I don't have it in me black heart to separate a fisherman from his vessel, specially on the eve of a great tourney. If ya get home and find that is...
[ATTACH] It cost one good sailor, twas worth it for this buick[ATTACH] *missed the weight on boat
[ATTACH] Found a lonely ship with one of the gates unlocked and a key in the hold... Sorry to whoever's boat this is but it is mine now....
[IMG] this one gave me almost no fight at all
alright i'm on the board!
Second gump in 5 mins, I feel like the police is out and it's prom night. Gonna have to stay diligent
5 - 100k
@Vincent Blackshadow you have won mare I. I will be on later tonight around 10 pst. Message me here or on irc as BenS
Separate names with a comma.