I hear ya man. I dont like to burden myself with min/maxing every toon. I have an archer/fencer just for funsies. Uo has evolved and on this...
I knew a guy back in the day on chessy who ran a swords+fencer with that exact same template. His reasoning was he just liked playing dexers in both...
I dont think its exactly like that here. I think we use a "suggested weapon" damage and % of Combat Ability system, that works out roughly the...
To add to what Keza said above: Damage spells (EB, Flamestrike) use BOTH formulas. The Eval vs Resist formula, and the chance to resist formula....
90 Vet 80 Lore GM Magery GM Mining GM ItemID GM Hiding 80 Stealth 50 Med 100s / 100i / 25d He's my naked, looter, rezzer, emergency healer,...
I made my money leather farming back in the day and I 100% remember cutting the hides while they were still IN the corpse coffin!!! As sad as it...
Indeed. Old school tank mages used to take wrestling on their build instead of anatomy. Now-a-days Eval and Anatomy grant "defensive wrestle" so...
Im pretty sure the formula still applies. Even if you have 0 in each, it still counts the modified skill. So with just one or the other at GM you...
Fell in love with this one on seige back in the day. Ive had one on every shard Ive played on and if I could only have one, this would be it. If...
Its niche territory, and nowhere near era accurate, but the gone but not forgotten AngelIsland nailed this. There were Orcs, Undead, Brigands,...
Wait, I just checked the compendium. Im pretty sure its either wrong, or parry doesnt work like it should here. The chance to parry is supposed...
Thats pretty much all Id use parry for. I will say I put it on my Macer miner, because why not, and its pretty much easy mode. I could literally...
I dunno, Ive got a few of ideas. **A stealth archer PK/PvP Guild named .K! That way we could title our toons T.H.W.A.C, **A "naturalist" type...
Does anyone have KoS' contact info?
So Ive been reading some 30 day retrospective threads and got to thinking. Some of my fondest memories of this game were back in the day when I used...
@Keza When you hunt with packs, are they all bonded or is just your "main" one bonded?
Since Ive got my tamer guy up a bit after this thread started and started using pets for stuff. Ive never EVER had a tamer until now and Ive changed...
If I had only one... ...and they fixed provo onto players... Magery Eval Med Resist Wrestle Music Provo 90s / 90i / 45d ...MIGHT swap out wrestle...
You dont actually take any damage while RA is up so your spells never get interrupted when you get hit. Im pretty sure youre supposed to take one...
I personally prefer fencing tanks only because everyone and their mom just runs. Like as fast as they can. 90% of open field pVp and pKing is...
Separate names with a comma.