I'm not bidding on this one, but if anyone gets a knitting in the future I'd like to buy one for the glow villa. I put a loom/wheel/lock down bag on the porch for people using the farm and will decorate it with a crafter theme.
Thanks for honouring the trade, WorkerBee, despite finding it cheaper. That was decent of you and much appreciated.
Thank you Azoth and of course. That's my luck I find it a good amount cheaper 10 min before I'm suppose to pick up from you. Like I said though its not ur fault, I wanted it and I bid on it that high so I was willing to pay that despite if it was worth that or not or if someone was selling a cheaper one or not. I wasn't tryin to scare ya into thinkin like "Uh oh I hope he is still getting this..." . I will always honor what I bid on as you can only hope others would do the same in that situation. Now unless you change rules while mid auction or some other crazy thing happens that makes me believe I have been haggled.