Interesting idea. Having a Sultan (another King type) might upset Lord British, He is Liege of the land. Also would demand an extreme amount of...
Hanging gardens need lot of lock downs. You might not be able to do that in the marble workshop. Can't remember how many lock downs available in the...
It is always sad when a friend leaves us. Tremendously so, when that person has given so much time and effort towards the betterment for the server....
Greetings new adventurer. Welcome to our world. Do take full advantage of our Young Program, it's a great way to become familiar with the server,...
From my experience in UO, going back to 1997, it's not unusal to lose things. I've had (in past) lost 2 homes and all my belongings to pker guilds....
Again: BE PATIENT. Every member of the staff volunteer their time n efforts here. No One, zero get paid or profit. All monies donated to server go...
Might take a bit. Chris/Telamon is in charge of account issues and he works full time, so be patient. PM Chris here and Telamon on Irc He generally...
Also, sorry for getting little off track for thread. :(
I didn't mean chickens can be high level killers. Meant in the bird realm. Some things don't have to be a "usable level" can be just for fun. I've...
Pets here are like human players. You wouldn't take a untrained dexter out to kill Lich Lords. I recommend training up all your pets. For birds,...
Hi and welcome to the server. No not 100% percent of people here want to kill you. I don't pvp, learned years ago that I just don't enjoy it. I...
I understand your discouragement, Here's a couple of tips. Make couple other tailors, build their skill up enough to collect small bods. When...
I do like this idea. Have a couple suggestions. The battles only between the same kind of pet. Example. Dragon vrs Dragon. Dog vrs Dog, LOL...
I don't see how adding some new PVM content would Trammy up the server. If out of protection areas, players would still face the fact of pkers and...
I do agree that tamers are overpowered. Had this same issue, back in day, on OSI servers. Even in Tram, you'd go to hunt something, a tamer hogging...
Very nice, thank you both for doing this. Always nice to learn a little more about the players, how they view the game and play styles. :)
Welcome to our crazy world. UOR has a fantastic staff, which is very approachable, great player communtity and tons of stuff to do. If you still...
Welcome back. :)
Thank you Chris for adding this thread. N Wow, thanks for all your hard work and Concern, greatly appreciated. :)
Ahhh. Sorry about the mare . But you have a sweet dragon. :) Marjo Governess of Wispfelt Village Westra on IRC
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