Greetings, Project Sanctuary has the honor of hosting another Zookeeper quest! Running Saturday May 13th, 6pm PST // 9pm EST. The few slots not being filled by guild members are up for sale at 150k, banksit only. Please post here if interested in a slot. As some people may not make it, being on the waitlist in not a bad idea. 1. Dell Brandstone (Lyta) reserved 2. keira tamarra (Nigh7shad3) reserved 3. Short Story (Dr Satan) reserved 4. Jack sprat (Smash) reserved 5. She-Ra (Cherie) reserved 6. Namarra reserved 7. Colter Mcreedy (Hawkeye) paid 8. Fogg Mcreedy (Hawkeye) paid 9. Death by Stereo reserved 10. Cherry paid Dirty no show Sephier (Nefarius) no show waitlist. Ezra Scarlet waitlist. Shad
Hey @Keza, I'd like to give one of my fixed slot to Cherry and switch with her slot in the waitlist. I think that's more fair when both of us get one slot. @Cherry That will be 4AM in the morning for us german players, right?
yes it will be 4 am no problem i let me wake up ^^ is right 4 am sunday then or? forget stupid summertime here
Well I am in if there is a slot available or if there is not, I join and do some damage anyway with an archer. //Pekka
Hello, I joined you on the last run, happy to pay for a slot again. let me know. I can hang out around same place to see if people don't show up again.