Patch 101 - May 8th 2022 - Event Updates, New Camps, Doubloon Store Opening & More!

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Chris, May 9, 2022.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Camp System Improvements
    - Implemented 9 new pirate themed camp designs created by Keza.
    - Complimented each camp with treasure and monsters suited for the design
    - Gave the camps a chance to drop more exciting loot.
    - Implemented a system that allows more staff control over their lifespan.
    - Implemented a better system for camps to spawn, exist and then despawn properly.
    - Camps will no longer be able to be refreshed once the monsters are defeated or the prisoner (if there is one) has been rescued.
    - Players completing a camp can refresh it by entering or exiting the center of a camp to reset the decay timer for a small period of time.
    - Implemented support for camps that can spawn in random areas on the ocean.
    - Players can start to find these new camps as part of the Pirate Tamer event and soon after everywhere in the world.
    Camp_PirateCabin_Full.png Camp_PirateCatamaran_Full.png Camp_PirateDigsite_Full.png Camp_PirateHarbor_Full.png Camp_PirateLongShip_Full.png Camp_PirateLookout_Full.png Camp_PirateSeaDock_Full.png Camp_PirateSeaPort_Full.png Camp_PirateShipyard_Full.png

    Doubloon Store - Desert Bazaar Vendor
    - Players can now start to purchase items from the vendor in exchange for doubloons they have earned completing Ancient MIB dungeons.
    - The home decor item set is now available for purchase excluding the Wall Scroll (It needs a bit more work)
    - Most, if not all, items are not blessed so make sure to purchase carefully.
    - Some items are breakable so be careful with them in your house around wild pets.
    - The rest of the shop will be opening soon so make sure to check back with each future patch. ​

    New Items
    - Scripted variety of new items to be used in the Doubloon store.
    - Implemented additional functionality for various items that required it.
    - Created 3 new decorative carpet items (Cave, Dirt and Wooden Floor)
    - Created 3 new selection menus for the new carpet items.
    - Implemented the Wooden Floor as a purchasable option from the Doubloon reward store.
    - The other two will remain in testing for a bit longer. ​

    - Implemented a better system to manage player created books when locked down in player houses.
    - Books that are locked down can no longer be edited by anyone other than owners and co-owners of the house.
    - Unlocked books can be edited by anyone as usual.
    - Implemented a new tag for books that allows the staff to mark certain boats as unable to be edited.
    - This will allow for event books, or a central library of player created books. ​

    XMLSpawner / Housing
    - Fixed a problem in which monsters would spawn rarely in player courtyards.
    - Monsters that can spawn in a player house or in a courtyard will now be moved to the houses ban location.
    - Implemented a change that would allow custom items generated for monsters as part of an XML spawner to be placed in their monster backpack.
    - This adds protection against auto looting scripts for those items and avoids rare situations of container over lapping.​

    - Fixed a problem where sending a player a message from the staff client gump would fail with a "not provided" message.
    - Fixed a problem with the wrong monster statue type being spawned on Sand Skeletons.​
    Last edited: May 9, 2022
    Buga, Dierdre, wylwrk and 11 others like this.
  2. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
    Senior Counselor
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Apr 19, 2013
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    So here are the items available for purchase today

    Prices for said Items


    Cargo Crates


    Solid Gold Chest

    Ships Wheel

    Pirate Banner

    Treasure Maps

    Wood Flooring
  3. ChaoticNeutralAntiHero

    ChaoticNeutralAntiHero Active Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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  4. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    What's the "adopt a parrot" thing?
    Kiryana likes this.
  5. One

    One Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
    Kiryana and gitchu1000 like this.
  6. ChaoticNeutralAntiHero

    ChaoticNeutralAntiHero Active Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    I really love the pirate banner. Are these instances were the new tame(s) like the serpent LeeLoo is auctioning come from?
    Kiryana likes this.

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