This is a place holder post so i can be the first to respond to you. On my way home now and wanna do it from my computer. Love the idea... Have...
Great post Antos. You beat me to it! I've been meaning to lay into people about their lack of profiles... But now, as i read this, i realize that i...
Snap, that was touching and engaging story. Well done! Thank you for the great read. Will make it if i can and sure hope Jupiter does too :)
May as well leave the murder count on him/her/they/them... Nothing a snip n' scoop can't solve!
Good information. I did not know this...
Aye! Do it now! - not pumped full of absurd custom content - solid, active, involved community - dedicated & hardworking staff
Love the ideas the OP put forward. also love the bump on this thread :) I have a few suggestions myself: Blackrock Infected Mage: inspired by the...
Hiji, are you really Kanye West? Yes, of course this is overboard! It's mad talk even! These measures might feel more natural on Eve, it's hard for...
Either they have something to hide OR don't like being interrogated without probable cause... What next? Will we be subject to patdowns and hound...
Perhaps once the guard enters the orcish perimeters, they suffer a fear debuff that brings them down to a more manageable stature :p
I believe that Chris himself admitted this was only a temporary situation for tracking. other than the change where you cannot track multiple...
out on a patrol we decided to visit the orc outpost north of Compassion desert. we saw signs of activity and decided to surprise attack them. after...
I am considered poor. You should avoid my advice. Ways to earn wealth... 1. Kidnapping... The more high profile the target the better. Pick on...
Welcome Sackcrete! I liked your introduction story. It is as exciting for us to have someone completely new to this world as it is for you to be...
so when an escaped prisoner flees into the woods and the police bring in a professional tracker to catch him it never works because the tracker...
::grins and nods in the direction of Alex:: I make a motion to return focus to the plot at hand! anything else can be left to the pigeons...
Antos, it is sad to hear about your family member who is so sick. of course real life comes first and under those circumstances nobody can fault you...
brains over brawn was a fantastic move in that situation. I salute your analytical thinking under pressure! they should be so lucky that the chest...
right you are.... HAH! for some reason just assumed this whole topic was brand new
I can still see your adams apple. More hormones!
Separate names with a comma.