Actually I followed this thread pretty close. And my initial reaction to Jack's ranting was "That's bullshit. Iago wouldn't be baited into bidding on something he doesn't want. He will live up to his bid. SJ is out of his mind because of his history with Iago." But then, what followed wasn't fitting. I switched to even believe SJ. 1) In Iago's initial reaction you can clearly see, that he never mentions the 3.3mil bid. He very much focusses on "I don't retract bids". This was by the way the foundation to shift the blame to some anon staff member, which is the really shameful thing that is happening here. 2) Why didn't Iago confirm in his initial reaction, that he indeed did bid 3.3mil? Why didn't he repeat it inititally. 3) It took SEVERAL more players that are confirming that they saw a 3.3mil bid, until it was even agreed by Iago that he had done that bid. 4) Air several times repeated the standing bid of Iago and wanted some kind of confirmation. Never was this 3.3mil confirmed. Instead more bullshit talkers (and by coincidence friends of Iago) entered this thread and tried to derail it as much as possible. In my opinion, it's pretty shameful what is happening here. If I would have been in Iago's place, and indeed a Staff member deletes my bid, I would simply set things straight, repeat that bid, demand a confirmation from the Forum Moderator and would STOP derailing the thread further. But instead of that, you guys simply focussed on flaming SJ, probably hoping that he goes full tilt or something thus giving you a good excuse to delete the post or move it to trash talk.
It almost reminds me of when you guys would reply to any type of stealing change threads I made in 2013. I learned this style of communication from you guys Anyhow, lets move on, I wont escalate any future threads in such a fashion, but you should put your rabid dog on a leash. He helped me perfectly prove the point I was trying to make. (If you want to see what someone is made of, push them from directions they don't expect) And the woodchipper comment was just a joke, (and it was at Iago) get over it. And your last comment STILL is refusing to acknowledge Iago was trying to get out of that bid. So as I tried to post several several several times, move on (you guys wouldn't, and you wouldn't go back to the auction holding the 3.3 bid for Iago, instead you kept trying to turn it back into a flame war with myself) I seriously have only disliked maybe 2 people here, and your boy is one of them. Everyone else I can disagree with and still like (Blaise is a good example, for some reason I hold him in higher regard)
What I didn't mention is, that Gideon ALSO never repeated his 3.2mil bid. Like: "Huh, when Iago backs out, I will definitely stay to my bid." You guys should be ashamed of yourself. Losing your face for a paltry sum of 3.3mil (it's infact only some hundred thousands, because you could easily resell it).
I suggest to confirm it next time before 4 pages of unnecessary shit talk causes the OP to cancel the trade (this goes to Iago and Gideon).
Oh, interesting. You really think only Iago looks bad in this thread? I've seen enough auctions in this forum, you know, and even completely newbies have the mind to confirm that their bids are still standing when the highest bidder above them retracts. Now you could say, but the highest bidder (Iago) never retracted. And you even would be right. He did nothing to solve this mess and clarify the status of this auction. I guess I wronged you, Mr. super-rich-guy-who-would-pay-3.2mil-but-3.4mil-would-be-too-much-for-his-pocket-because-Xmas-etc-yadda-yadda-ya-know-what-I-mean.
Soooo, heres my summary: Air gets excited by the arrival of an auction war on sandals he was selling. Air asks for confirmation two times from Iago, and iago fails to confirm his bid (he says was deleted) that we all saw. 7 pages of trash talk later, I have the sandals still, auction is canceled, Shadow was set up and made to look like the bad guy, and this will forever be one of the most memorable auctions I've been a part of. I will do a B/O of 4.25 if anyone is interested. If not, this will be restarted in a new thread when the smoke clears.
The smoke of the @The Cigarette Smoking Man never clears. Didn't you watch the X-Files, @Air ? Don't forget to mention the complete lack of Staff responsiveness. But nobody could ever blame Staff, or? They are unpaid voluntary people that only try to do good things for the community (aka make me Forum mod).
One day I'll win UO and own Pank sandals. Unfortunately that day is not today! Good luck with the sandals sale @Air
This thread has devolved into the abyss, far beyond the point of appropriateness. 7 pages of circular arguments. Keep it classy, folks.