see this is the beauty of free market, sellers make their price, but buyers settle the bar, before this post there was no price orientation on such items so I made an estimation based on my analysis of the market and how much I value that. Thanks to you now we know there are players willing to pay up to 5mils. anyone else would pay even more? It’s an interesting data to know... Basing on my market analysis I’d rather not put 5 grands on something like that: 1) can still be acquired from a mob therefore the supply can be increased 2) its a good hard to sell as it appeal only a very restricted portion of players 3) its a not re-sellable goods that can only be used once and if you get sick of it can’t be put back in the market like any other special holiday drop. 4) the market is in a downtime, many auction struggles, the platinum crisis added even more uncertainty personal considerations: 5) I’m only going to see a few pixels as a result of this dying shot cause most of the time I’m going to wear my beloved tribal mask 6) it’s a slight brighter hue than the basic ghetto white hair color, not a game changer to me hope you enjoyed the read
@E1000 best luck in your searches sir. I do have to agree 2 is a pretty low offer heheh.. but ya never know anything could happen wish you the best of luck.
thats fine, I see yours and Scuba’s point, but simply for the way I see things the 3rd point is fundamental to me. anything that isn’t re-sellable kills dramatically its value imo... whoever is willing to put 5mils on it, surely deserves it more than I do
I wasn't aiming to knock what your doing at all FYI just saying there's few of them offered and just tossed my opinion... that being said 2 mil isn't unreasonable either hehe it's just a matter of finding the guy that has it and needs gold
Heya, sorry for delay in responding. Not currently interested in selling. I plan to get back to UOR soon and tidy up my properties and wares and sell a lot of it. Will contact you if this is ends up on the list for selling.
I'd pay 5 mil for the anny blue, the 1150 or the christmas red (that we can't get anymore, noooooooo!) Not sniping the auction, just pointing out that usually these hairdyes are 2.5 mil or more when they were actually available. Now that they aren't, I think a 5 mil price is fair. Anddddd *cries* over my lost Christmas Red :*-(
no problem, you can have it for 5 millions @Jack of Shadows I’m not in a particular rush, its more like an accessory I fancy.