UO:Renaissance - Thieving perfected (ongoing thread)

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by BlackEye, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 23, 2015
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    I didn't like that that happened, though. Interaction is always more rewarding than petty revenge. Stuck on a boat with BlackEye? What could be more fun??
  2. Codus

    Codus Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2014
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    Probably could have been, but I don't think at the time everyone was feeling that. There was calls for no quarter and then calls to not ress him?
  3. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    No no, not you, Codus.

    And I totally knew there is extreme high probability to die. I saw you recalling fast and what else than preparing on your boat. :)

    Different event!
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2015
  4. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
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    Jun 23, 2015
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    Oh, you may be right.
  5. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Wait what? I have been killed on a boat several times lately. Killing the totally innocent and disguised stranger on the RP boat is absolutely not okay in my opinion. And then without any real reason. But I wouldnt care enough, to write about it.

    And I didnt want any rez, because without disguise that makes no sense. Just haunted your boat shortly and help-recalled out.

    And what was that revenge even for: I gave back the rose (with my name marked on it). I stole it for fun and not for profit.

    But like I said, that story is a different one I wouldn't have mentioned.
  6. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Today was PS harrower day. UO:R is entirely occupied by dragon and mare tamers. Well, not entirely... One small Hidden Valley of indomitable thieves still holds out against the smell of dragon poop. And life is not easy for the players who garrison the fortified camps of Skara Brae, the Star Room, and Shame level 3...

    The story begins in Skara Brae which was occupied by dragons and tamers. One lonely newb thief proud member of the resistance gets guardwhacked by the corrupt police force.


    I remained in the shadows, and waited for a better opportunity. Skara filled, gates opened, dragon stench was everywhere. I snooped every bag in my range - I just found some treats for dragons. I hopped every gate I could - mostly materializing in stinking stables full of mare dung.

    Then, the star room! I remembered how I got stomped and burned the last time that I tried to steal a skull there. Time for a second run. Never give up, eh? Bodyguards appeared with UO and SL badges on their mean looking tamer masks. I felt that I was tracked in my steps, gazed upon by evil lurking eyes from the netherworld. And still, nobody attacked me. Fortuna was on my side. Or they were just speaking in a different language with each other. I saw Mike, the organizer of todays hunt, recall out and back in. Time to approach. Nothing to see at first glance. But skulls appeared on the shrines. Deeper snoop. Two skulls found. No time to waste, steal and awkward Forest Gump dive into the next teleporter. I materialized in half a dozen terathan avengers and another six queens. Everyting was slashing and stabbing at me, but a miracle was worked upon me and I got away with my prize: a skull of venom.


    After enjoying the sight of the skull, I realized that shiny gold pieces are also nice to have. And honestly, I didn't want to listen to the shriek mourning of half of the worlds tamers plus dragons. Just a fraction of it:


    Therefore I risked my sanity and traveled into the heart of the mob:


    This offer seemed to be very reasonable, and it was promptly decided to pay that small fee for the return of the skull. However, my gate jumping addiction lead me to another adventure, before the trade could be finished. I ended up house looting a 2-story villa... no clue, how that could happen...

    house1.jpg house2.jpg

    Naturally I had much interest in attending the Harrower myself. So I traded the skull back...


    ...and participated at the event the 5D-way. I was by the way accompanied by another honorable 5D member. *waves to Morlia*



    Oh yes, at the very end there was the mandatory finishing-waltz with Kane where I smoothly escape and a I'LL BE BACK on my lips.


    Last edited: Aug 9, 2015
    Invoker, Dimas, ReZon and 13 others like this.
  7. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    50+ players standing around waiting for Blackeye to loot some dude's villa... amazing.

    Also, that's my bag you have open. You didn't take my level 1 maps :(
    Canis, ReZon, Heretic and 5 others like this.
  8. The Musician

    The Musician Well-Known Member
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    Mar 29, 2014
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    Blackeye strikes again! Good stuff man
    BlackEye likes this.
  9. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    **** The Town Criers begin a feverish announcement as a crime wave sweeps throughout the land ***

    Attention Citizens! Be Alert! Due to a recent high profile thievery the bandits of the realm have been inspired to steal everything!

    We believe the Phoenix bandit was behind the theft of the Skull of Venom, but we have no definitive proof. All we know is that the skull WAS stolen in front of everyone's eyes. Emboldened by this success, the bandit lords of the realm have declared open season and defy all attempts to bring them to justice!

    ***** the rest of the message cannot be read because it was intercepted by thieves and replaced by this: ****

    Mwuahahahahahahah (and evil neighs and clucks).

    We give you this warning, the heist of the venom skull is merely the beginning. You have all been marked.


    The members of the top secret council that doesn't really exist.


    OOC: This will go down as one of the most memorable heists of UO:R, and will probably inspire a lot of new thieves to actually go after high value marks OUTSIDE of the guardzone.

    Also, WOW.

    *edit, based on some of the comments I have already read on this trending heist, it looks like most of us took this in stride. So, yeah, expect thieves everywhere to be inspired!
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2015
    bart simpson, Dimas, garvey and 7 others like this.
  10. Morlia

    Morlia New Member

    Aug 10, 2015
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    a true inspiration! *waves back*
    BlackEye likes this.
  11. Heretic

    Heretic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 19, 2014
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    I love you BlackEye!
    BlackEye likes this.
  12. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
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    Jun 25, 2014
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    You're lucky I wasnt able to attend this event BlackEye! Cause if I was.......I probably would have been waiting around like everyone else until you came back to get the event of the ground.

    MikeK and BlackEye like this.
  13. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
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    Jun 19, 2013
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    Brilliant! Blackeye, you truly are the UOR king of thieves.
    garvey, BlackEye and Heretic like this.
  14. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
  15. Morlia

    Morlia New Member

    Aug 10, 2015
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    I been thinkin' lately that I'd like to master the arcane arts. No joining the mages guild for me, though, and hell if I'm going to pay non-member rates for all those blasted reagents. "Well, Morlia," I sez to myself, "why not have the lovely folks of Britannia fund yr research?" A brilliant idea if I ever heard one! I dressed in my best mage disguise, pulled a white wizard's hat low over my eyes and set out to find these generous folks.

    Slinkin' around Moonglow I heard the persistent sounds of flames being summoned in the distance. I took to the shadows and followed the sounds out to the docks where I watched some young hopeful burn himself with flames over and over again, in some zombie-like state. Odd, I thought, but not uncommon. I seen these people around: Slack-jawed, eyes-glazed, stuck in some kinda loop. He'd make a good mark. I sidled up to him, peeked in his backpack, and what did I see but hundreds and hundreds of spider's silk and sulfurious ash. "This ought to get me off to a good start," I thought and rolled up the sleeves of my mage robe. I left him standin' there on the dock, muttering Kal Vas Flam over and over again with not so much as a whiff of smoke to back it up.

    I found a few other zombie donors and stripped 'em clean. With a full sack of plants and ashes and pearls and roots, I found my way back to Moonglow and started for the 5D guild tower to practice my spells. "Ah, what's the harm in looking once more," I thought, and stopped at the bank to inspect a few backpacks. While there, who did I see but the legendary Dimas sorting through his bank box. Timidly, I approached him and introduced myself. Taking pity on me, perhaps, or maybe seeing some gleam of his early years in my eye, he took his blessed, snow-white skullcap off his head, placed it in my hands, and wished me good luck. "The same to you, master thief," I replied in kind.

    I pulled the skullcap over my head and walked slowly back to the guild tower, hoping some day that I might be able to pass Dimas's cap along to another young aspirant of the shadowed ways.

    Oh, and if yr wonderin', I've become quite the master mage since then.
  16. Morlia

    Morlia New Member

    Aug 10, 2015
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    This morning found me hangin' around the Moonglow vilage green. I find the salty sea air good for wakin' me up and clearin' my head, ya see. Well, I hadn't been there but a few minutes before I heard the sound of galloping hooves and two sets of bleating, leathery wings rushing past me. I know what yr thinkin': another beastmaster on a nightmare with his two dragons, aye? Wrong! For this was a most rare sight indeed: a beastmaster on a nightmare with his two WHITE WYRMS! Now I'm sure yr all curious as to who this brave iconoclast was but I shall respect his anonymity for the sake of the tale.

    The beastmaster caught me off-guard. I was jus' tryin' to wake up. I didn't expect to find any marks this early in the morn' and so I wasn't hiding myself or my identity. Still, when he summoned his moongate I couldn't help but find a shadow to slip into and follow. Call it a habit. I do, anyway. Helps me sleep at night. (Well, that and the stash of stolen goods I keep under my bed.)

    I found myself in front of a sandstone patio with the door wide open. I stealthed my way inside before the wind shut the door and found a nice corner to wait in. He was joined by another tho the two of 'em together were quite odd. They seemed to know what eachother were thinkin' without sayin' it, if you catch my drift. And I only ever saw one move at a time. They even considered themselves to be one person. "Must be some sort o' sickness," I thought, "maybe related to them zombies I see around town."

    Another friend of his joined the home and from their conversation I understood that the beastmaster and his twin were about to look into an ancient message in a bottle they had found. The beastmaster's friend asked if his assistance would be required but the beastmaster refused it, insisting he could do it himself. I had to stop myself from laughing at that. Ya see, he wouldn't be doing it by himself at all.

    When he opened up the portal to the pirates den I slipped through and for a moment I felt a bit sick as them poor pirates were massacred by his wyrms. "Where's the fun in that, aye? Those bloody fools don't stand a chance." But it ain't for me to wonder about the inclinations of others. I'll leave that up to the stuffy old scribes and mages back in Moonglow. I quietly stepped over the broken and bloodied bodies of fallen pirates and made my way to the dread captain's boat, leavin' the beastmaster on the docks as he lovingly watched his pets rend and destroy. I found a nice spot to hide in front of the captain's treasure chest and waited. And waited. And had to endure the pirates' endless jabbering about proper bandana knots and scimitar stylings. Eventually the beastmaster cleaned up the deck and unlocked the treasure chest. I cracked my knuckles and got myself ready. He stepped about eight feet away from the chest and disarmed it through magic. I breathed a quiet sigh of relief as my moment arrived. Before the beastmaster could even look at his booty, I had stashed away the strangely-hued chest that the pirates had been keepin' and started slinking across the deck of the boat.

    "Wis Quas."

    I cringe when I hear those words but my response is automatic. "Time to run," I thought and shoved my way past his two loyal, confused pets and jumped on to the dock. I ran as fast as I could across it, deflecting a few arrows from stray pirates and a fireball or two from the monsters they keep as pets. Nearly out of strength, I reached the escape boat and paddled off to Papua. Safe. "Ah, I do love that sea air, I thought. Always wakes me right up."

    Later, the beastmaster found me at the bank and congratulated me on my success. Such a gentleman was he, that he even thanked me for teaching him a lesson about security. Why, he almost stole a tear from my eye when he said that.

    Now I can include public service to my resume.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2015
    garvey, Ragar, Heretic and 6 others like this.
  17. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    I applaud thee bravery, master Morlia!
    Kishember and Morlia like this.
  18. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Bravo, Morlia!

    Morlia and BlackEye like this.
  19. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    Telamon told me yesterday that this is just the best time to steal stuff. He was right.

    Actually, I was shopping in stealth mode in Yew when Hydrox appeared. I was able to see a bag full of 3rd anniv jewelry, but before being able to steal his stuff he hid. So I waited several minutes.

    He eventually revealed himself when opening his bank account. I deciced to try and steal the full bag instead of only one piece (no fun without RNG risk, or?) and got lucky enough.

    The escape was smooth due to the surprise effect. Glad that no bystanders interfered.

    Stolen 3rd anniv jewelry.png
    Kane, Basoosh, garvey and 1 other person like this.
  20. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2015
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    Its a conspiracy!
    Ragar and Beethoven like this.

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