I got a hue 533 hat last night(http://www.uorenaissance.com/itemdetails/Hue/533/1), so the shirts may drop different hues also. But looks like there...
I haven't really seen a constructive post from him since his account creation. Its all bitching and whining. About the only somewhat decent post is...
take a croc and sheep for ram?
Stick a fork in me, I'm done. Last night killed my bracket lol.
I actually started going in with only my mount and using BS and EV to kill them. Seems to go pretty smooth, can reveal them all since they will all...
He takes up 1 follower slot just like a normal horse.
Haha I feel ya. Most Ive had in my account was around 5 mil and that was getting a lucky drop, selling it and buying a decent house and flipping it...
I have a similar build as an ironman character. They are pretty lethal in PvM but vulnerable to reds who may roll in on you. Since your mare will be...
^ Still looking for a good owner
MIBs go for around 900-1000 each, nets can range from 1500-2000 If you get on IRC go into the trade channel and type !pc MIB or !pc fishing net It...
Smooth trade thank you @Lord Sky
It's still pending but the buyer did contact me to meet later today.
I doubt you can tame them with 0. But can control with 0 taming(still need 100 lore) once it's bonded you from the way Keza explained it
Nice! May have to alter him some. He was created as an ironman with mare tank character. May go with lucky for more flare. I may pick your brain...
Still able to control it? I need to look into that ossy tank build more I guess
Yeah if he doesn't sell I plan to pair him with my dexxer tamer Thanks
If I'm reading it right. Its a 1/250 chance to spawn after the jockey dies in the caves. So I'm sure more will pop up before the event is over.
Hes just a typical warhorse. Not home so cant screen shot but its 400/400/125/55 (doesn't cast)
Yes it was
Dont REALLY want to sell him but if someone is willing to cough it up ill hand him over. BO 20mil Hate on the price but its my price...for now....
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