when the next one is gonna happen?
taken! DM me on discord or dm me here on the forum, :D
ill collect the rest of the money from the investors and ill contact you :D what's your discord name? p.s. or if you prefer i can cover the cost for...
cmon take my money, 325k
[IMG] SB! Love, THT Fake News aka the MOST italian
i offer you a bag of peanuts and a mars bar......oh and this free bump :P
tbh mate....this one is interesting but between this and the one in mongloow.....150k are too much imo o_O Anyway, here's free bump :)
*inconsolable crying* trust me i would happily buy those tome+lantern if i could afford it here, a free bump for you in the meantime
sb #4
COFFF COFF *gardening* COFF COF COF..ACCH....COFF.... Sorry, just some cough....
Sign me up for 7x and 2v2 along with Viandante Oscuro and Hammal Jessica Viandante Oscuro Hammal
unless you got a ninja Lama....
i got a archer bard! the build is the following: Anatomy GM tactics GM archery GM healing GM hiding 70 magery 30 musicanship GM provocation GM
*music start to rise in a glorius and epic crescendo* me: *grab pop corns"
Congratulation to Mister Vianda! Lets meet later to fill the papers and the complimentary mosquitoes repellent!
do you accept HC/PC? also, would you consider a tower swap+ money?
daily bump :)
Ben Dover Real Estate &co. and Billy Mays are proud to present "The Pens" [ATTACH] This premium location is finally going for sale! Are you a...
.....and you didnt even try to pvp with a dexxer yet......
I would definitely be a Gardener only toon!
Separate names with a comma.