interested, but gotta get my funds up
Blaise, I don't understand why everyone is missing my points. In the other thread I said that I hope the new changes would reflect in more noobs in...
What does this have to do with feature patches like the new Animal Taming and Rogue end games? If you don't want people to do things, then prevent...
Just because I have a thread about mining does not mean I am trying to talk about it more here. I am really sorry that it came across that way. I...
Apparently what I said was misunderstood. Despite giving us three accounts and asking us to leave them logged in all the time, The staff does not...
The last time I said I was worried that something might not be worth doing [bs bods/hand mining], I got a resounding go eff yourself instead of doing...
Stranger, as a vocal disapprover of Recall Mining in IRC... it is hilarious to see you here defending your abuse of the three account limit....
Based on current relevance, I see bowcrafting as woefully under represented. I have a feeling most people prepped carpenters for this new addition.
I typically flip cloth bods for spined. If you are looking cloth bods hit me up. I am wanting to help the guildies out :)
Since the bods are all 'carpentry' does this mean that I can take a completed orange bod of any type to turn in to any of the three NPCs? ex. I...
I am interested in starting a Bod Dream Team. It looks like with the new Carp additions that working together will be very important. I do not know...
LMK whatcha got! looking for around 10k!
All of this seems really exciting.. I think this new carpentry addition presents the perfect style of difficulty for BODs. Much like I have discussed...
Are the new bods on the same timer? Or will a tinker/fletcher/carp be able to get three bods at once?
Thanks, Jupe. It wasn't always easy, but I wanted people to understand my position and how I enjoy the game. I didn't want to shut people down by...
The literal translation of my statement is not above, instead it is more like this: I want a set of phoenix armor but only have 10 hrs a week to...
Chris and everyone.. What is your expectation from the BOD system? When do you want a Val hammer to hit the server? What effect does it have on the...
Most have dismissed it. You can find those guys being the first ones to say that what we are doing isn't fair to them.
I think it is unfair to use the 40% data with out considering the impact of changing the item delays. I don't grind like some of these guys did, and...
Separate names with a comma.