They sure don't make em like they used to! I knew I'd be in good company here :D
Thanks everyone for the brilliant advice. Think I'll give parry a whirl to start and see how it plays out.
The plan for this character is to be a pure warrior with a big axe. The goals I have for him are really just to have a character without magery who...
A wealth of info straight through. Thanks all, that's got me thinking some more. At this stage it's a tie between mining, hiding and archery. PvM...
Hi folks, My first char is almost done and pulling in gold to support the rest and I'm working on resurrecting my lumberjack from OSI. The problem...
Since this is going again I thought I'd throw my 2p in on why here. I was a Europa player too long ago to really remember the date. I remember sat...
Its been at good 13/4 years since I was last on. Mostly hung around at Brit bank with my main and adventuring with my guild. Though I did have a...
Can a fisher with just archery get those chests up on their own or are they going to need provo or magery to manage it solo?
Thanks all. I think I'll explore with the tips you've given and try a few characters without Margery. Cheers
Hail and well met, I recently came back to UO after too long a hiatus and found this wonderful shard to start life anew. I spent my previous life on...
Separate names with a comma.