New player question

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by EcCrohol, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. EcCrohol

    EcCrohol New Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    Hello, I'm very interested in playing here. got a few questions.

    1. What is the skill gain like? easy/hard? I remember playing on IPY2, and the skill gain was ridiculously hard to the point where I quit. Then I played on UOF, which is extremely easy. except certain skills like taming/crafting.

    2. What are some of the end game activities? I know you can earn platinum and use them to buy things such as ethys. anything else? meta stuff? champ spawn/PS?

    3. Housing spots? is it possible to find a spot to place something as big as a villa? or small houses only?

    4. What is the PK scene like? 8-10 player deaths squads running through dungeons killing every player on sight? yep, uof has that. not my thing.

    5. I noticed razor is the only program listed. does that mean UOSteam is not allowed here? I just started using it earlier this year. would hate to go back to razor. mostly because its unstable for me.

    anyway, #1 is the only thing really important to me, I don't want to spend weeks/months just to develop a character like on ipy2.

    Cordelia Black and Ducky like this.
  2. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Yes housing spots still open. Possibly as large as a tower. I know couple spots for L shapes , lot for villas and small. Just have to roam around the world and find them.
    I'm not familiar with ipy2, so can't compare really.Skill gains are hard, but.... For skills only, you can afk macro; so that takes some of the pain out of them being hard. Also shortens the time for gm when macroing afk. Or makes it feel shorter. Hour wise might be the same.On this server, you can be afk macroing on one account, On another account run around and play the game. Only razor, UOSteam is not allowed. Staff believes it unbalances the game play. They try to keep game play era accurate.

    Lots and lots of stuff to do here. Staff runs things like Capture the Flag, Holiday Events. Our fantastic player base also involved.. Check out the Player Run Events, to get an idea. Most of these player run events are supported by the staff, they give out statues, have accessable moongates., will bring in special spawns, etc. Depending on what the event hosts ask for and the time frame for staff. Our staff works with our players. :) Players also donate lots of gold and items to these events.

    I'm not a pvper myself, have heard some complaints about gang pkers, but also hear about solo pkers. Many players don't pk, but enjoy pvp such as factions, Friday Night Fights ( a player hosted event) Dueling tournys, etc.

    Also have a large range of things for crafters, Some players actually spend their time running player run shops. ( you know the houses with player vendors inside.

    I believe there is lot to do here for any play style. We have role players, crafters, warriors Just read through the forums, Salty Dog Tavern is one section were players write about their adventures.

    I do know little about UOF and can say, we are not a "pay to win" server. No one gets special perks in game, so you won't find people with Super-fantastic weapons that can only get by donating X amount to server. None of that here.

    We have monsters galore, even troll bosses, lol and fully stocked dungeons.

    So mainly depends on your personal play style, what end game activities you will enjoy. Personally I don't have "end game" ideas, I just have fun in the world.

    This is a fun world, very classic feel to it, great staff, wonderful player base, so yes, welcome to our world.

    I am

    Marjo in game, Governess of Wispfelt Village

    Westra on irc.
  3. Ducky

    Ducky Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 17, 2015
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    1. Easy - Most things can be macro'ed to GM in 24h. Hard skills to GM including Taming and lockpicking. (idk about crafting)

    2. Pass

    3. Villa and down no problem, large brick-tower takes some hunting, Keep and up will need to be player traded or IDOC.

    4. Mostly death squads, but more like 2-4. Some solo PKs

    5. No UOSteam.

    I wouldn't let any one of these things you dislike discourage you from trying this server. UOR is really excellent in many ways, it is worth giving it a chance
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
    Cordelia Black, newme and EcCrohol like this.
  4. EcCrohol

    EcCrohol New Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    Wow, thanks for the responses. I will give this server a try! its gonna be weird starting over again like killing zombies/skeletons and resource gathering for gold. I've got mills on uof. but I'm kinda looking forward to playing a newbie character again.
  5. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I just let all my stuff drop on UOSA (aka Voldeshard) when I came here and never looked back. honestly, in my opinion, if you've got some decent experience with UO its not really hard to accumulate regular gold.

    there's lots of good ways to get gold here. resources sell really well since you can't afk gather resources.

    In addittion to the staff events, there are a lot of player run endeavors too.

    If you enjoy adventures check out the Paws or The Great Council quest vendors. complete a quest and get some gold for reporting your adventures on the Salty Dog forum.

    If you enjoy a good all around guild, check out PS (Project Sanctuary).

    cheers and see you out there

  6. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Hey there! Welcome to UOR. The best free shard there is, hands down.

    1. This has already kind been talked about. Skill gain here is moderate/normal-hard depending on the skill. Like what has been said, lots of skills can be AFK macroed up to GM with the right set up. Skills that cannot be macroed up completely AFK, and are the toughest, are Taming, Lockpicking, Cartography, Lumberjacking (in fact, any skill that gathers you resources CANNOT be AFK macroed, like Lumberjacking, Mining, etc.....).

    --- The most basic character to start with, if you wanna get right into adventuring is a bard of some kind. Provocation or Peacemaking, combined with a weapon skill and the skills needed to to melee damage and heal yourself. Lots of templates out there for that. That type of starter character can be used as a gold farmer to build some wealth to train a crafter or a mage.

    2. End Game, as you asked, can usually be broken down to a few things, based on playstyle.
    - AMIB instances: fun, tough, rares and platinum, some cool mobs, and teamwork or solo challenges
    - Champions: endurance and micomanagement, teamwork, sepecialized tactics, open world so risky, great payoffs, great boss at the end.
    - BOD: bulk order deeds, crafting to get some epic items for personal use or to sell to the community
    - PvP: become the best PvPer there is.

    In addition to that, we have a great community and staff, who come with some amazing quests, events, stories and adventures. The player run events are very well received and supported by staff when needed. There is always something to do, or to look forward to.

    3. Yup, villa and smaller can still be placed. Anything larger will likely be needed to be purchased from a player.

    4. PK scene is healthy, I'll just say that. Some gank squads, some blue scouts, some solo PKs. However, two major things about PKs on this shard. A) Be prepared at all times with an escape macro set up, Magic Reflect up if you can, and a knowledge of the entrances and exits of where ever you are hunting. B) LOTS of PKs here will rez or gate you away, only take what they want, and will leave a rune and recall regs on your body if you get back to it. This is how a lot of them operate, but not ALL of them.

    5. Razor and UOAM are the only third party programs we allow here. If you have issues with Razor, I am sure we can help.

    Make sure to jump in our IRC channel and talk with all of us in real time! Its the best way to get some hands on experience with the player base before you get into the game.


  7. Ducky

    Ducky Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 17, 2015
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    A few things to keep in mind starting here, one is that there is a young program you can utilize that protects you and all your items from theft, murder and looting for up to a month. You can even leave and rejoin this program a few times before it kicks you out, and even then a GM can place you back in it if you still qualify.

    Second you can have three accounts here, three logged in toons that can train together, trade and compliment each other in skill sets

    Personally when I started here, even being an experienced UO player, I found it very rewarding to start fresh on this server and "grow up" here with other new players, some of who developed into long lasting players along the same time line as I did. Its one of those things you only get one chance to do on a new(to you) server, its hard to replicate later.

    On the other hand if you really want to get right into the "action" so to speak, it is possible to progress very quickly into being an established player. Making a second account, gathering some cloth from the fields south east of Ocllo bank, 4-5 hatchets from the NPC vendors, macro cross healing while chopping the hell out of your second accounts toon, you can GM Swords Tactics Anat Healing be mid60s Lumberjack(LJ bonus) in like 48h or less. Right off the bat you have a cash cow for the young program to fund your second accounts mage/bard/whatever.

    Good luck on your journey here.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
  8. Thelax

    Thelax Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 12, 2016
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    As a new player here you have the advantage of starting off in the OCCLO area as a "YOUNG" player (Cannot be PKed while young).. There is even some starting dungeons added by the staff here to avoid the tedious task of grinding skeletons and zombies while still staying safe.
    Also keep noted the website also has a compendium loaded full of information on the skills and also guides on how to work them.
    Best of luck on your adventures here and excellent choice on your server swap.
    Cordelia Black, Ducky and newme like this.
  9. eherruh

    eherruh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 2, 2016
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    I started playing this shard back in September, having never played anywhere else but the OSI servers, so my perspective and experiences are pretty fresh. It's been a great ride so far and I have dumped far more time into this than I ever expected, but I feel like I've only just started as well.

    So to expand upon what's already been said above:
    1. If you ever get stuck or have a question, there's probably a guide written on this forum that can walk you through it. If not, there hasn't been an issue yet where someone from IRC or the forums didn't step up to help me out. This shard's community has been amazing.
    I don't think anyone has mentioned the "Young" player program either, which temporarily gives your account Trammel protections for a limited time, allowing you to get your accounts very established before you step out into the wild. This was actually a great feature for me to get back into the game after having not played for so long.

    2. There is a lot of custom content, much of which has already been enumerated, but I don't think anyone mentioned Treasure Hunting yet though, so I'll add that. Check out this thread:

    3. Housing is plentiful but squatting can be an issue (every char can own, 3 accounts, 5 chars per account). Even so, a lot of the larger homes sell for like only 10% over deed, which was reasonable for me.

    4. PKs exist in plentiful numbers, but they're more or less civil. I haven't been griefed yet, if that means anything.

    5. If you have issues with Razor, check out this thread:
    Setting the correct compatibility mode stabilized my client (on Win10) and let things work well enough. If you still have issues, feel free to DM me here or on IRC.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
    Cordelia Black and newme like this.
  10. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 5, 2016
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    I've played casually on MANY free servers over the years, and OSI in 2000-2001 for a few years. UOR is the best time I've had, by far, playing UO, and I've hardly had enough time to dig in yet. Everyone above has already given the answers, but I'll just say the community, resources available to players, game balance, era, and apparent stability of this server are huge.
    eherruh, ReZon, Gutscrank and 4 others like this.
  11. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    1. I find the skill gain to be hard. some, obnoxiously so. but like others have said, you can macro your way to freedom with a lot of them.

    2. I haven't tried the treasure hunter/fishing added content on this shard, but it seems really well done and worth it.

    3. small stuff you can find everywhere. large brick and up it becomes a game of how low can your patience go. that said.... I did find and successfully place a large brick reasonably close to a town a few days ago. but I will agree that is rare.

    4. any shard will have some pk death squads. but if you are used to 10+ on UOF then here may feel like a vacation from that. I saw someone say the magic words "good recall macro" and "reflect up". I will second that! also a lot of people here use tracking so don't count on the hiding skill or a blitz run to save you always.

    like Ducky says, you do have the three accounts and you can run them all at once. you'll see a lot of people doing this as their own team. once is a T-hunter, and the other two are the kill squad. or three ebolt machine gun fishers all on one boat. I actually wish you couldn't do this as I think it cheapens the experience a lot. instead of being super focused and playing as hard as you can, some people just run a complex macro system and glide on through. also, it kind of defeats the purpose of playing an MMO when it's just you playing solo with a robot army.
    Cordelia Black and Vandalin like this.
  12. Cordelia Black

    Cordelia Black Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    and you can PM me,ask vandalin,ill answer questions for hours a day,day after day on forum or IRC. hi @Vandalin :)
    Vandalin and Gutscrank like this.

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