Random Questions

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by weeZ_, Jun 5, 2021.

  1. weeZ_

    weeZ_ New Member

    Jun 3, 2021
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    Hello everyone, I'm brand new to UO:R. I have a random assortment of questions I was hoping to get some help with. Previous to coming here, I've played a few other shards that were based on the t2a ruleset. Because t2a is what I'm familiar with, I might be mentioning it a few times here and there to compare/contrast and to formulate questions.

    Some of the questions will be opinion based, and I welcome any and all opinions from all types of players. Thanks for your time and attention. Here we go!

    1. What breaks young status? Leaving Occlo...anything else?

    2. What edge do lockpickers have? On t2a they didn't make as much raw gold as bards or tamers. But they were the best way to get invis, teleport, and MR jewelry, which made them insanely lucrative. Seeing as there is none of this jewelry here on UOR, I feel that there isn't a good incentive for me to make a lockpick -- which is a shame because my lockpick was my favorite PVE toon to play back on t2a shards. Someone convince me! Why should I play a lockpick here? (I'll make 1-2 pve characters max...I'm more interested in learning UOR pvp and spending my time doing that).

    3. From what I understand, pure mages are a viable way to kill someone around same player/character skill level on UOR. On t2a your opponent would have to make a VERY careless mistake (probably several in succession) in order for you to get kills. I've learned a few things unique to UOR pvp, like the stun punch and the Mind Blast. These clearly make the pure mage a lot more powerful than they were in t2a. Are there any other differences in spells I'm not considering? I vaguely remember harm spam to do some pretty good damage here on UOR,

    4. Unlike the t2a I'm used to, the weapons here are swing only based off its own swing timer and not that of wrestling. In other words, when you equip a weapon, that begins the cooldown until you're ready to swing again; not ready to hit immediately. Because of this, I'd imagine tank mages wielding war hammers, pole arms, axes, and other slow weapons are at a disadvantage compared to more popular builds (I've played on this shard about 5 hours total so far but I'm just assuming these temps aren't so good at pvp based off the lack of insta hit. If I'm wrong forgive me.) Another assumption here: the paralyze from the spear seems to be better than crushing blow or concussion blow...And since the spear is also faster than the war hammer and axes, I'm going to guess that fencing mages are more popular than archer/macing/swords/axe mages. How viable are fencing mages 1v1 or 2v2? I think that's what I want to play. I'm wrestling with it in my head...I'm trying to imagine the context in which I would want to stop casting spells, arm the spear, and go in for a hit. Maybe if they're trying to get off screen asap, or if I'm low on mana...
    How viable are fencer mages? Tank mages in general?

    5. I know mace fighting and archery are off limits to poison. Which swordsmanship and fencing weapons can't be poisoned (if any)?

    6. Anatomy + Wrestling gives stun punch
    Anatomy + Eval Int gives defensive wrestling
    Any others?

    7. Pets can be bonded, right? What if I gate dragons away instead of killing them? Can they then be found? I'm crossing my fingers hoping you won't tell me that drags/wyrms can't be gated by non-owners/friends anymore...
    UOR implements a follower limit right?
    Any other buffs or nerfs for tamers?
    I hate tamers with a fiery passion because I think they're bad for the game. Most gold per minute, safest farming, and I feel they really limit player interaction because honestly who wants to engage with a character who presses one key and you insta-die if you don't off screen fast enough?
    I guess with no invis jewelry here you can't drop aggro and have a window of time to beat up tamers...
    Any tricks for killing them?
    I pride myself on being fair (I won't say moral since it's only a game) in all aspects of this game except for one. And I also pride myself on griefing tamers whenever I see them. Even if you're macroing up taming from 50.1 for the first time ever. No mercy for tamers.
    Sorry for the tangent.

    8. On t2a I used to like using light poison over deadly poison on my weapons vs casters because the LP, although far less damage than DP, has more frequent ticks and therefore more of a chance to disrupt my opponent's spell. Is it the same way here? Have there been any poison changes from t2a to UOR other than not being able to in mani/in vas mani through poison?

    9. What do most houses sell for? Maybe like 2x deed price?
    Any chance on placing anything larger than a small?

    10. What's the % chance to inflict a crushing/para/concussion blow? Is it based off wep skill or something?

    I think that's all for now. I sincerely appreciate your answers, opinions, and insights.

    See you in Sosaria!
    MikeK and Vincent Blackshadow like this.
  2. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
    MikeK likes this.
  3. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    2- Lockpick is not nerfed here... despite the Tmaps(a great source of resources and a option to farm in the pk busy hours, you can get the level 7 maps, instances that lead you to a very exciting and profitable quest... with rare spawns, rare drops and lots of valuable stuff.

    7- Tamers are not a safe way to hunt... when alone is the opposite.. tamers could be very vulnerable for a skilled pk. And you have the skill loss aspect in the pets... what makes the tamers life a little harder..

    9- You have houses from all prices and tastes.

    10 - the chance of para blowing I am not sure the %, we have the spear and the short spear, both have diff speeds/higher damage. And the chance is also determined by your dexterity and anatomy(a skill related with the special moves and a little with damage to).
  4. weeZ_

    weeZ_ New Member

    Jun 3, 2021
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    Thanks for all the responses, guys. These have mostly been more open ended questions, whereas I've been asking lots of more direct questions in discord. Great community!

    See you soon, when I get out of Occlo :D
  5. Tired Olde Man

    Tired Olde Man Active Member

    Apr 10, 2021
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    1. If you log out on a boat in deep water, or even at the end of the piers by the sailor fort you will lose young status. You can get it back typing "[young" or using help and getting a gm to help you

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