Guild Application for Potential Recruits

Discussion in 'Knights of Sosaria [KoS]' started by Lightshade, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Holden

    Holden Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Character(s) Name(s): Lummy - Macer/Bard

    Preferred Play Style(s): (ie. PvM/PvP/PvE) PvM, Melee PvP

    Gaming History: (Focus on UO, but feel free to talk about other games)
    I played OSI Chesapeake from pretty early on, until they forced the 3d client. I have also spent a lot of time on the Elder Scrolls(not online), and xbox 360. I really enjoy this era of UO.
    Time Zone: Eastern Standard

    Usual Online Hours: It varies due to work/son. Usually after 10pm weekdays, weekends are random

    Other: I would really like to join in on some group adventures. Single player MMOs aren't that much fun :p

    I have completely read the KoS Guild Rules and agree to abide by them at all times. I understand that if I fail to follow the KoS Guild Rules I may be immediately dismissed from the guild with no warning.
    One, crazydaze and Lightshade like this.
  2. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    Get to know the gang, make some friends, and hopefully get them to recruit you. :)
  3. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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  4. Green Light

    Green Light Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2016
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    I ran into Atiki at Ice White Wyvren spawn the other night while training lockpick and he suggested I join up with KoS and as I'm somewhat new to server I thought I would look into this further. I'm interested in eventually getting a 3 character fishing operation going as well as doing AMiBs and level 7 maps. I just started a provo/disco/tamer today (60 taming already) and hope to have a nightmare "soon" :). What I'm looking for in a guild is a friendly helpful group. I see you have a champ channel on irc, which is something i'm interested in getting into once i have a bard/tamer and later mage/tamer characters a little further along. Taming is something i'm not especially experienced at but the training is going quick enough. My favorite build is probably bard/dex and ill admit i have a slight slayer weapon addiction. ill get on the KoS irc channel and say hello. end rant

    oh and i do have a rl buddy who is also new to server so he will probably be also putting in an app at some point

    Character(s) Name(s): Bert McGirt
    swords/disco, mostly farming Lich Lords up to this point

    Preferred Play Style(s): (ie. PvM/PvP/PvE)
    mostly PvE

    Gaming History: (Focus on UO, but feel free to talk about other games) mmo's:
    UO great lakes, asheron's call, anarchy online briefly, abcuo server, eve online

    Time Zone:
    us central

    Usual Online Hours:
    usually sometime between 4pm to midnight

    I have completely read the KoS Guild Rules and agree to abide by them at all times. I understand that if I fail to follow the KoS Guild Rules I may be immediately dismissed from the guild with no warning.
    Lightshade likes this.
  5. Cherie

    Cherie Active Member

    Dec 21, 2012
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    Character(s) Name(s):joan of arc

    Preferred Play Style(s): (ie. PvM/PvP/PvE)pvm

    Gaming History: (Focus on UO, but feel free to talk about other games)only here since birth.dont know any other

    Time Zone:east coast

    Usual Online Hours:m-f evenings and s-s off and on. i do have a life

    Other: None.

    I have completely read the KoS Guild Rules and agree to abide by them at all times. I understand that if I fail to follow the KoS Guild Rules I may be immediately dismissed from the guild with no warning.
    Click to expand...
    Lightshade likes this.
  6. Ervin

    Ervin Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
    Lightshade likes this.
  7. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    Ervin is a good guy, take him!
    One and Lightshade like this.
  8. Johnny5

    Johnny5 New Member

    Sep 6, 2017
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    Character(s) Name(s): Finder, Kedyns Crow
    Preferred Play Style(s): PvM is really quite fun, and I look forward to getting skilled enough again to PvP
    Gaming History: UO from 98-04 on Lake Superior, I had everything from a Tamer to PKer
    Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time, NYC
    Usual Online Hours: I work on my computer as I am wheelchair bound and barring some sort of meeting that my company needs me to show up for I can be on actively from 9am - 12am

    Other: Just looking for some good company to adventure with whether a spawn or PvP or just to chat with.

    I have completely read the KoS Guild Rules and agree to abide by them at all times. I understand that if I fail to follow the KoS Guild Rules I may be immediately dismissed from the guild with no warning.
    Lightshade and Rydian01 like this.
  9. Holden

    Holden Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2014
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    @Johnny5 Unless I am mistaken KoS hasn't existed for quite a while now. You may want to speak to @Lord Krake and PS (Project Sanctuary) if you are new.
    One and Valrick like this.
  10. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    We're still around. We're not very active right now, though. Myself being the least active with me being in the final stages of building a house with a refueling outage at work starting in October. I'll be playing this winter more often, though.

    We're always willing to help when we're around.
    Valrick likes this.
  11. Aginor

    Aginor Member

    Jun 24, 2019
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