Playing UOR from the remote desktop is SPECTACULAR. It's just like playing on 56k with a 300 ping and 4% packet loss. NOSTALGIA!!!!
You know you're addicted to UO:R when ...when your 'just got to work' routine involves going on the forums to see new messages followed by IRC to see if any champ spawns are active.
You know you're addicted to UO:R when you spend all day running around looking for Easter eggs in a video game.
I don't think I've ever seen my wife eyeroll quite as hard as when I said last night, "Now that I'm off work, I need to catch up on my easter dragon hunting!"
When, after seeing something small and green in the road while driving, you think to yourself "Easter Egg!!!!!!!"
When your waiting for a monster to respawn and during it's respawn down time you start typing a message but then