Happy Halloween 2018 Renaissance! Event Megathread

Discussion in 'Shard News' started by Chris, Sep 20, 2018.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Night of Horrors 2018 Challenge Event
    Tuesday October 23rd - 8pm(est)
    Wednesday October 24th - 2pm(est)
    Thursday October 25th - 10am(est)
    Friday October 26th - 9pm(est)
    Saturday October 27th - 2am(est)
    Saturday October 27th - 5pm(est)
    Sunday October 28th - 1pm(est)
    Sunday October 28th - 7pm (est)
    Monday October 29th - 10pm(est)
    Tuesday October 30th - 8pm(est)
    Wednesday October 31st - 6pm(est)
    Thursday November 1st - 1pm(est)
    Friday November 2nd - 8am(est)
    Friday November 2nd - 8pm(est)
    Saturday November 3rd - 2pm(est)
    Saturday November 3rd - 6pm(est) *Hard Mode
    Sunday November 4th - 5pm(est)
    Sunday November 4th - Midnight (est)
    Monday November 5th - 12 Noon(est)
    Tuesday November 6th - 8pm(est)
    Wednesday November 7th - 6pm(est)
    Thursday November 8th - 1pm(est)
    Friday November 9th - 3pm(est)
    Saturday November 10th - Midnight(est) - Final Round

    Note: We will not be running anything special on Halloween, so spend time with the family/kids/candy bucket. A special event will be run on the 3rd.

    Event Schedule
    October 21st to November 7th

    Note: 18-22 Runs of the event are expected! With a special hard mode version to be run as the final event.
    Note: Since these events have a small staff component depending on unforeseen IRL issues delays are possible. ​

    You awake to find that nightmare has become reality!
    Britain has been taken over by the undead!
    No spellbook, no weapons, no supplies with danger all around.
    Do you grab a weapon and try to fight your way out?
    Search for resources and craft supplies for your fellow adventurers?
    Scrounge for magical supplies and summon help from the ether?
    Untold rewards await anyone who can make it out alive!

    Who knows what horrors await outside the safety of the Inn?

    Scavenge for supplies, search for other survivors, find hidden caches of supplies and discover secret areas on your way to escaping the nightmare.

    Event Details
    • Type : Challenge Event
      • Auto Resurrection
      • Contained Event Arena
      • 6 Award Categories per Event
      • 9 Bosses
      • 9 Mini Bosses
      • 12 Support creatures
      • No Items Drop on Death
      • All Possessions are moved to the bank once the event starts.
    • Duration : 60-90 Minutes
    • Runs: 10/21/17 to 11/4/17 (Subject to change)

    How it Works
    • A detailed event schedule will be posted, this event will run 18-22 times depending on staff availability.
    • You will have 15 minutes to sign up for the event.
    • Once signed up, all of your possessions will be moved to the bank. You cannot join the event while holding items.
    • Once the event starts you are transported into the event area.
    • Gather supplies, and find a way to escape or defeat the undead.
    • Score points for defeating the undead hoards and earn unique rewards.
    • Manage to complete the event before the time is up for greater rewards.
    • Players who participate in the event will find a gift bag awarded to them at the completion of the event.

    Event Guide by Gideon Jura

    Event Pictures
    RoyalMummy.jpg VampireLord.jpg
    Necro.jpg BlackKnight.jpg
    DreadPirate.jpg QOD.jpg
    Frank.jpg UndeadCommander.jpg

    Halloween Rewards
    • Players will earn Holiday Coins during the event that can be used to purchase items from the Holiday Vendor.
    • Progressing through the Challenge Event and defeating the event bosses will provide you with additional coins.
    • The player that scores the most points during the event will receive additional coins and an event statue.
    • Players will be able to purchase items from the Halloween Reward Vendor until 10/01/2018.
    • Jack-0-Lantern Deed (House Addon)
    • Random Necro Reagent (Grave Dust, Eye of Newt, Brimstone, Bloodspawn, Dragons Blood, Batwing, Daemon Bone, Pig Iron, Pumice)
    • Trick or Treat Bucket (Container)
    • Vampire Statuette
    • Grave Necromancer Statuette
    • Undead Dragon Statuette
    • Goblin Statuette
    • Frankenstein Statuette
    • Royal Mummy Statuette
    • Platinum Coins
    • And More to be announced before the event!

    Halloween 2018 - Holiday Rewards
    Rewards still in development!
    These items can be purchased from the holiday vendor found in the event lobby and in various banks.

    Event Scoring
    • During each round of the event players will be scored on a variety of metrics.
    • Normal Monster Damage (Support)
    • Mini Boss Damage (x 2 Score Multiplier)
    • Boss Damage (x 5 Score Multiplier)
    • Damage Healed
    • Best Crafter
    • Player Deaths
    Note: Test image does not reflect the score multipliers

    Once the event completes the players leading in the following categories will be awarded a special statue to commemorate their accomplishment
    • Total Damage
    • Support Damage
    • Mini Boss Damage
    • Boss Damage
    • Best Healer
    • Best Crafter

    Holiday coins are earned by defeating the various monsters during the event and will be given directly to the player. Depending on your accomplishments (by score) during the event every player will earn bonus platinum once the event completes.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2018
    Folly, Keza, Zyler and 14 others like this.
  2. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Graveyard Disturbances

    During the event period players can explore the various graveyards around Britannia to combat the surge in undead. Players can find the following monsters roaming various graveyards around the world.

    Hunting in these locations can earn the players holiday coins, rare item drops and occasionally a gate to the an unknown location where players can attempt to defeat the source of the monsters attacking the land. For more details scroll down.

    Undead Minions
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Mini Boss Class
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    For more information on each creature and to view its loot table check out the halloween compendium





    Last edited: Sep 20, 2018
    Keza, Zyler, Airin and 5 others like this.
  3. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Explore the Source of the Undead Scourge

    A new edition to the Halloween festivities will be a unique dungeon experience custom designed for UO:Renaissance.

    Update - http://uorforum.com/threads/night-of-horrors-2-the-city-of-the-dead-event-guide.37479/#post-358303

    While combating the undead hordes in graveyards and during events players will have the chance to stumble upon a dark moongate that will allow them access to the source of the monsters.

    Players will find themselves in a strange dark underground city. Due to the extreme magical forces in this location players will only have a limited time in which to explore this location. Once the dark magic is aware of your transgression into this location you will be magically expelled.

    Halloween_2018_010.jpg Halloween_2018_011.jpg Halloween_2018_012.jpg Halloween_2018_013.jpg Halloween_2018_014.jpg Halloween_2018_015.jpg Halloween_2018_016.jpg

    Note: This is still a work in progress location and the pictures do not represent the final design.

    New Content Hints
    - Players will have a set amount of time in the dungeon.
    - Once the time limit is up the player, any corpses and their pets will be ejected to the event lobby.
    - Players will enter at one of 4-5 locations based on the location where the gate spawned.
    - These entrances will be safe and free from combat and allow access to a variety vendor (critical supplies)
    - The dungeon however will be extremely dangerous. Normal Felucca rules will be in place.
    - There will be basic protections in place to discourage players from trying to camp/target the safe zone exits.
    - Each entrance will have some markers to help players navigate the new dungeon.
    - The dungeon will have 6-7 bosses, 10-15 mini bosses, and 10-15 support monsters.
    - A mix of classic Night of Horrors monsters and new creations for this dungeon.
    - On a randomized rotating timer various bosses will spawn in their dens for the player to hunt.
    - The dungeon will be active 24/7 however each players experience will differ depending on the amount of players/bosses active.
    - There will be new rare drops, rare spawns, and other desirable items to found in this location to match the difficulty.​

    After the Halloween event this location will change modes and will become an addition to our new player system, and be linked to 4 classic undead locations in the world (City of the Dead in T2A, Trinsic Cemetery, etc). This will allow our players to enjoy this new content year round rather than limiting it to once a year. The spawn will return to normal undead spawn with a few additions and will function much like the orc caves.

    Note: We are actively looking for our Role Playing players to help us perfect this content. So please contact me (Telamon) on irc if you want to contribute with post event ideas.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2018
    Knightmare, Althorn, One and 19 others like this.
  4. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Halloween Reward Shop 2018

    While we are still working on the Halloween rewards for this year players are welcome to take part in a discussion started by Evil Dead about things they would like to see this year.

    Also this is your last chance to snag any items from last years shop. It will be closing soon to prepare for the 2018 item selection. (10/1/18)


    Halloween2018_001.jpg Halloween2018_002.jpg Halloween2018_003.jpg Halloween2018_004.jpg
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2018
    Knightmare, TheDarkOne, Keza and 6 others like this.
  5. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Oh man, Halloween caves similar to Lep caves??!!!? Amazing. Well done @Chris!!!
  6. Xx-GoD-xX

    Xx-GoD-xX Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    ooooh baby the excitement
    Knightmare likes this.
  7. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    I'm wet.
    Pill and Jill Stihl like this.
  8. Ragnar

    Ragnar Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Mar 17, 2014
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    So much HYPE!!
  9. an evil carebear

    an evil carebear Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 25, 2018
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    I guess it is time to start finding groups to run with in preparation for the red blitz that will soon engulf these areas... The Lep cave idea was awesome unless you ran into a massive gank squad lol.
    OptimisticSam likes this.
  10. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 17, 2016
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    That's what makes it fun!
    ElleFeyRa likes this.
  11. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    I wish I could give out one million likes!
  12. Rextacy

    Rextacy Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Mar 19, 2017
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    Yay, another event area created. This is cool and all don't get me wrong.

    But how about doing stuff you say your gonna do before this shit. Ya know....
    Plat rewards?

    Nevermind that's asking to much I guess.
  13. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    I believe this was mostly GM Treasuremans work. (The event area)
    One likes this.
  14. Arawn

    Arawn Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 1, 2014
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    So incredibly awesome!! Halloween is by far my favorite time of year o this server, and it just keep getting better.

    I really appreciate all the time and effort the staff puts into these things, and hope they continue to put effort into the things they enjoy doing for this server.

    Glad we got the one obligatory bitch post out of the way, (Rextacy), now lets get back to our regularly scheduled Hype Train!

    Avery, Anika, Airin and 4 others like this.
  15. DaBucs

    DaBucs Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2018
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    I am looking forward to this, my first Halloween here :)
    medas and NCCML like this.
  16. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 9, 2014
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    When you want peace

    Prepare for WAR!

    NoH is my favorite as well @Arawn now if I could just break another foot to allow 24/7 NoH participation again...
    NCCML, Cronos, DaBucs and 1 other person like this.
  17. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Different staff work on different projects. Work on this started over a year ago. It is part of our long term plan to make holiday events less staff intense and more sustainable. So instead of the staff having to spend hours running manual events. This system does it for us.

    And yes this is primarily something Treasureman has been working on since last October.

    Factions and CUB will be our next major pacth. However those projects are more important to get right, than quickly. So they will take as long as they need to get them right. We are however slowly adding more help in other areas. Which frees up my time to focus on that.
    newme, dissident, Airin and 14 others like this.
  18. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 17, 2016
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    You're doing great work @Chris ! Keep it up!!
  19. Kash

    Kash Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 29, 2017
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    I like things just how they are and can wait for whatever may come. This event looks awesome!! Thanks so much for all the work you guys do!
    JimmyTheHand, NCCML and Cronos like this.
  20. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    Glad to see you making use of the T2A undead city outside from Delucia. It was one of my main hangouts back on the old OSI days and will be cool to drive some action into T2A!
    crazydaze likes this.

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