The Bloodrock Clan is having a rat clomp! Everyone is invited to participate. Greebas ull, Ogtuuk Klerg! Der be raht clomp fur ull tu kum tu. Bluudchok'Hai wuntz tu cee ib umies en udderz hab wut et taykz tu guk a myti raht. Lut da raht bluud flo! When: Tuesday April 15th at 7:30pm central Location Venue: Ningauble's Tower near the cross roads by compassion Rules: Bring your own small rat, no taming is needed to tame one Only small rats allowed One rat per person You can name the rat No healing or vet allowed on the rat No buffing allowed on the rat You can work as a team with others to take out other rats (to do this say All Kill and target the rat you want to clomp) All rats will enter the fighting pit, last rat standing wins! A prize will be awarded to the owner of the winning rat. Below is the location of where the event will be held Xegugg, A moment ago Edit Report
Xeg, I will be around today and will get you urks all set up over at the towers. If you would like to get a character co-owned so you can make deco and layout changes I am more than happy to do that. I would like all the urks and citizens of Stormhold and other allies to know that venue is ALWAYS available to use for whatever purposes you desire. I will happily add you all as friends and co-owners if desired. I bought the towers to share them.