Renaissance Blog - Pet Bonding in Felucca

Discussion in 'Shard News' started by Chris, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Pet Bonding in Felucca
    September 30th, 2012

    !Update! - Implemented in patch 52 you can now earn additional bonded pets by completing the zookeepers quest. To learn more about this expansion click here.

    The next step on our quest for "History Perfected" was the system of pet bonding. This system was added by OSI early on in the Renaissance era and was quite popular. However after it was initially added some serious problems were discovered and OSI spent the next several years patching the system repeatedly in an attempt to fix it. In the end bonding was turned into an extremely trammel experience where pets could be bonded with no effort, summoned with even less effort and provide an unfair advantage in a combat situation due to pet recall tag along.

    Our goal was to look at the system from a perspective of how would it have worked should there have never been a trammel facet. By addressing issues that OSI faced properly, adding additional effort to the system, and providing players with an enjoyable and balanced system.

    Update: To View the compendium article on Bonding Click Here

    The basics of bonding
    • Players may have 1 bonded pet per character by default. Additional bonding can be achieved through The Zookeeper Quest.
    • To bond a pet you must have enough skill to control the pet.
    • To bond a pet that requires 1 control slot, you must successfully feed your pet and wait 24 hours.
    • A pet will only bond with you if you have an available bonding slot.
    • To bond a pet that requires more than one control slot, you must find and feed your pet a special type of meat as shown below.
    • Should your bonded pet die, you will be able to resurrect your pet using the veterinary and animal lore skills. You may also resurrect at most stables by saying "heal" to the veterinarian NPCs.
    • However each time your pet dies, it will experience a 3% skill loss on death.
    • A bonded pet abandoned by its master will break the bond after 24 hours.

    A complete list of the control slot requirements for tamed pets can be found in the Renaissance Compendium Bestiary

    Next we will go over bonding a more powerful animal such as a nightmare.

    The first step of the process would be to find and kill one of the many boss monsters hidden across the land.

    Carving the corpse of the monster will produce some peculiar meat. Powerful monsters now crave this rare food and feeding it to them will allow them to form a bond with their master.

    You can use the animal lore skill on your pet to determine its current bonding status. In this picture the monster is craving more peculiar meat.

    Feeding your pet this special type of food will show you one of two messages. This message indicates that the pet still craves more peculiar meat.

    Once you receive the message that your pet is very fond of you it is ready to bond with you.

    Should you have fed your pet, but not spent enough time to establish the bond, this message will be displayed. You can use the animal lore skill to check if your pet is ready to bond with you. The bonding status will show "Your pet is ready to be bonded"

    Once all the requirements have been met, all you need to do is successfully feed your pet any normal food item that they crave, keep in mind this does not have to be peculiar meat.

    Now that you have a bonded pet we will cover the basics of pet summoning. Starting with patch 19 the animal trainers sell crystal balls of pet summoning and powder of translocation.

    Each ball of summoning comes with 1 charge, powders of translocation can be used to add additional charges to the balls.

    Double clicking on the powder of translocation and targeting a ball of summoning will add additional charges to the ball. Keep in mind this will add the whole stack.

    Should you lose your pet or its ghost you can use the ball of summoning to summon your pet to you. The following gump will be displayed giving you a chance to confirm the summoning. This gump will only be shown if you have a bonded pet currently somewhere in the world.

    You cannot however summon a bonded pet that you are riding, or a bonded pet that is in the stables.

    Bonded pets cannot survive the summoning process and will be summoned to you as a ghost. They will experience death related skill loss as a result of the summoning process, in the same way they would should they die from other means.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2021
  2. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Wow. you folks put in a lot of effort into this. I do have a couple questions. What about lower level animals such
    as pack horses and LLamas, is there anyway to res them without vet skill? Most characters who use pack animals,
    have totally different skill sets than tamers. Will the vet in the clinic in Brit be able to res a lower level animal such as packs?
    As always, thanks so much for all the work
  3. Duffrey

    Duffrey Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Very good addition. This is gonna be a great shard to play.
  4. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Higher level pets will need to be player resurrected, but that is a good point. I will look into options for allowing low level pets to be resurrected in some manner in town.
    Cherie likes this.
  5. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    thanks so much. Lot of people don't realize that lower level pets like pack animals also can be built up. Fighting
    and strength can be increased as an example. Which comes i n handy with heavy loads such as ore, and attacks against them.
    Know you guys will do your best.

  6. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Is Beetles an option? The ones you have to sub due before taming, Think that would be cool for crafters to have a ridable mount that u can hope off and put stuff in its backpack. I would definately bond one of those.

    As for low level skill players to res a pet you could add something at the stables to pay a small fee or something for them to res it.
    Azerothian likes this.
  7. Six

    Six Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    I know people have a problem with beetles because they aren't from this era, but really I see no problem with them.

    They're just a mount, and they're the strongest pet you can control with 0 taming, making them invaluable for crafters trying to get out into the world instead of just hugging Minoc.

    I for one would have to vote for the inclusion of beetles, though I feel that there would be very few of us who would like it for some reason.
    Azerothian likes this.
  8. Duffrey

    Duffrey Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    riding beetles just feels ... erm ... not right, at least not for me.
    Otherwise a pet comparable to the beetle could be a good addition for crafters and gatheres, if implemented thoroughly.
    By thoroughly I mean e.g. using it not for fighting rather than carrying a lot of stuff.
  9. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    There are a lot of animals I would love to ride before I would ride on a beetle. Can we have polar bear/grizzlie mounts? hehe
  10. Duffrey

    Duffrey Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Ridig bears sounds great. At least brown or black bears could be tamed and used as pack bears. Polar bears and grizzlies may behave too agressive for riding on them :).
  11. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    I was trying to get us a mount with a backpack guys comon, bears lol? Ok throw a backpack on it and I'm good.
  12. Duffrey

    Duffrey Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Ok, agree in some point with you. Riding a bear feels more era accurate but maybe looks just as funny as riding a beetle. Whats about shire horses or something similar? Seems more legit.
  13. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Beetles look like something from another world, not of Britannia or Sosaria for that matter. Rideable bears maybe, but personally I'm just not caring enough to want it. I'm of the opinion that even llamas and ostards are a stretch for my nostalgic Britannian heart.
  14. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Beetles just never looked right, I quit OSI when I saw the direction things were going. Now the utility of a pack on any normal mount, while player crafted, would be cool. Also, if I can ride a nightmare I dont think a grizzly would be that bad haha.
  15. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    How come there are no elephants?
  16. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    ok, I just have to do it. Let's go totally out of era and make a Gorman (hope spelling in right)
    you know those big creatures looked like a cross between a elephant and ox. LOL Just toss some
    packs on it like pack llamas and horses have. Wouldn't even have to be ride-able. Imagine the
    site of that thing walking down the streets of Brit. :lol:

    Serious: I like all the ideas and staff kidding on my side about the Gormans. although would be too funny
  17. Eisensaft

    Eisensaft New Member

    Aug 2, 2012
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    I think a big portion of the charme of UOR is that its kept basic and not with all that neon shiny shit and all the colours and rideable bears and lizards and shit.

    And i don t think this should be changed. :cool:
    Azerothian likes this.
  18. Avery

    Avery Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 25, 2012
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    Sounds awesome. Can't wait to try it!!
  19. Xevec

    Xevec Active Member
    UO:R Donor

    Aug 10, 2012
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    I'm going to have to agree with Eisensaft.
  20. Vandyke

    Vandyke New Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Purchased from the stable vendors.
    Adds a set of saddlebags to your mount.

    Priced a little high so as to make the purchaser not completely discount the already purchasable pack animals.
    This way it would be something for newer players to work towards after the pack animals.

    Saddlebags would carry the weight equal to a characters backpack each so there would be 2 backbacks worth of load bearing for one set of saddlebags.

    Another options with saddlebags would be to skip the Stable Vendors and make them a craftable leather item through the BOD rewards system.
    Would take x amount of leather (enough for each bag and the binding between them) and a purchasable item from the stable vendors, maybe a special buckle etc.
    Special leather (spined horned or barbed) would add xx amount more loadbearing weight to the saddlebags, exceptional would also add xx amount bonus.

    Saddlebags would be a permanent affixation to a mount. If a mount were killed, the saddlebags could be looted (with contained loot) from the corpse.

    Any other ideas for this? Don't get belligerently crazy with off the wall ideas, I truly think this would be a wonderful addition to perfecting history.

    Edit 1: Player must be dismounted to access saddlebags.
    Edit 2: Pet would need to be bonded to use saddlebags.

    Edit 3: I jsut realized I got caught up in a semi-derailment. If this post would fit better elsewhere, please move it or pm me and I will re-post in a more appropriate forum.
    Azerothian likes this.

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