*You over hear a commotion at the tavern and you elbow your way into the gathering crowd*

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by Jupiter, Dec 13, 2016.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Attention one and all, the realm has great need of all those who now, or at some point have had the fire of the virtues burn within them.

    Whether the flame now burns bright as mid day, or if your once brilliant flame has cooled to a glowing ember, the realm has need of you!

    The shrine of Honesty has been desecrated by the dark ritual of the evil Baerron Jael. We suspect that this is only a precursor to a more malevolent plot to corrupt and destroy the Shrine of Honesty. Certainly this demon understands that "No legacy is so rich as honesty" and by means of casting a dark light upon the misdeeds of a few 'dishonest' men he means to make us doubt whether there is any honesty in men at all.

    I have already visited the shrine, and even if we had 1,000 more of @Quenby's brushes, we'd never hope to be able to cleanse the shrine by means of this tactic again.

    We will be organizing a group this Sunday 12/18 at 10 PM EST. If you would honor us with the light of your company, we should be proud to have you!

    More details will be given out when we convene at Paws at the aforementioned time.

    Please see below for a brief disclaimer, general idea, and requests/suggestions

    First: See here for our standard terms and conditions of Paws adventures

    Note, this will be a loosely RP storylined event, but we are inviting all walks of UOR to join us. You will not be expected to speak in character, but you can expect a great many of us will be keeping to a character role of sorts.

    Note, as per standard VoP adventures, we will most likely be intentionally doing this in a more complicated fashion than necessary; expect to be required to follow suit and perhaps instead of casting EXPLO, EB, POISON, EB EB EB, try a different combo or spells you never use.

    Tamers are welcome, but we request no dragons/nightmares unless the party leader (Jupiter) requests it.

    If you agree to terms and conditions and wish to join us please indicate your character name and IRC name here or via PM to Jupiter

    If you do not wish to join us, but seek to issue harm or deter us from our quest, feel free, but be advised we will most likely shoot first and ask questions later if you come running up to us unannounced waving a chocolate revolver. No matter what you think, Jack, it's just not a good idea.
    Zyler, Ragar, eherruh and 7 others like this.
  2. Quenby

    Quenby Active Member

    Nov 20, 2016
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    *raises his hand*
    Count me in. Sosaria has been out of balance ever since Baerron Jael began desecrating the shrines. Something has got to be done. Here, here!
    eherruh and PaddyOBrien like this.
  3. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 19, 2013
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    I wish I could attend.. but I wish you all the best of luck!
  4. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Well, write me a group of enthusiasts, the idea of cleansing I like! I still have problems with the English, but I will try to be flexible in communication. My name Kiryana is everywhere ;)
    Jupiter likes this.
  5. Baerron Jael

    Baerron Jael Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2016
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    Yes... yes... come one, come all... It will be a killer good time...

    Bring your dragons and nightmares, bring your militias. The more bodies you bring, the more you will feed the dead, and my Lord Soth has a very special surprise for you all...
    Zyler, Ragar, eherruh and 1 other person like this.
  6. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    see here, Cero has accepted the task to brave the dark compounds of the known evil mage sects.

    We hope he will recover some useful information to assist us.

    If you can join us on Sunday you are welcome to join us! Inquisition of the Evil mage sects
    eherruh likes this.
  7. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Jupiter is leading... everyone is pretty much guaranteed to die at least once!
  8. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    *You see this note appear at the top of the message board. Almost like magic*

    Attention citizens, your aid is requested. All are welcome. We will convene at Paws tower to discuss this matter and review the information that Cero has gleaned from his inquisition. See here for Cero's Looking for answers
    eherruh and Alex Caember like this.
  9. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I will endeavor to do my best to aid on this mission, and I hope others will do the same!

    (It should be a lot of fun!)
  10. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Oh nooooooo...., I really wanted to participate in this noble cause and to contribute assistance. But I missed with time and just going to work ... I hope the next time out, I'm sorry! I am with you spiritually, and I hope that these goals will be achieved and the sun comes out from behind the clouds. Good luck.
  11. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    This is going down in 1 hour and 15 minutes, for those interested :)
    Jupiter likes this.
  12. Dr Satan

    Dr Satan Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2015
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    Nobody said it would be easy... nobody said it would be so hard!

    Grand adventure, it's been a couple hours and good news: Berry Bug has been released from the healers!

    Btw: I would like to know the official body count!
    eherruh and Jupiter like this.
  13. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    I cannot wait for the grand tale! Next time I'm calling off work!!
    eherruh likes this.
  14. Cordelia Black

    Cordelia Black Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Ah i remember the old baron,
    I hope to be there next time. I have resolved my issues with the virtues and will bring him to justice by any means,should you encounter him again i will clear my schedule to be there. Off with his head!!
    eherruh likes this.

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