Toad 40k 1 Grizzly 210k
WTB 2 clothing bless deeds, Zes in IRC - thanks!
Is the bank account 57,000 holiday coins correct? WOW
I definitely couldn't get away. Glad to see I was not alone haha.
Names very familiar. I was Jace and my buddy was Zerrikan back on NAPA during that time peroid in Adam Ant's guild GUL> Let me know if you need any...
"I admit, I probably and coming off like an asshole with some posts"... Maybe calm down with the free server service you're getting and the...
Wtb 58 plat, 5.5k/each Zes in IRC. Got it, thanks all
Item ID to ID the chest and everything in it all at once is awesome, highly suggested!
I use the IRC off the website to connect and now I'm getting this error and not able to log in. Anyone have any suggestions thanks so much in...
Thanks for pointing that out Smash. I updated it.
Looking for a Grey dragon that is better than the one of the following two. Let me know if you have one that fits the bill thanks so much! 1. 825...
And register your accounts to email!
I tired a bunch of passwords and you are creating new accounts. PM Tele
Zes on IRC. Thanks!
Done Thanks!
WTB Up to 40k Iron ingots. Zes on IRC. Thanks!!
It was me doing the crying haha. Sorry!
It's a hard game to recreate and we always seem to come back to it. It's 2018 and this server is what we spend our time doing for fun. Kinda crazy!...
Separate names with a comma.