"Zippiddyboobiddy and Unscrupulous Rex... Once placed their begging skills to the test... Checks were dropped in the street, By a rider footed-fleet,...
There is an old saying in Ocllo... [ATTACH] "Fool me once, shame on you... Fool me... can't get fooled again!"
"Art thou young, brave and daring? A free soul in need of a bearing? Join the Yew Noble Guardians, Find yourself in the party of, The finest without...
[ATTACH] Thank you to every[ONE] in attendance.
[ATTACH] "Now days everybody wants to talk, Like they've got something to say, But nothing comes out when they train resist, Just a bunch of...
On the subject of Event Center: bank/parking: - - - "What is it to beat a dead horse? But to drive home an old point, of course, Without fancy folk,...
[ATTACH] "The young and resistless all stood in [ONE] spot, While meteors rained down, dropping hot, Stand on but [ONE] tile, Or be removed for a...
[ATTACH] Knave! I didn't say, teach stealing... Clearly robbed here.
Don't miss out on this: https://uorforum.com/threads/one-public-resist-event.59193/ [ATTACH] [ATTACH] "The young and resistless all stood in [ONE]...
* Will be encouraging [YNG] members to attend regardless of their [youth] status. * Thank you for carrying on tradition. [ATTACH]
"I saw a 'makafaka' dressed nice, Red robes, wizard-hat, think twice, If thou art too slow, For the flame cast flow, Just run and show your...
Brought to justice at the end of a spiked mace, though we're one hundred percent positive this one is and will be a repeat offender. [ATTACH] He...
huh? thx! [ATTACH] I don't need no money, when I look like this, now do I honey.
[ATTACH] This is what happens when you torch the crotch of filthy orphans.
[ATTACH] "Surrounded by 'filthy orphans' in the street, Grabbing at bags, creating a wall of meat, They said 'Very well', Before lightning fell, As...
[ATTACH] Episode One: To be announced...
[ATTACH] "His name was Mario Prada, Did his passing truly even matter? Well, not much to me, Why you'd have to see, A lady looks finer wear'n...
Separate names with a comma.