What is the "bag" listed as on the item data base? I was wondering how many stolen gift bags were in existence, and can't find bags or pouches on there
It's listed as Bag, but bags don't show in the database for some reason. It does not show under hue either. http://www.uorenaissance.com/itemdetails/Hue/1155/1
I guess that means I'll just have to ask, how many of us have stolen gift bags? I have two, I'm guessing they're not the only ones on the server (as much as I'd like them to be)
I have several. I bought like 7-9 at some point from a player who had bought a BIG BIG stack of event bags. I handed like 3 out during last years XMAS thieving contest as prize. http://uorforum.com/threads/the-great-uo-r-thieving-contest-december-2015.14331/
I didn't think they were rare, but I didn't know they were so common. I had thought about donating one as my secret santa gift, but think I'll find something a little more valuable now. Thanks for the info guys!