Ee am Krothu en Ee appruve diz stoar :D
Ee gonna diztroy ani taymur kralrch Ee peep den tayke heems grub petz back ta Urk furt soh Bludchok Hai ken hav piknik.
When one Urk wins, the whole clan wins."Datz How Urk rollz"
Ee belawng ta da Bludchok Hai soh bi defawlt Ee dezurv deez tingz az tribyute fer Urk. Alsoh whutevur Uu du next Ee weesh Uu Guud Luk. Gugye Unkul...
Bludchok Hai kach deez panzeez wyle dem sleebin. Weem chop dem ta littul peesiz den konstrukt Urk vuuduu totum az warnin ra awl dat kom ta Urk...
Hikuree Dikuree Dok, Gordon got smaked wiff uh rok, or mabi uh few, heem fayce now guu, hikuree dikuree dok.:D
*Wanders the lands in search for Ne'emps*
Har Har Har *snorts* Remembur wut Urk du ta dem stinkee Empz??? Dat wuz nutin kompayrd ta wutz en stoar fer trazpazzerz en Urk territury dat nub pai...
*growls* Da Dezurt belawng ta Bludchok Hai. Awl Uumies dat travul der bettur hav Tribyute ta pazz oar Uu gunna pai wiff Bluud! Dat nub ani panzee...
No worries, I thought it was me at first looking at the wrong spot but it doesn't take much to confuse an orc (short attention span and all) :D
That's a shame. I was looking forward to spending my hard earned "shineez" on bones,body parts, and unfinished barrels. All the things us orcs like...
Is this place gone? It's not where it is supposed to be so I'm thinking it was either closed or went idoc.
Gib dem Shineez ta de Bludchok Hai.
Orcs clomp dat citee kawz dem ummie panzeez nub gib trybute tu der mazturz soh dem awll goh flat!
HoHO HAR Hohohoho HOOO HAR *snorts* HAR HO Hoooow HAR HAR Ho....*wipes tears from eyes* HAR HOHOHO.
EY!! Ee nub ded. Ee Drynk mani Grogz en juzd Pazz Owt frum chayzin dat Pyunee Ummie awl ober da plaize.
De Miti Krothu am ere jat soh Uu pyunee ummies Gib Trybute ta Bludchok Hai oar Goh flat!!
Separate names with a comma.