ever - filling and flipping bods - to have that 3 or 4 extra damage.

    1 through 3 are awesome IMO.

    For #4, I am not sure it would accomplish what you think it would accomplish. I do fear sounding like a broken record, but making more consistent damage would end up hurting these weapons and their ability to penetrate armor. So I think what you're looking for is simply *more* damage from GM weapons and armor. And, IMO, this should be achieved by lessening the capabilities of leather armor.

    EDIT: should also mention, the "non-magic-item" mode which may be being worked on would probably not solve the frustration of players with GM weapons, since GM weapons against GM barbed is still kind of a lousy experience, IMO. That too is why I'd rather see frustrations with GM damage be remedied by nerfing armors a bit. It would also give people a reason to actually wear metal armor (my dexer, who has no meditation skill and basically never casts spells, wears leather, because why not)
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
  15. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Thread gettin long up in here.

    I think the argument went from PvP changes to the disparity between new players and veterans who really don't have to worry about gold anymore.

    My two cents, probably worth less when converted to this server's currency (Drastic inflation here, since most folks are hella rich lol)

    I agree with napo and Mes, I think GM gear could use a buff. The armor situation needs reviewed and it would be nice to see GM metal armor be good enough to PvP in.
    This goes for GM weapons, it's sad seeing those vendor shops that try and sell GM weapons and it's obvious they aren't selling anything. This is due in part because one only needs to drop 5-15k on a vanq weapon (which is like having a force weapon IMO due to the AR and combat mechanics here).

    I agree with Blaise in that it really doesn't take long at all to farm up the gold to get some good gear, I mean how many tamers were made by using the dragon in the newb dungeon under Occlo?

    I will offer my experience playing a Peace-Dexxer, they suck!! I played one, it sucked and I went back to my mage bard and was 100x more efficient (might be an exaggeration but it really was anticlimactic)

    What, and risk losing their good shit :)

    Problem is if PvP is going to be fun you either 5x duel (might lose some regs and some barbed) or you run with at least a wingman or a group.

    When you run in a group you need to find another group of at least the same number or you will be wandering the landscape counting the tumbleweeds.

    If for some reason you want to 1 vs. 1 and you meet a geared up opponent that will actually oblige you (depends on which template you have and if the other guy feels he can beat it or at least match it) then you're looking at a LONG drawn out affair ad nauseaum in which the loser will more than likely be the guy who runs out of resources first. Since most people don't have 30-45 minutes to engage in heated combat and risk carpal tunnel, 1 vs. 1 really isn't a very enjoyable experience as far as I'm concerned. (It was fun for awhile, but the joyfulness is gone at this point)

    Changes are needed but as I've said before will probably not happen. It's a shame because we have really smart and dedicated players here that could come up with a kick-ass system if allowed to do so.

    #1 Dalavar
    2) Gideon
    3) Nightwolf
    4) Mes (He really is a good guy and I think he wants the best for this server, all bad blood aside)
    5) Blaise (because if he isn't included we would have to endure ten pages of posts as to why the changes need to be changed LOL, J/K man you're input is always warranted)
    6) The UO:R staff of course, as they really have done a great job with this server, but improvements can always be made, it's a process which inherently provides for limitless possibilities

    * Wanders back behind the curtain*
    Blaise likes this.
  16. Hazy

    Hazy Active Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Peace dexxers can make you good cash that is how I started out here. I havent played him much recently and decided to change him but peace/provo archer with slayer weps can rip through anything especially using a slayer instrument. I was doing 100+ hits on a white wyrm on my archer with a force/dragon slayer xbow.

    http://www.uorenaissance.com/player/pvm/24347 I got quite an amount of kills on him.
    Basoosh likes this.
  17. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    I know someone who had peace/archery and made a fortune on rotting corpses but my experience with a melee/peacer sucked and I didn't want to re-tool by training up archery when I could make much more with my mage/bard and not have to use up as many resources (ie. arrows) because I'm lazy and played casually not the powergame.

    So I have to make a concession to you Hazy, yes, an archer/peacer can make some nice gold but if you try the melee/peacer route it's gonna be a bumpy experience.

    I would like to see a melee/peacer do well but peace doesn't last as long IMO and slayer weapons are a "must have", and when making a starting toon for gold farming it's alot easier to go mage/bard building off the gold gained from a simple melee or crafting character.
  18. Hazy

    Hazy Active Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    If I remembered Cynic's char names I would post his profile, he was a very good peace dexxer even killing balrons. It is all about the right slayer to make your experience "less bumpy". Mage bard is just the cheaper route http://www.uorenaissance.com/player/pvm/832954, One of the easiest builds to make imo, gold is ridiculously easy to make here if you put time into farming on just a bard.

    QFT I have barley logged on lately because I do not find anyone in the field. I spent an entire month running around solo on a faction char only to find a handful of fights. I see more people at CTF in 1 night than I can in an entire month on the field. I only log on for events now and log off immediately after they are done.I do enjoy the CTF's as I can get some hectic fights out of the mess. I really don't give a shit if I am on a team of Urks, I will do what I do and play the game, get kills, capture flags and try not to die.

    As for GM gear being shitty. Yes it's garbage, to say we should beef up the store bought weapons that I don't understand. Anyone who has played this game or any RPG for that matter knows reg weapons are shit, you want magic end of story.

    There is something off with damage as there is no reason a 25 vanq wep should be doing 1 dmg to anyone.
  19. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    I totally agree, the melee system here is simply jacked up.

    I've said this so many times it's almost passe', +25 Vanq may as well be a force weapon (OSI shard standard), it will get a "good" hit in every once in a blue moon but if you factor in the whiffs and the 1 point of damage hits, your opponent would have to lose connection in order to die.
  20. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    I'd like to see people going out in game and having fun. No preset wars of "how many you have on" and just going out there. I also would like to not see an 11 page thread of fucking diarrhea posts. Just go play and have fun!
    Liberation and Aya like this.

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