So bid still stands at iago's admitted 3.3 bid that was deleted by "a mod" now lets drop the silliness and let the auction run itself out Good luck Air, I hope you get at least 4 out of them
Kinda like how you convince yourself that you used to be better than Kane or Mes lol. Let it go James, I'm bored with teasing you now. You have an auction to win (or try to lose) Now mooooovvvvvvvinnngggg onnnnnnn. Iago high bid 3.3 mil. Good luck to any future bidders
you made this post before this post: because my bid was in a post in between Gids' bid and that post which is no longer there.
@ShadowJack I have no doubt you want to stop talking about the part where you make yourself look like an idiot... again... for the 5th time in this thread alone, but go ahead and show us the post from your email you have proving I'm wrong. I will bet you 3m that the post you linked is not the post my bid was in and I didn't retract my bid. It's easy money, go ahead and put your money where you mouth is bud. who the hell is james?
@ShadowJack I bet you 3 million gold pieces that the post you linked in your comment was not the post I had the 3300 bid in it and that I did not retract the bid. You're so sure of yourself bud, you've called me a liar repeatedly over it. So why not agree to the bet? It's easy money. Really, I understand why you want to stop talking about it because you're going to be proven to be wrong... again... and profoundly dumb... again, but you're not fooling anyone else. It's easy, I'll even bet these sandals instead of the 3m if I win them at 3.3m. If you lose, you pay me 3m. Put your money where your mouth is.
Why don't you quit talking to me and worry about the auction you're about to win if Gideon or someone else doesn't go 3.4 Air saw you bid, I saw you bid, gideon saw you bid, tpain saw you bid, I'm sure others did too. The fact you're trying to back out of it in a thread where I called into question your character is delicious beyond belief. No longer am I your focus, Gideon and your buddies can all circle the wagons and try to dissimulate and distract, but the point is, you bid 3.3, the bid is gone now, you're acting like you didn't bid it though you still have lines admitting you bid it. Now go focus on your 3.3 bid on this auction booboo, we all know you made the bid.
@ShadowJack you made a claim and used that claim to repeatedly call me a liar You were so sure of yourself bud, why would you all the sudden refuse to get the sandals you so desperately want? You've been crying all over the thread because I outbid you on sandals you wanted. This is your chance to get them easily, all you have to do is not be full of shit. I bet you 3m or these sandals if I get them at 3.3m that the comment you linked is not the one which contained the bid and that I did not retract that bid. If you lose, you owe me 3m. Why not accept the bet? Why are you all the sudden not sure of yourself and your repeated accusations and want to change the subject to something else?
I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, much less bet you anything or have any interaction that wasn't from you inserting yourself into my sphere of play. If you look at that comment though, it's the only edited comment that you have that says "edited" it's followed by Airs inference of a 3.4 follow up bid (right after your 3.3 bid, Air's comment is the next post, then the following posts asking where your bid went) interestingly enough all of my comments that were edited say "edited by a moderator" yours just says edited and there's no other marked edited posts in that vicinity that would make any kind of contextual sense with you making a bid. So the "edited" post before Air's comment and that leads into Air asking if you retracted seems to fit just about right. But keep trying. It's amusing at the very least. Now you have an auction to win. I'm out like your last braincells when you have flashbacks to your days at the circus. Reeses.
has nothing to do with anything could care less was just backing Air up that Iago did in fact bid 3.3 so his auction remains fair. Let it go and get back to the auction, messing with you guys was fun at first, but you both bore me now. __________ High Bid 3.3 mil to Iago (vague time stamp due to shenanigans.) Good luck to Air and his auction *walks away*
@ShadowJack you want everyone to believe that you are turning down me giving you the set of sandals you have been raging butthurt all over this thread over... because you don't want to show up at the bank for me to give them to you? you would turn down a chance to rub this in my face and wear it on your character constantly... because you don't want to show up the bank for me to give the sandals to you? um, lol Jack, you're totally right. All investigation is foolproof and is right on the money. All you have to do to get 3m or these sandals if I win them at 3.3m is to agree to the bet. Why are you suddenly not interested in talking about your accusations anymore, why are you trying to change the subject, why are you actually not taking this bet?
Put down the crack pipe and learn reading comprehension. Enjoy your new pink sandals last reply on the topic, if you keep spamming I'll just block you again until the airplane glue you're sniffing wears off in a few days.