450k BO price for 1500 stone ingots. PM/discord me offers SOLD
Open to offers on items. PM/discord me. 7th ann 1378 jester suit 300k 2nd ann 1359 blaze beaded neck 250k 200k 9th ann 1984 red tunic 350k 200k...
what total (and breakdown if you don't mind) can be mined from on top + ladder extended top? if it's open i'm lazy sorry
mage med eval mining music provo anat/resist/disco? eval maybe not worth it if the line above isn't anatomy? peace self for when your tames are mad...
bump. prices reduced
claim here or hit me up on discord. open to reasonable offers DRAGON hp/str/dex int probably not 808 821 105 475 red 75k 65k five 814 824 100 462...
Riyne is one of iderp's favorite customers (terrible refresher) and is no longer a 1%'er, or even a 50%'er. he gives back to the community...
what did this mean about the orcist tag? just the maker? free bump. glws
it's funny you use bards as a 0% defensive char. i use my disco/provo tamer when i want gold, i am a glass cannon. i use my eval tamer when i'm...
1360, 2053. dope colors, era appropriate, stand out
bump. help lazy miner out
trip all the other players and place a 4 fort circle in n. minoc, plains, whatever.
I have a couple of these in the woods that hit 3 desirable nodes, never found a 4. Bravo. Also wondered if anyone ever looked for them. I like em...
looking to buy or trade for elemental mining home. must have 4 nodes, would prefer more. amount of veins, ore types, and house type will effect what...
scribe/heal/stun mages FULLY hybrid tank mages disco provo med tamers what sativa said. sure people would get creative, but those jump to mind
Separate names with a comma.