WTS - Anniversary Clothes and Jewelry - 3rd, 4th, 5th

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by Gzus, Feb 23, 2018.

  1. Gzus

    Gzus Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2016
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    OK, back from Traveling. Hoping to get some of these trades completed before I have to hit the road again on wednesday. I will be looking for you in IRC. If your IRC name differs from your forum name, let me know so I can find you.


    A1 - 4th Anniversary red beeded necklace - SB 75K - SB Kash - 1:25 2/25 (Sold - Pending Trade)
    A8 - 4th Anniversary red bracelet - SB 75K - SB Fefa - 0:52 2/25 (Sold - Pending Trade)
    A9 - 4th Anniversary red circlet necklace - SB 75K - SB Fefa - 0:52 2/25 (Sold - Pending Trade)
    A16 - 4th Anniversary gold earings - SB 75K - SB Xanthus - 14:18 3/1 (Sold - Pending Trade)
    A17 - 4th Anniversary gold ring - SB 75K - SB Xanthus - 14:18 3/1 (Sold - Pending Trade)
    A22 - 3rd Anniversary green beeded necklace - SB 75K - SB Omega - 20:09 2/25 (Sold - Pending Trade)
    B2 - 3rd Anniversary purple doublet - SB 200K - 250k Rick - 18:25 2/23 (Sold - Pending Trade)
    C12 - 4th Anniversary gold kilt - SB 150K - 180k merlin8666 - 14:03 2/24 (Sold - Pending Trade)
    C15 - 4th Anniversary gold shirt - SB 100K - SB Brick - 21:20 2/25 (Sold - Pending Trade)
    F5 - 3rd Anniversary Green body sash - SB 50K - 600k Minax - 21:20 2/25 (Sold - Pending Trade)
    G1 - 5th Anniversary blue shirt - SB 100K - 160k Hetmasteen - 21:22 2/25 (Sold - Pending Trade)
  2. Gzus

    Gzus Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2016
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    Last few deliveries make.

    A1 - 4th Anniversary red beeded necklace - SB 75K - SB Kash - 1:25 2/25 (Sold - Pending Trade)
    A16 - 4th Anniversary gold earings - SB 75K - SB Xanthus - 14:18 3/1 (Sold - Pending Trade)
    A17 - 4th Anniversary gold ring - SB 75K - SB Xanthus - 14:18 3/1 (Sold - Pending Trade)
    C12 - 4th Anniversary gold kilt - SB 150K - 180k merlin8666 - 14:03 2/24 (Sold - Pending Trade)
    F5 - 3rd Anniversary Green body sash - SB 50K - 600k Minax - 21:20 2/25 (Sold - Pending Trade)

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