How do Dexxers solo dragons

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by LCH, Aug 18, 2018.

  1. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    I guess the mage is helping, however when this picture was released, Eval Int didn't exist, so that fierce looking lightning he's casting probably didn't get him too far! ;)
  2. LCH

    LCH Active Member

    Jul 25, 2018
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    ur pic made my day
    however, i must point out that none of us knows how it went for tht dragon, warrior and mage
    it could have gone something like:
    “the brave warrior Chad eventually died in agony with the realization that shields are not enough to block the heat of a dragon’s breath. But it was too late for him to pass on this invaluable knowledge to his fellow warriors and loved ones...”
  3. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    A likely scenario. The way the original artwork makes it look, you can go out with a viking sword, a set of plate mail armor and a shield and vanquish a huge beast! However in reality, you'll get WTFPWNED 1V1 (especially in those dial-up internet days)!
    Raajaton likes this.
  4. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Spells did a ton of damage, too much in fact, used to just run around casting fireball spam on people while sporting plate armor and shooting a bow until they died. So they lowered the damage (on people and monsters with resist), and required you to waste 100 more points on Eval to do that same damage effectively nerfing mages (at least from being good mage and weapon users, but still not enough yet probably considering the weapon swing exploit that usher in the "Hally Mage" shortly after). Until the mage was finally killed during UOR with dex based healing and all that.
  5. David Scraggs

    David Scraggs Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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  6. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 9, 2014
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    No ONE spot will have the respawns fast enough to facilitate dexxer profit at the ~55k/hr zone. But if you have the ability to recall fairly frequently....


    But if you fancy it that much, and cant make a more suitable power farmer character template, you'll need to relocate often to keep up the gph.

    I didnt skim every single page, but I bet @Keza
    And the FOREST ostard build could net 60k+ an hour since you wont have to heal yourself/joust monsters.
  7. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    There's all sorts of templates with higher DPS on a solo player, like tame/lore/vet/swords/tactics + 40anat + 90 Mage + 70 med that would let you kill things with a pack of mares and do slayer-weapon damace, probably the highest single-character DPS is possible this way. Alternatively if monster are sufficiently low level, just dump vet completely or take just enough to maintain mares HP, it doesn't require GM vet unless you farming higher level monsters, plus you have dex to use vet bandaids faster then you get gm anatomy.

    But you're going to have to gate to places all kill get the slayer up and swinging, loot, watch out for the pks and whatnot, and "actually be quick at game inputs and be constnatly at the screen" to get higher gold per hour than a lame triple boxing half-afk tamer at a champ or wahtever.

    I think if I really wanted to "farm" from normal monsters, and be actually playing the whole time, like hard work you know not just "all kill" then check the screen in a minute running a bandaid macro, I would triple box like this:

    Character 1 (Turret Tamer):
    100 Taming
    100 Lore
    100 Tactics
    100 Archery
    100 Anatomy
    100 Magery
    100 Magic Resist (or maybe med)
    100str 100dex 25int or something so just enough mana to occasionally do a greater heal, ebolt, or para
    On foot with 4 mares and regular slayer bow

    Character 2 (Mage-Archer Tamer):
    100 Taming
    100 Lore
    100 Magery
    100 Meditation
    100 Evalint
    100 Archery
    100 Tactics
    84str 51dex 90int or similar hybrid stats
    On foot 4 mares regular slayer bow or heavy

    Character 3 (Player Character):
    100 Taming
    100 Lore
    100 Magery
    100 Meditation
    100 Evalint
    100 Magic Resist (Or anatomy)
    100 Hiding (Or wrestling)
    4 Mares etc etc

    You play the Character 3 and if hide/resist use it to kite the monsters as needed or hide from pk to escape with the loot, hide long enough so they don't sync you since other 2 are just bots, If anat/wrestle you could go just sort of hang out seemingly afk or otherwise stun a single pk basically ensuring his death.

    Then just have some macros to do things like "Make both bots all kill nearest grey or red", Have each bot report if they need healing and let the Character 2 bot heal when that happens, including yourself. Have macro to force characters to take nearest gate, another macro to force them to gate out and take their own gate for emergencies, "all follow" their pets to make sure they all get in. If you have some known gate location with a special item in a town that isnt at the farming area, have them search for that item after gating to make sure they 100% end up on the correct side of the gate back to town, and whatnot. If a PK comes you can archer/tamer sync a pk, or have one bot spam para and the other cast + all kill, there's really a lot of possibilities.

    For farming, you just control Character 3 and handle gating them around to pre-marked places while you just loot. Gate right up to monsters, kill, loot, then go to next spot as fast as possible. You could basically instakill high level mosnters like daemons, liche lords, and whatnot, and anyhting weaker than them. Probably better to get the slightly weaker spawn, see what works out best. Give all players the same name, stand on the pile of players unless you have to move, give all mares same names as players, it will be really hard for a pk to do anything before at least one of you gates out everyone, assuming they live. But probably best to always try to escape, you never "WIN" by fighting a PK, just makes them want to continue a battle and eventually figure out your gameplan. Setup macro for them to accept trade (if possible anyway, otherwise scavenge agent or restock agent at bank) and have them report low arrows/regs to stay stocked, and it should be pretty easy to get a super high, higher than 3x champ tamer (except for harrower plat farmers) gph.
    OptimisticSam, Andrakus and Valrick like this.
  8. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 9, 2014
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    Sank ewe doctahhhhhh
  9. Holden

    Holden Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2014
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    *mind explodes*
  10. O'Malley

    O'Malley Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I’d like to know myself lol
  11. Quint

    Quint New Member

    Oct 27, 2017
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    I'm lost - which template are you talking about?
  12. Raajaton

    Raajaton Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Presumably the one in the original post :

    Anat, Tact, Sword, Heal, Music, Peace, 30/30/30 LJ/Mage/Resist
  13. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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  14. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 9, 2014
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    ^ has been one of my favorite solo weapon user build if you dont count any form of tamer/melee hybrid dexxers.

    I think mine was 70/30 magery/med I wanted those easy magic resist casts. Either way Wylwrk has the truth
  15. LCH

    LCH Active Member

    Jul 25, 2018
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    Just wana give you guys an update
    I have finally solo killed a dragon!
    with slayer instrument and vanq weapon
    like u guys said, did it with a lot of running up and down the stairs in covetous

    now that i have done it, i kind of want to switch peacemaking to provo
    peace dexer is fun, but just takes a lot of time to kill things off
    given UOR dungeons are not too crowded, spawns are abundant for provo i guess
    and opens up possibilities like t-maps and amib
    what do you guys think?

    and thank you guys for all the advice!
  16. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 9, 2014
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  17. Andrakus

    Andrakus Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    I am working on a tamer but i'm not sure the build yet. I usually farm solo with my provo/mage but realize now that i cant kill higher level monsters as they're unprovokable. I think the tame/lore/vet/swords/tactics + 40anat + 90 Mage + 70 med build may be the one i go with.

    My question about some of the other builds is how much hit points can you really heal a dragon or mare with just a greater heal alone? Don't you really need Vet?
  18. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    A bit off topic, but with special instruments, does it matter which one you provo first at all? (If you provo two different types against each other)
  19. Hollywood

    Hollywood Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 14, 2017
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    Yes, for instance if you are provoking a dragon and a daemon together with a dragon instrument, target the dragon first.

    Also, you want to target whichever mob first that has less barding skill needed. For example if you're running an amib and you want to provoke a sailor to a quartermaster, you want to target the sailor first.
    Wulver and Kilgore Trout like this.
  20. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Thank you for this info!
    Hollywood likes this.

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