If you are on Windows 7 there is a fix for that. Better ask @Chris or @Quick
When you get a drop that you don't even know that exists! [IMG] You carefully store it at bank together with your most priced piles of gold......
Hey, I would recommend just install the Launcher http://uorenaissance.com/downloads/launcher/UORLauncherSetup.exe Follow steps and test that your...
Hola lyom, bienvenido! No tenemos una guild de habla Hispana pero te paso por privado un canal de discord donde podemos comunicarnos en español....
Wooohooo :D [ATTACH]
Got one !! [ATTACH]
I'm sorry, I retract the last bid.
725k Stump and axe
When you finally caught the slippery Stripper at Jhelom pens!!! [ATTACH] And... know what? he seems to keep a lot of clothes for himself, not to...
Keza Books 160k
1 Axe in Tree Stump - 650k
Spell of Strange Love Hue 222 - 20k SB
Lot 2 - 250k
SB Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Hello and welcome back. You should contact Telamon on discord about your account details, you can join here: https://discord.gg/9JtUTdP For the...
Separate names with a comma.