Undecided if I should play here. Got few q's.

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Kopogero, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. Kopogero

    Kopogero New Member

    Oct 25, 2014
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    Any other builds beside tamers out there that can handle and do similar dmg (when done everything properly) the strongest/rare spawn bosses? I don't like to be on a server where 90% of PvM'ers are tamers. It's also bad for the economy and after leaving a server with a legendary tamer I like to have some variety. Does this server provide that?

    How profitable is to do other activities beside farming same mobs over and over at endgame? Like fishing for example.

    I have bad experience with events in general and prefer not to do em, since I've found them non rewarding for the time spent doing em and the lack of knowledge exactly what one needs to do or what kind of rewards they offer. How would you rate the events on this server, especially if you play the game solo in terms of rewarding for the effort/time you spent doing em?

    How "butt tight" is the staff here? In other words, am I better off avoiding contact with the staff as much as possible both ingame and forum? I've seen previously in past games the staff asks for feedback, opinions from its playerbase, yet suspends/bans (both in forum and in game) when such opinions don't always paint the game as the best possible experience. Then again this server is suppose to be nonprofit, no P2W cash shop so I suppose it's on a different level.

    Finally, any "gold sinks" in place to control the economy? I hope after 2 years and couple months the server does not suffer from heavy inflation and is still attractive for new playerbase.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Only good gold sinks so far are neon hair/beard at 500k a pop and name change deeds at 100k per.

    You can do 'ok' with other templates (bards are especially powerful here) but will do better with even a small group, like 2 people or more. I can rock most high end spawn on a discordance swordsman with a friend who's a provo warrior. We can cross heal bosses too, like the dark one. We haven't been brave enough to try something like the Purveyor of Darkness or Elder Wyrm but I imagine we'd get smoked. Perhaps three players crosshealing fast enough with the right bard skills but without resist, things get tricky.

    Fishing is profitable with Ancient MiBs (private instances that you can run or sell for profit) and fishing nets, MiBs, etc. The Tailoring and Blacksmith BoD market is hot too so if you've got a mind to craft, there's good money to be had there.

    You're not likely to get banned for conflicting opinions, unless you're attacking people about it in an egregious manner. Most events reward teamwork but a skilled solo player can still do quite well, generally speaking. Some are hunting spawn around the world which tends to be something most folks like to do solo, as an example.
    Ranker and Lord Krake like this.
  3. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Oh man, Mr Kopogero, you have good questions and sound like you are use to playing on difficult servers.

    I am sure you will get a lot of responses to this, so here is mine (maybe the first, by time I post).

    I am Krake, hello! Most of us here are UO Vets, since the 90s or early 2000s. Of all the servers I have ever played on (many) this one is hands down the best. Hands. Down.

    I will try to address your questions in order:

    1. Tamers are huge here, yes. A lot of people have them, but not just to kill end game stuff all the time. As for other builds that can solo stuff, bards (either peacemaking, or provo) with some kind of combat ability is very viable ( I have a peacedexxer and a provomage and have a ton of fun on both and can make good money on solo runs). I dont understand that you mean by "its bad for the economy", perhaps on other servers you have played on it was, but not here.

    -------Lemme comment on our economy right fast: We have a great economy! Best of any UO shard, I think (statistically too). Lots of items moving, gold moving, deals being made. We have a HUGE crafting community here and pretty much any type of crafter can make money here and/or have fun. We have some custom stuff, but over all pretty era accurate.

    2. Fishing is great. MiBs and AMIBS (Ancient Message In Bottle) are all fun and profitable, both as ingame gold/items, and for selling fishables to other players. There are for sure other ways to make money aside from mobs, infact, I would say that mob hunting is not the #1 way here. Again, our economy is great.

    3. Our events are amazing. I am sorry to hear that you have not had luck or interest in them. A lot of them are player run and staff supported, so lots of original ideas and story lines and prizes and all that jazz. The rewards are here and there. Sometimes is just the experience and meeting new people, sometimes there are HUGE gold payouts, sometimes there are items to be won or platinum to be had. And most of them dont take a huge amount of investment, unless they are promoted months in advance.
    --------Platinum: This is a custom currency on this shard. You gain it through fighting champs (VERY fun), fighting mobs in the world, doing events, doing AMIBS and just staying on the server (passive gain every month). It is used to purchase a bunch of special items, but nothing neon or any bullcrap like that. There is a list of the items on the main page.

    4. I personally have not had any sucky interactions with the staff here. Infact, just the opposite. They REALLY seem to put work into this shard in terms of patching up, running events, communicating well with us, keeping the website up, and presenting themselves as real people, not tightass server nazis. Everything is free here, no P2P, just donations if you wanna contribute (people who do get cool orange names on the forums, thats it, no other perks).

    5. Again, the economy here is great. You can see the charts and graphs of items, gold, inflation and other stats from the main page. The vets to this shard will also be able to give you more info than I can on it, but I have found it to be balanced and challenging at the same time.

    ----In terms of attractivness to new players, we have the "young" status for players in their first week or up to their first 500 skill points (FYI, this server is 700skill cap and 225 stat cap) The "young" status is the closest thing to Trammel you will find. Young Players dont get aggroed by mobs, cant be stolen from, and can have terrible things done to them. BUT this is only for the first week, 500 skill points, and only in the city of Ocllo, so very contained. As soon as you leave Ocllo you lose young status.
    --- You can have 3 accounts, 5 characters each, but only the first character on each account can have access to young status, so not 15 character who all will take advantage of young status.

    Hmmm, what else.....

    The custom zoned AMIBs are really fun, and tough, and profitable.
    We dont have neon crap here, also no Trammel, standard mounts (horse, llama, ostard) and the mist exotic of these are the ethereal styles of these, which can only be purchased for 500 platinum (and thats a good amount of plat).
    2 custom houses, which you can see on the main page, other than that all UO:R specific houses. No custom building options.
    The holiday events here are great, the best of which, Night of Horrors, is happening now until Halloween (its a survival type game).

    Finally, I am the guildmaster for the new players guild: Project Sanctuary. Focused on helping new players to this shard get set up, even if they are vets and know how to play the game. Lemme know if this interested you, in the event that you stick around.


    I hope to see you in game sir! Blessings.

    The Musician, Jupiter and Basoosh like this.
  4. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Hi and welcome to UOR.

    First off, I'd like to tell you about our staff: they are UO Vets, but (by their choice) have ruled that no staff can play here. Helps keep the integrity of the server high. Gives them more time to handle server business, fixing glitches, etc. as far as donations go, all for the server, staff doesn't pocket any. Very, very dedicated to the server and generally enjoy what they're doing. Very approachable, and they listen.
    Of-course there are codes of conduct and stuff. But I've never heard of anyone getting banned for disagreeing with staff,
    The major game events are held in Trammel... When you die, you don't lose anything, not even fame, no one can loot your corpse etc. You get there via event moongates which take you to the event lobby. when all are assembled and its time for the event to start, you are transported to where the action is. When event is over, you are transported back to the lobby, At this point there is a banker and a stable guy there. Bank any loot or holiday coins you get before leaving the lobby. ( staff gives us plenty of time to do that), Once you leave the lobby, you are back in Fel... so be sure to bank items.
    There are "overland events" usually which goes along with the major events... These are in Fel, mostly some sort of city invasion
    or spawning of the event character types all over the map. so if you die at these, yes, it's Fel, so you take the chance of getting looted etc.
    The player base here is wide range, and the staff has gone through great efforts to have plenty for all play styles to do.We have role playing guilds to pvp guilds and just about everything in between. There's lots for the solo player to do as well as group of friends.
    As far as knowing what to do, when you are on forums home page, to the right, written in green, are our web sites. There is tons of information on those for how to do events, etc.
    Also in forums, many players have written guides from how to develop characters to the price ranges of items, including rares.
    As far as gold goes, it all depends on your personal goals in game. If you want big bucks fast...you play certain ways, if you don't care about being the richest player on server, you play a different way.
    I really just skimmed the surface here, but hope it helps in making your mind up. And hope you decide to give us a try.

    I'm Westra on irc...

    Best to ya.
    Vlar and Lord Krake like this.
  5. TrojanCow

    TrojanCow Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Feb 16, 2014
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    -- Tamers are important. Though not required, some (but not all) events or pvm activities such as champs show great favor to tamers. A lot of stuff to do with other templates though, from fighting to fishing to crafting. Still, make a tamer. You will occasionally be glad you did even if you are sick of them.

    -- Some people like events. Me, I think most of the events have been a grind. I would be lying if I said I didn't have fun grinding some of them, though. If you play solo, you will probably do less well. The same names (veterans) seem to clean up every year, as well as those affiliated with them, new or otherwise.

    -- The head honcho is not very butt tight. I haven't seen the X-Rays though. Extremely approachable and tries hard to be accommodating. At at the same time he has a very clear vision for the server, lands on what veteran UOers would call the Trammel side of many issues, but it is seemingly in the interest of growth and population retention.

    -- There is no end to the things you can spend disgusting amounts of gold on, depending on your taste.
    newme and Halabinder like this.
  6. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Tamers are important to soak up damage, but most special monsters have pet resistance, so dexers or mages end up dealing out the most damage. One thing this shard is very good about is providing incentives to have a versatile character. I.E. not just a pure bard or dexer, but some kind of hybrid.

    Economy is good, and is monitored too:

    Off the top of my head, I can think of rich folks who grinded (ground?) monsters, Bulk Order Deeds, spawning rares, champ spawns, or mining, so there are many possibilities to earn a nice return here.
  7. Markos

    Markos Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    - I've been on this server for over two years now, never had a tamer and have done quite well in the gold department.

    - Fishing is ridiculously amazing. You should read up on it here - Fishing

    - Events are awesome here. I enjoy doing the most of my UO'ing solo and I assure you, there is plenty of gold to be made during events. It's actually a little too easy to make tons of gold during events IMO. As far as the events go, the staff does a great job of giving you information about how the event is designed to work. For example - Halloween 2014. This is actually a great time to come in and see how the Halloween event works, as it is still going on until the end of the week.

    - Can't say enough about the staff here. Super friendly and always looking for player feedback. Hop in IRC and chat with them and see for yourself!

    - As mentioned before, neon hair is a good gold sink here. But, the main gold sink is definitely the platinum system. You can see all about that here - Platinum.

    Hop in IRC if you have anymore questions!
    newme and ReZon like this.
  8. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Apr 3, 2013
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    I just wanted to highlight this. Due to the pet resistance here, dexxers are capable of the most DPS against bosses, they just can't soak the incoming damage alone. It's almost as if you're supposed to bring multiple people and a variety of classes to fight bosses... A novel concept in MMOs, I know.
    newme, Halabinder, ReZon and 2 others like this.
  9. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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  10. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 6, 2019
    newme and Lord Krake like this.
  11. Gnarl

    Gnarl Active Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Well let's put it this way. If you are going to play UO, you are going to want to play on this server. Because you won't find one better.
    newme and Xegugg like this.
  12. T3h D4ve

    T3h D4ve Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Th man's got a point
    newme likes this.
  13. Kermit

    Kermit Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 14, 2014
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    They are right!
    Great server with great staff!

    About the tamer, for sure they are good in PvM, but a good bard is doing the work too!

    See u soon :)
    newme likes this.
  14. Kopogero

    Kopogero New Member

    Oct 25, 2014
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    Thx for all the replays. I didn't expect I'll get such positive response (but then again it could be a bit biased, since those playing are enjoying the game)

    On a side note my 2nd account got bugged. I can't access any chr with or without razor. The display won't show even when clicking on it on the task bar, but the mini window is there and I can see my chr loaded in the game.

    From the mini window I can see the young status window loading, even when I renounced my young status. This could be causing the issue and what I believe caused it was after clicking "play" on a macro from razor when the chr just loaded.

    I have no way to load the window now or do anything with chr/account :( This is clearly not an issue from my end since my other accounts are fine. Anyone had similar issue or possible solution to this?
  15. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 20, 2014
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    Right click the tab in the bar and hit maximize, happens to me all the time
    Lord Krake likes this.
  16. Kopogero

    Kopogero New Member

    Oct 25, 2014
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    Thx God...it was fixable issue. Thx for the quick response Kane :)
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2014
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  17. MrCandyMan

    MrCandyMan Active Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Everybody is pretty much on point about tamers and bards both working in PVM.

    One of my personal favorite pvm templates is a Peace Archer. It can slay drags/deamons/elder gazors 4 dayz.

    Good luck and I hope you choose to stay on this server :D
    newme likes this.
  18. Taliic

    Taliic Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2014
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    About 3 weeks ago I had a sudden itch for UO again after having been away from the game since 2001. I searched a bunch of freeshards and it wasn't even a tough decision that UOR is the best in absolutely every aspect/facet. This shard has only exceeded my expectations and I am enjoying every second playing the game I love again after all this time away. My girlfriend noticed that she was no longer my priority and in order to get any attention from me the past few weeks she decided to play the game as well. She hogged one of my accounts much to my dismay until she got her own, but she is slowly building her own little empire in this wonderful community without ever having played the game prior. The community was always what made UO a great game, among other things, and this shard harnesses the best community I've ever been apart of. Without a doubt.

    Make your chars, go full throttle and do not look back. You will love your stay here on UOR and we will love having you just as well. Look me up if you need any assistance with anything, friend.

    Take care.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2014
    Lord Krake, newme and Basoosh like this.
  19. Lando

    Lando Member

    Sep 25, 2014
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    Much like Taliic, I started about a month ago and have loved every minute of it. Events, CTF, farming...there is so much to do and there is always something else to work toward in the game.
    newme likes this.
  20. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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