Patch 82 - August 30th - 6th Anniversary Event, Lots of Fixes

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Chris, May 8, 2018.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Renaissance 6th Anniversary Event!
    Added two new hues to celebrate the 6th Anniversary of Renaissance going live!
    Added the naming rules to the mask dyes allowing players to use them at their leisure.​

    Fix It Vendor
    - The Fix it vendor (located in the event lobby) will properly rename 2018 fluffy statues.
    Note: They were incorrectly named Fluffy V, not Fluffy VI.
    - The ability to alter elf and dark elf slayers will be removed as players have had enough time to fix those.​

    - Bonded pets who decay (alive or as a ghost) will now generate a log entry in a players account log.
    - Bonded pets who go wild in the world will now generate a log entry into a players account log with the location of the pet when it went wild.
    Note: This will aid the staff in answering player questions regarding lost pets.
    - Mutant Fluffy's breath attack damage will be brought in line with dragons.
    Note: These were intended to have only 500-600 hp, but spawned with more than expected. We will not be adjusting their hit points however their breath attack damage will be scaled appropriately. ​

    Copper System
    - Fixed some problems with the staff gump to allow seer level staff access to copper transactions for players.
    - Added the Sex change option to the list of redeemables for 2,500 copper. ​

    - Added an open air stable to the town of cove in honor of the Village of Paws guild who designed it but was unable to complete the quest line to announce it.

    - Found and fixed the problem causing faction atrophy to not operate properly.
    - Faction points will atrophy every 24 hours for the time being until a long term solution is found.
    - This should bring the factions back into balance and slowly remove inactive players from the point pools.
    - Faction guards now will note the location in which they were placed.
    - Should a faction guard wander to far from his placement location they will return to their home location.
    - The range will be large enough so that they can engage in complex combat but not be lured into locations that they were not intended for.​

    - The exit gates from the Wild Tamers event will now give you the proper exit warnings.
    - Fixed a problem where the taming event was not setting a reference start time needed by the event timing clocks.
    - Added an event clock in the area where people tend to wait to be added to events in progress.​

    Monsters - Special Item Loot
    - Monsters, by default will no longer provide items directly to player backpacks except in certain situations (See Below).
    - Players will be sent a colored system message to indicate that a rare item has dropped on the monster corpse.
    Situations that rare items will be still sent to players are listed below.
    - Staff run events such as town invasions, guild events, structured monster events.
    - Special events like Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentines Day, etc. (Including overworld and instances)
    - Instanced events such as the Ancient MIB instances, Level 7 treasure maps, and the wild tamers quest.
    - Engagements with boss type creatures or monsters that would imply multiple players are required to defeat it.
    - Champions
    When the loot to pack system is enabled the following conditions must be met.
    - Players must be within 10 tiles to be provided smaller items like platinum and smaller rares.
    - Players must be within 10 tiles for larger items like monster statues and other valuable drops.
    - You must be alive at the time of the monsters death.
    - The monster must be outside of a guarded region when it dies. (Otherwise it will be seized by the guards for the donut fund)
    If any of these conditions are not met you will see a system message that the item has dropped on the monsters corpse.
    Staff Note: This system was designed long ago to deal with 3rd party application auto looters and high volume player events where the benefit of using a non allowed program to get an advantage when looting could be encouraged by having a higher chance to get an item you did not earn. In most cases when a player is in a 1 on 1 fight with a monster out in the world the item will drop to the monsters corpse. In situations where players are in a group monsters will be designed to give the item to the largest damager. ​

    Monsters - Harrower
    - Players must be within 25 tiles of the Harrower when it perishes in order to qualify for their rewards.
    - Players must be alive at the time of the harrowers death in order to qualify for their earned rewards.
    - All reward failures are logged should there be a problem or concern with a missed reward. ​

    Monsters - Faction Silver
    - Faction silver will now drop to the monsters backpack like gold, gems or other items. ​

    Monsters - General Changes
    - Weapons and other misc items that can spawn on various monsters will now be moved into the monsters special backpack. This will help to further discourage players from trying to get an unfair advantage using auto looters.
    - Monsters spawned from special fishing nets will now properly decay in 24 hours. ​

    Reward Vendor
    - Found and fixed a minor problem with the randomizer for the easter baskets for the 2018 reward selection.
    - The chance to get a basket in the 2018 color was way to low.
    - Players may exchange a basket purchased from the store (this year only, we know who you are) for the 2018.
    - You may also request a partial refund should you have tried multiple times to obtain this years color.
    - For more details contact a staff member with the account information that made the purchases.​

    - Attempting to target an item, any item, that now longer exists will now provide the appropriate failure message.
    - Macro's designed to trigger on the deletion of an item will no longer function properly, even when the item continues to exist
    - Players will not notice this change, advanced macros designed to notice when an item is deleted will however.
    - Players will be able to exclude themselves from this change by being alive and within normal targeting distance of the item. ​

    Sex Change Deed
    - Players can now retain their beard look and coloring through the sex change process.​

    Renaissance Website
    - Adjusted the search function on the website to list items second, before players to allow for easier searching for item information.
    - Expanded the max results of player names to 100, up from 75.
    - Switched the guild search to return matching abbreviations rather than guild names.
    - Most players are aware of the abbreviation rather than the actual name of the guild and tend to search from that.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2018
    Blaise, Chadarius, Balgami and 4 others like this.
  2. bart simpson

    bart simpson Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 13, 2012
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    First?! HYPE TRAIN!!! Thank you for the great work Chris.
  3. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  4. Mad Hatcher

    Mad Hatcher Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    I imagine after this patch, half of the server population running around will be bearded women!
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  5. Balgami

    Balgami Well-Known Member
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    Sep 3, 2016
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    This will make everyone in the factions except the point farmers to go around 0- 5 points. The people complaining about leadership and stuff can't even get to 20 points in months and now with 1 atrophy a day they will NEVER get there.

    The action we have right now is you can fight 10 unique players a week if you get super lucky. If you get lucky again and manage to get the last hit on everyone and somehow they are not already at -6 points from farming you get some points. So I don't see how anyone can sustain any points.

    I wan't to re-suggest my long term short term faction point system. Or making the system something like if you haven't gotten a kill in a Week you start losing points weekly.
    Rextacy and Pax Romain like this.
  6. Crunk Juice

    Crunk Juice Well-Known Member
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    Dec 19, 2016
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    Especially if I die as much as I did last night.... Lol. GFS bro
    Balgami and One like this.
  7. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  8. The Hammer

    The Hammer Active Member
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    Dec 13, 2013
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    - Players must be within 5 tiles to be provided smaller items like platinum and smaller rares.
    - Players must be within 10 tiles for larger items like monster statues and other valuable drops.

    I think this is a bit much.. I don't plan on standing 5 tiles from POD or getting super close to some champ spawns that require distance kills.
  9. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  10. Ruck

    Ruck Well-Known Member
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    May 5, 2013
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    There is none.
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  11. Rextacy

    Rextacy Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2017
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    This faction change is bad IMO like Balgami has stated. Also i agree with Hammer and Ruck in each of their defenses to the patch.

    All things set aside hope all is well Telamon. I know it is hard running a shard and your doing a great job with the staff/ time you have available.
    One and Earsnot like this.
  12. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Nothing of note spawns on these creatures that you would want. Not like monsters spawn during fishing with rare items on them. This is to deal with players doing say 100 nets at a time and then leaving 400 monsters behind. Players would sail into this area and just get obliterated.

    This is specifically focused on things that spawn from using special fishing nets, not fishing in general. Tracking orphaned fishing critters is still a profitable hobby.
    Canis and One like this.
  13. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Its not a faction patch Rextacy, just some hotfixes for long simmering issues. People luring all the guards in a town onto a boat to sit them in the ocean where no one can find them, clearly not intended.

    Or luring them all to a building where they are stuck. So a reasonable range of action should be trivial to the average player.

    As for the placement this will stop someone from spawning 20 guards in front of the COM/TB bases in the middle of an active fight. You can still place the guards, with reasonable spacing. Just not all at once.

    And again these are exploratory changes to improve the quality of life now as we look for better long term fixes.
  14. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    These rules will apply to your normal every day monsters in the world. Boss monsters, champion spawns, etc all have their own more understanding logic.
  15. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  16. Minax

    Minax Well-Known Member
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    May 13, 2017
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    i disagree with the atrophy decay for points.
    if you don't log in and fight or get points for at least a week then they should decay.
    there are days that i cannot log in and play, so to lose points everyday is crazy.
    please reconsider the time for decay on points.
  17. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    I think the players who show up, every day, and generate the fights should be the ones to reap the rewards.

    I fall into the same category you do, albeit it's more like a month to month basis for me at this point. Perhaps daily atrophy would be too harsh depending on how hot/cold the scene is. I think, however, Chris' intent with 24 hour atrophy is to quickly decay the point holders/idle factioners. I'm sure he'll adjust the point decay after there's a cleansing.

    It would, however, make more sense to just reset all of factions, boot everyone, and start from scratch. Then a week long point atrophy would work going forward.
    Minax likes this.
  18. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  19. Minax

    Minax Well-Known Member
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    May 13, 2017
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    I agree I was thinking the same, do a whole faction cleansing. Start fresh.
  20. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    That's a idea, but if someone was active in factions and on the path to earn the commander role, blanking him/her would be a punishment more than a fix.

    Also keep in mind the decay is a percentage, so the fewer points you have the less the effective will be. But it will quickly resolve the situation of non active players having large amounts of non decaying points.

    This also buys us a little more time to work on a larger faction patch with better fixes for these things. So we just from no decay, to fast decay. And the players can find a happy medium for me to end up on.

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