I shall consider returning if... (Terms and Conditions)

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Cullinarn, Sep 4, 2021.

  1. Cullinarn

    Cullinarn Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 13, 2014
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    Some of you might remember me from years ago. Others were never blessed to behold the brilliance of my supreme humility, or stand in awe of my selfless sacrifice. I played, on this shard, from 2013-2015, and again from 2016-2018. Due to a 2018 hiccup in my refreshes, as well as several IRL changes, I have been unable to play these past several years. After careful consideration, I have decided that I might be willing to bless the shard with my presence again. That said, I do have some conditions:

    (1) I am currently without housing. As some of you will recall, I lost my beloved Blanche Island, and my keep in the city of Gish at the southern tip of Britannia. Thus, I am technically homeless. Being a simple and humble man, I will accept a fortress on grass, together with a compound of no less that 5 two story buildings, as my primary residence. I am not particular about location. It just needs to be on a crossroad, on the same screen as a moongate, no more than one screen from a major dungeon entrance, no more than half a screen from a shrine, and on grass. The fortress must have secure courtyards, and must be free of nuisance spawn. It must, however, include no fewer than four elf spawning locations so that I might hunt in a private garden at Christmas. To avoid a repeat of my refresh hiccup, I must insist that you all take shifts refreshing my buildings for me.

    (2) While I applaud the guild currently living there for doing the deco in Gish that I never got around to, I must demand that they be evicted. I don't plan on settling there; I just don't want anyone else to have it. I don't care how this gets done. Either the GMs may delete the houses and make it a no-place zone, or other players may band together to hack into their accounts, delete all of their characters, and stand in shifts on the property so that no one may place. Let's just get it done.

    (3) While I initially intended to demand Blanche Island back, the idea of other players sullying my hallowed ground these past three years has transformed my dreams into dust. Consequently, I demand that Blanche Island be deleted permanently from this shard in a mega-event in which all shard players are forced to participate. I'll try to be there if it fits my schedule. If I am unable to do so, I expect all of those who do participate to take a variety of video captures from the event. I must also demand that this event take place in an instance, using Kingdom Reborn graphics. In lieu of Blanche, I will accept Occlo as a replacement... and then never deco it. Please remove the new players from my private island.

    (4) In my years of absence, my 1337sk1LLz have deteriorated significantly. Consequently, I demand an honour guard of no fewer than 15 insta-kill capable virtue guards. Order will suit me nicely. I also demand that each guild provide me with at least one plenipotentiary, whose first loyalty shall be to me. I also demand that someone cover the cost of no fewer than 200 hours of PvP lessons, which I may or may not commit to attending, and act as my proxy in all duels, with the wins credited to me.

    (5) Currently, I am penniless. Thus, being aware that I must swallow what remains of my pride and fall on the gracious mercy and generosity of others, I will accept charity, gratefully and with supreme humility. This charity must be given in the form of first-anni blue/pink hued clothing, large amounts of plat, and unique rares (I do mean unique; none of that "only 2 on the shard" nonsense). I will also accept indentured servitude, so long as it is perpetual, and I am allowed to dictate your login times. When approaching me to provide said charity, you are to bow three times, beat your breast twice, followed by a second series of bows. Always approach from the south, and remain at least one tile on the z-axis below me. Proper forms of address, which I must insist that you observe meticulously, include "The Right Arm of Telamon", "Saviour of the Shard", "The Supreme Smurf", and "Lord British". Also, to provide a sustainable source of income befitting the benefits that I convey upon the shard by my mere presence, I must demand a tithe on everyone's plat, and a double tithe on all loot drops. These may be automatically deposited in my bank account by a method to be determined by the GMs.

    These are my conditions, which I expect to be met within the week. Otherwise, I shall never return.

    Seriously though: The other day I logged in to claim my 9th anni rewards, and, to give you an idea how little I play, only one of my accounts qualified! Seeing the shard made me nostalgic. I got the bug to write a bit of satire, and reach out and see how everyone is doing. I currently have neither the plans, nor the ability IRL, to devote any time to playing, but I missed you all, and figured it was a great chance to catch up. I also wanted to thank both the shard-staff and everyone who plays here for providing me with years of fun during a time in my life when I was still getting things figured professionally and personally. During this period, I needed to escape, from time to time, into a fantasy world populated by like-minded folks. What I found here was a fraternity of people who, in spite of occasional disagreements and drama, were all committed to the good of the shard, and who were, almost to a player, willing to help out anyone who needed it. Even when my houses fell, the group that did the IDOC made sure to save a bag of stuff that they correctly surmised had sentimental value to me, and reached out to return it. There were times where I very much needed the fun, fellowship, and crazy moments I had here. The shard never disappointed. For the past several years, I've thought about writing a long "What the Shard Meant to Me" gratitude post, and I still might. That said, a footnote at the end of a forum joke seemed appropriate in lieu of a longer missive I may never get around to. From this retired player: Thanks for all of the good times!
  2. Codus

    Codus Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2014
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    Checks his calendar....
    I can do the Blanche Island deletion event next sunday? what about you guys?

    Keeps reading....

    Clears his calendar again.

    Cullinarn likes this.
  3. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Great! Be sure to take another bite of our pizza, it is still very good! :)
    Cullinarn and Codus like this.
  4. Cullinarn

    Cullinarn Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 13, 2014
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    Preface: Glad to see you're still enjoying the shard, @Earsnot , since you were the one who gathered all the sentimental stuff and got it back to me. Two of those trophies are irreplaceable because (1) One of them was from a summoning tournament, and was the first 1st place trophy I ever won, and (2) I'm unlikely to place in a PvP tournament again... ever. :D Looking through the bag now, I might not be quite as penniless as I stated above. I didn't realize you guys returned a couple million gp worth of clothing. Anyway, thanks, mate. It was really neat to come back and see memories dating back to 2016. Hope you guys are doing well still!

    *gets "serious"*

    @Codus : I shall consider ordering everyone to change the date of the Blanche deletion, so that it fits both of our schedules. My magnanimity, to say nothing of my extreme humility, does allow for at least one other person to share my place at the center of all that is. After all, since I log in so infrequently, I need a proxy around which the shard may revolve in my absence. Just remember that my humility is a heavy cross to bear, and I expect you to bear it with me. When others approach you, I must insist that you have them address you by the aforementioned titles, preceded by "The Right Arm of...". I will concede that "The Right Arm of the Right Arm of Telamon" is a bit unwieldy, but I am afraid there is nothing I can do. The forms must be observed. All supplicants must also pay an additional fee for dealing with my proxy. In my generosity, I shall allow a split of 99/1.

    @Kiryana : I do still enjoy pizza, but my preferences have changed. Back in my playing days, I used to like cheese. Currently, I only eat a specialty pizza. It is crafted from platinum, and resembles a pile of coins. The item count is 60,000. Once you have located a shop, I shall condescend to allow you to pick it up and deliver it to me... for a small fee of course... to be paid by the deliverer.
    *begins to ponder the wisdom of how he chooses to spend his time*
    AOٌ, Earsnot and Kiryana like this.
  5. martimus

    martimus New Member

    May 8, 2020
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    Sorry, Who are you?
    Cullinarn likes this.
  6. Cullinarn

    Cullinarn Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 13, 2014
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    Nobody takes the time to read anymore. I very clearly stated that I am to be addressed as "The Right Arm of Telamon", "Saviour of the Shard", "The Supreme Smurf", or "Lord British". Give people four options, and what do you get? A guy asking "Who are you?"
    AOٌ and Earsnot like this.
  7. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    I dont know you.. and your text is too long... as i perceived, you needing a help with housing right? i could give you a hand to place a small house somewere in fire island or hiden valley... you have money for the deed or you want me to borrow you?
  8. Puck

    Puck Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Howdy there! Good to hear from you!
  9. AOٌ

    AOٌ Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Good to see a post from my original guild leader of H*O !
    I was just a little Bard Mage back then but I appreciated all of the fun we had in the guild for the time I was there. I probably still have my guild book from 2018 that you wrote.

    That was a great read! Thanks for the entertainment and hope you can devote mega 1337 amount of time to UOR again soon!
    Kiryana likes this.
  10. Snorko

    Snorko Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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  11. Pedigar

    Pedigar Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2015
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    Snorko likes this.
  12. Mr. Green

    Mr. Green Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2017
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    Those aren’t the colors…

  13. Thrash

    Thrash Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    i can give you everything requested ....on test shard only
  14. Hoominaga

    Hoominaga Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 9, 2016
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