1st year green hue 1271 mug 500k s/b bracelet 500k s/b Blaze items hue 1359 2nd year blaze bandana marked , blessed 750k s/b 2nd year blaze short...
Event gate is up in the EC , go in it , get killed by cannons walk in to the res gate , get in the box (fish for stamina ) and gain resist , also...
Cant resist the Power of LOVE??? ONE has your back , come top off your Love resist right before Cupid and his minions show up once again with your...
X mas special/ new years 750k buy out
would need to be from both sides so if you buy and dont add the ladders the other one can NOT drop into your house with his ladder
X mas special/ new years 750k buy out bids only gold only 24 hours multi bidders 48 hours single bidder [ATTACH]
wonder if it has the trim when u open the chest
would be 1 of 1 per the trim package [ATTACH]
Hue 1157 deep red s/b 500k 100k biding increments gold only bids only 48/24 hour [ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.