Lambs to the Slaughter

Discussion in 'PvP Discussion' started by Evil Dead, Nov 6, 2018.

  1. Air

    Air Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 15, 2015
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    Shill bidding? That happens here?!?:eek:
    merlin8666 and One like this.
  2. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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  3. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Are you talking about yourself in first person? Hahahahaha, thats amazing.

    And you've been refreshing a friends house for 4 years? Daaaamn dude, I think you can probably safely assume that your "friends" aren't coming back and can stop refreshing them. Maybe free up some space?

    @Nose Goblin - you, more than anyone, possibly ever can stop flapping your gums about embarrassing shit.

    If you got embarrassed over anything that happens in this game you're probably taking it waaaaaaaay to seriously.

    Also, quick question Gose Noblin, how comes you the only motherfucker I ever see running zones for SOF?
    And running the recall bot?
    And running the static bots?
    And botting our patio?
    And botting my fort?
    And running greatly checks?
    And fencing idoc loot?
    And making out with Evil Deads asshole?

    Oh wait, answered my own question.
    They got you doing a lot don't they? Are you even allowed to be on the forums right now? You finished all your other jobs? You finished washing all of Evil and Crunks laundry? Done with that second coat of wax on their pimp wagons?

    Did they tell you to make your auctions more like mine or was it more of a subconscious thing?

    I'll say it again, I miss old CPU.
    SOF as a concept - great, when you first came out with the idea and said what y'all wanted to do I actually gave y'all the benefit of doubt, people were saying that y'all just gonna turn into a guild of red gankers, I actually fought your corner, I was all naaa, they got the travel gnome, he's a good dude, they're gonna do cool shit.


    You turned into a guild of red gankers.
    You do cool shit - for yourselves.
    Y'all have a good time at the expense of everyone else on this server.

    Legit, disappointing.
    I'm watching our server numbers go down and more and more people bitching about you guys in various discords and on the forums and I'm sitting here wondering how long it's gonna be before SOF and a bunch of houses Stirling Archer's refreshing are the only thing left here.

    Talk shit on me all you want, it's for real no skin off my dick, but for real - I suggest some of the sober members of yours pause for a second and take a look around at the playing field you're creating.
  4. SandyRavage

    SandyRavage Active Member

    Aug 11, 2018
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    You’re sure are a self righteous little bitch boy for a guy who made his millions off players leaving the server. You wunna talk about missing CPU I miss the booger boys OH WAIT NG stuck it in you 1 time and you rolled over on that concept pretty quick.
  5. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
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    Jan 20, 2018
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    276 million and counting! still going strong!

    And yup, I sure did.
    I figured it was totally pointless trying to make a new player guild to help new players when we don't really have a lot of new players right now.......

    3 months or so ago we were idocing all size houses, all sorts of spots, loaded spots, primo spots and the last month it's 90% smalls all obviously newer players houses, check the house.txt more small houses dropping than aaaaaanything else.

    Dye tubs, guild stone, 2000 of each reg and some leather armour sets - newbie shit.

    It's a shame.
  6. SandyRavage

    SandyRavage Active Member

    Aug 11, 2018
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    It’s funny because you some how think you are better then us. Without SOF no one leaves and if no one leaves no life earsnot can’t pick up the 2k regs. “Still going strong” eh? Videos show different...
  7. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Guy we all on here playing a 20 year old video game...I don't think anyone posting on these forums can think they're better than anyone else. That's madness.
    No life Earsnot? I don't even know what that means man.

    And what all these videos show, the concurrent theme? Is that SOF is out there - having fun - At the expense of the server.

    @Thelax out here trying to get cats to upvote us on the free shard list, @Baler running a video competition to promote the server, people out here tryna build us all up.

    That new place? Doing alllllloooootttt of promotion, lots of video content being put out.

    There shit? Players doing cool shit, hustling, packed out towns and dungeons (It aint gonna last imo but whatever)

    Our shit? 8 reds ebolting a RP'er selling cookies and solo farmers getting their mounts killed by a load of drunk dudes with trump guild tags. (IDGAF about Trump stuff - just saying what I see)

    Yea my dude, super appealing.
    Y'all making everyone else work overtime.
  8. SandyRavage

    SandyRavage Active Member

    Aug 11, 2018
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    Poor poor self righteous earsnot!
  9. Thelax

    Thelax Well-Known Member
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    Apr 12, 2016
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    Wow. Fun times in here. I never understood this “let’s make sure forts never get placed again” thing. That used to be Iago s thing. Grow a sack quit the forum pvp.
    Xavant_BR likes this.
  10. Pinky

    Pinky Active Member

    Sep 18, 2018
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    To be completely fair, the cookies were poisoned.
  11. Nose Goblin

    Nose Goblin Active Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    @Earsnot is still salty and spewing 1,000 word essays on why SOF are the servers devils while claiming iderp are the servers angels.

    You literally made a post about buying an ocllo house in which you publicly called out and lambasted ReZon for not wanting to sell his ocllo properties. You finally got one and abandoned it after getting merked one time by a single SOF. You then proceeded to bitch to telemon, like a little nerd.

    You are the definition of salt. If you ever want to go into business, I've got a great salt company name and jingle for our commercials.
    Evil Dead likes this.
  12. Evil Dead

    Evil Dead Well-Known Member
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    Jul 17, 2015
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  13. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Not at all man, Y'all got some good eggs. Y'all also got some rotten apples. Most of the dudes that first joined up are solid dudes who I got a lot of respect for. Evil, Crunk, Scuba, Ruck, Starscream, Animal Control, Deathboy, Wylwrk - fun dudes, they do some cool shit in game, rarely see those dudes causing major beef on the forums, I guess thats another one of your designated jobs? SOF beef patsy, they just feed you nuggets and let you run your mouth. Smart.


    Find my post in this thread - where I 'Lambaste' @ReZon :

    I'll wait, cause all I see where I mention Rezon is this:

    We chatted, and if he was 'Lambasted' He certainly didn't come across that way:

    Yea, dude seems totally distraught....
    And I totally get why you'd want to play down your activities around my Ocllo spot, I wouldn't want that spotlight on me either. If people know you spent days macroing reveal, blocking the entrance with box bombs, attacking me when I was decoing it, blocking my recall spots after watching me go in and out and griefing a player trying to set up a new player guild and guild house I'd be concerned and wanna keep that quiet too. It's not exactly good for server growth is it? Stopping someone trying to do something positive and beneficial. Just kind of makes you look like a douche & is pretty shameful IMO. When I first posted the photo it took you less than a minute to show up there and mark runes. I thought it was pretty funny that the sneaky supermarket fart was on me so quickly.

    And bitching to Telamon? C'mon man......I PM'd him to remove the box bombs.......If you caught heat for that - that's on you man. I've never caught a case with the boss man.
    Althorn likes this.
  14. UrinalCake

    UrinalCake Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    The blockers would sell for the amount labeler was bidding up the last fort/castle that sold on dagger, a few screens up. Or what you appraised a dagger fort was worth a few months ago when someone was looking. Do you no longer think a fort is worth 18.75 ?

    We’re honoring the old rules. We have 2/6 blockers, so we’d sell them at 1/3 of what your crew bid up a recent comp. that was always considered fair, unfortunately for you and everyone else who may want a large house, you already inflated the market on houses this size. You just don’t want to pay what you pretend they are worth, rather what you want other players to pay. Even paying 6.25 for blockers + deed, you’d make 10 mil (according to your numbers) so it’s not just us causing problems.
    Nose Goblin, Ermey and Evil Dead like this.
  15. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    @UrinalCake Right now - I'd honestly put this up for 15 mil, if I had it.

    Reason being:

    At one point Ashborn dropped the price of this fort down to 17 mil
    Eventually sold it for 20 mil - no other bidders.
    I sell a castle with a SB of 16 mil that ended up going for 19 mil.
    1 mil under the previous & same footprint sized house went for.

    The last few months, as you know, prices been dropping. Quite significantly.

    Keeps that we both know would of sold for 10, 12, 13 + mil right now are going for waaaaay way less, last one I tried to sell on grass I couldn't shift at 9 mil.

    You yourself even quoted a super nice keep at 8 mil on Sunday and the dudes got no bids:

    Last keep to sell on Ice was 5 mil 8 days ago.

    So 15 mil, 3x the keep cost IMO seems legit.

    2.5 mil for the blockers with all this considered seems fair, alternatively our 4 can be purchased for 10 mil and you have my personal guarantee, that no one from iDerp will fuck with you placing a fort/castle.

    I will always entertain an adult conversation, I don't think anyone wants to see another bunch of empty smalls.

    Alternatively we could work together to place the spot and give y'all 2/6ths of the profit.

    I'm not looking to scam anyone and that maximises everyones profitability. Our outgoings would be the deed cost of the fort/castle and id happily front that. I'd also be totally fine with a third party brokering all of this.

  16. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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  17. Nose Goblin

    Nose Goblin Active Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    LOL at @Earsnot trying to negotiate a deal that his iDerp - that's lowercase i, uppercase D - buddies will shill bid up.


    Earsnot can't hang on a felucca server, so he complains to the owner. Griefed into almost quitting for being killed one time, jesus christ what a nerd.
  18. Air

    Air Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 15, 2015
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    Never mind - Just let it be known that iDerp is 100% not trustworthy. Lord help us if they are the UOR knights in shining armor now.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2018
    Nose Goblin likes this.
  19. Nose Goblin

    Nose Goblin Active Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    He thought those were box bombs.. LOL... has to fabricate lies before he cries to Telamon
    Air likes this.
  20. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
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    May 9, 2014
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    That's funny because a few of them have helped me out in ways that nobody else could have. Spending 3-4 hours here and there to help me move a FORTRESS FOR GODS SAKE. And as someone who has never been in iDerp i'd say that they're some pretty legit peeps.

    even had a few random ones i've never met help. Suuuuure did go smooth :) They weren't paid and never asked to be. Sounds like some critically good people 'round hurr.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2018

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