But is there any reason not to use magery instead?
Disheartening, but Id rather find out sooner than later. I dont want to relive finding out Santa wasnt real on my 21st birthday.
So Im looking over potential PvP builds since my main is mostly done, and I have a reliable source of other players' income. One thing Ive noticed...
Alright. I have to admit Im impressed. ...just not by the "PvP".
Im not a network admin, but I have some contacts in the games industry after a brief foray in college, and some general coding knowledge due to my...
Well this isn't something you can reproduce on every theft, but if you see an opportunity I strongly encourage you to try it. Step 1. See other...
He does kinda look like John Dolmayan with longer hair doesnt he?
So does it still follow the 2.5% chance curve then? That one table of success chances is only for scrolls.
So Ive been referencing the compendium here, but as Im getting my magery into the 70s Im findijg myself asking questions the magery entry cant...
Straight outta Occlo
To be fair, trashtalking is definitely high on the list after GMing thievery, so its not completely off topic. Ahem. Back on topic, Im really...
Wait. Do you routinely buy pictures of this nature? I happen to stumble upon many a fallen champion in my travels, and Ive learned the forbidden...
Are you sure you're the real Judd? Maybe youre just fooling yourself. Maybe there's a little Judd in all of us... or at least our pockets.
I rather like poking into fellow thieves backpacks and covertly using Item Identification on their gear for them. Though since I GM'd it I dont need...
No you need 80 hide to stealth according to the wiki.
It takes 80 hiding to train stealth. You cannot stealth unless you are already concealed. So you must hide then stealth.
Ive been here just over a week, but Ill throw in my two cents and a similar discussion back from another MMO I spent 5 years in... In Eve Online, I...
Fair enough. Okay I'll have to step it up then. Still, can't say I feel weak as a thief. It's working out pretty well so far. More of a labor of love...
Just had my first night as a thief, an I'm really confused. Uhm, am I missing something? Thievery feels really strong to me. I don't know what the...
Dont want to make a new thread and pollute the forums, so Ill ask here. Can you log out while grey or red? More specifically, do the rules differ...
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