Death Recovery.

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Trigger, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. Trigger

    Trigger New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Just like everyone here, sometimes that gate or recall macro doesn't work and now the screen has gone dark. Only the silent mockings of my prey laugh at me now, and the unsavory taste of dirt haunts me so.

    We all die, everyone has a process, some are faster than others. I feel that information should be shared in a guide right under or above how to not get pkd. I've looked around and I keep finding posts related to stat loss.

    Any death pros out there?
    newme likes this.
  2. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    It depends on where you die, under what circumstances, and what tools you have available.

    If I am killed by a gank squad, I find it faster to not even try to get my loot. Not only is it likely looted, running a restock agent from my house is faster. On the most part I never show and accept rezzes from other players. I just like to take care of myself, and I certainly don't need a PK to try to do me any favors. So when I am player killed, I immediately tab over to another account and toss a gate to wherever I died(You'll need an extensive rune library). I then walk the ghost through the gate and have my other account rez and heal me up while I run the restock agent off the chests I have located on the tile next to my rune library. I tab back to the rezzer and re open the gate (It usually has JUST fallen at this point). Then I am back in action, fully restocked. Maybe I'll check my corpse at this point and loot anything left over into a bag and take it home to be sorted back into the resource/restock chest.

    If I am killed by a solo PK or monsters, I will try to secure my corpse. Here you have to be very quick and have your alternate account ready. I keep a tamer on standby, pets out, for these purposes. So as soon as you die, you gate in to the location with your tamer (the solo pk CANNOT kill you a second time (there is just no way he has enough mana unless you really just rolled over for him), get there quick enough and the pk hasn't even looted you yet, just stand on the corpse and either rez, heal, invis your dead char, or loot it yourself and go grey and just gate out as soon as you secure it.

    If my other accounts are tied up, you can either chance running out and finding a healer, or using the stuck option. I think its faster to stuck option immediately, rez in town, and use my blessed runebook to recall home and run the restock agents. If you don't have a blessed book, just keep runes to your house and recall scrolls in the bank. You should have plenty of time to get back to your corpse and loot. The main theme in all of these options is to not try to get your loot back without being stocked. Going back to get your corpse naked is going to wind up getting you killed a second time and NOW you get to sit there and watch your stuff decay. Always go back stocked, and just loot and stick your loot in your "To Be Sorted" pile.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2016
    One, Orion GM BD, BlackEye and 5 others like this.
  3. Enziet

    Enziet New Member

    Feb 11, 2016
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    That is kind of sad... Do you need a friend? I am pretty new here but your story of playing an MMO solo has made me internet sad...

    If you need a friend to stop playing MMO's alone send me a message. My buddies and I are always looking for more people to PvM / PvP with.

    It always makes me internet sad to see people stuck playing an MMO alone... It's so... Normal these days... :(:(:(
    Trigger and newme like this.
  4. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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  5. Klaus

    Klaus Member

    Apr 13, 2013
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    Don't worry, he has plenty of friends.
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  6. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    And even if I didn't have plenty of friends, why do you care what other people do in their sandbox? I know so many solo players that are having a great time. Sosaria=Freedom
    Tol, Orion GM BD, Eugen and 2 others like this.
  7. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    There are guides how to not get PKed.

    As well as guides for pretty much everything else related to this game. Just sift through the Guides section and you will find something.

    And, like most of the best advice here, the main things to know are:

    1. you will die or get pked, not matter what ( I think you know this though).
    2. Never hunt with stuff you cant afford to lose.
    3. Have an escape macro set up and get that muscle memory down!
    4. HAVE FRIENDS with you if you go out hunting! Always better.
    5. TRY TO FIGHT BACK if its PKs. Its exhilarating, intense, you might actually drive them away, or at least give them a run for their money. And if you follow #2 it wont matter if you die!
    6. Bank often. If you eve get a plat, go bank it right away. If you have been out for 20 mins and have a decent stash, go bank. If you happen across a rare or a great wep that you ID'd in the field, go bank!

    Tol, Trigger and newme like this.
  8. Klaus

    Klaus Member

    Apr 13, 2013
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  9. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    Just about 90% of the time I've concluded that my loot is gone. I've set up a restock area in my house to get me back out within minutes. Several of my chars also have set-ups similar to this one in their banks too.


    It's simple. Have a reg and pots chest, armor chest, wand (bags), etc.. If you set up a macro with efficient restock agents then this becomes as easy as hitting the bank to drop off gold.

    -Don't keep potions in kegs. Buy 10k+ bottles and keep everything but purps and nox's in bottle form.
    -If you don't have blessed runebooks then you should only be carrying 1 rune and that should be to a bank.
    -Help stuck command as a ghost is extremely fast, go to bucs (because the healer is directly next to the bank), and then recall home (keep recall scrolls or regs in your bank).
    -If you don't have an ethy then keep a rune to a stable in your bank and house. You'll want 550gp too.
    The Crooked Warden, Trigger and newme like this.
  10. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Hi, Great advice :)

    Would like to add a couple of things. I dislike pvp, myself. So I don't find it exhilarating to fight back. Also, being a solo player, I do have lot of fun, you can enjoy the game just as much with friends.

    If you chose to play without all the macros El Horno mentioned, that is fine as well. Be sure to look for wandering healer locations in the general area you are hunting. I also advise, if you are gang pked, don't try to res , do the stuck option or take your ghost far away to res. This will avoid being what is called "res killing"

    Also, do not announce where you are hunting in irc, unless you want fellow players to join you, reds or blue just might desire your company.

    Think El Horno coined a new phrase: Sosaria=Freedom Love it

    Best of luck to you

    I'm Westra on irc and in game

    Marjo Governess of Wispfelt Village
    Lord Krake, Basoosh and Trigger like this.
  11. Trigger

    Trigger New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Great information!

    As someone learning to macro with razor, is a premade restock list available somewhere on the forums? Or is this something that must be done manually? I myself only recently began using the agents.

    When restocking after death I am assuming premade grab bags are something that exist and would be predetermined for the archtype of a character. Could anyone elaborate on what they use? As much as this is for me I hope someone else will find this useful.

    My goal here is to get a definitive checklist of things players must have to reduce the lead times between death and Recovery.

    I will add rune library's.
    Gatebot/2nd client
    And grab bags to the list
    Housing is currently in the works.
    newme likes this.
  12. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Apr 3, 2013
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    If I die to a monster and am alone, I'll generally stuck out, revive, restock from my bank, and then give it another go. As I assume most people do, my bank has a supply bag filled with regs, bandies, and instruments. I just hit my restock agent on it and am ready to roll. Having a blessed runebook is incredibly useful here.

    If I die to a PK, I'll generally just be done for a few hours/rest of the day. I get kind of heated, and this is the perfect time to go do something else and cool down. Also, I just really have zero interest in conversing with someone that just ganked me and took my stuff. (plus, PKs will often times just loop back at the same spot in 10 minutes.)
    Orion GM BD likes this.
  13. Taylor

    Taylor New Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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    I want to reiterate (half-drunkenly) what everyone else has already covered, and add some possibly useless pearls of garbage wisdom.

    You're going to die. It's inevitable. Whether by mob, PK, or training resistance, that bandage will barely work when it counts the most. This was one of the things that I struggled to reconcile when I was 16 and playing T2A was new.

    Everything is replaceable. Everything. I understand the emotional attachment to that trusted mount named "a" and that vanq kryss that took hours of selling gorgets to get, but even when you lose it, you can get it back. Hell, in less than a month the newbie dungeon and Valentine's has scored me three houses in pissing distance of town. If you lose it, you can get it back even if you have to buy it.

    Embrace acceptable loss. That being said, mobs and PKs can take all your gear, but they can't take what's in your bank or in your secured chest. Granted, we don't play the game to not shove that spider slaying warhammer up some hapless arachnid's fourth point of contact, but don't leave yourself in a position where you're wholly dependent on that one cool piece of equipment. Like Krake said, don't carry more than you can afford to lose. Chances are once you're dead, what you had is gone.

    Don't go alone. Ever solo an ogre lord and a cyclops at the same time with a dexxer? It's a bitch. Make a friend. Dying alone blows, but dying with a pal is a story two months from today. And it's not like you have to give someone your phone number. Find a pal, slay until you're beat, have a beer, and hit the sack. No worries. Most of us will be there for you tomorrow. If not, someone else will be.

    Basic PvP tactics is a must. Hate it if you want, but it's necessary here. As a red in a past life, I can tell you that 90% are just like every criminal IRL--we go for the easy score. This may not apply to the handful of players here that are essentially PvP gods, but how much of their credibility comes from 1v1 on an even playing field that isn't in the controlled environment of a tournament? A few, sure. Not many. Mobs aggro on them just as quickly as they would on Newbie Joe. Not to mention that if you win, working off those murder counts on a 6X GM character is its own full time job. (That 7th was always a fucker for me.) Sometimes a loss is a win.

    Have a plan. I have a 1/3rds 2/3rds rule: Never carry more than 1/3 of your regs/bandages/whatever at a time. This changes when you've got 2K regs in the bank, but use your head. I have an English degree, so the only math I'm good at has to do with bags and ounces. If you spent 10K to amass your wealth, carry 3K on you and use it to make another 10K. You'll find your own method to take two steps forward and one step back, just don't let that one step backward suck the fun out of this. In time, you will always make more than you lose.

    Have fun. This is a game with a community. Some people are dicks; most are here to have a good time slapping dragons in the face with a stick. You'll find your own way to enjoy it. Control what you can control and have a good time.
    sita69, El Horno and Heretic like this.

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