Closest match to blaze hue with out breaking the wallet
I'm in
I want something perma
I am sick of PKIng in just dungeons please let overland spawn be a thing UOR needs this From your friendly PK Scuba
Great event. I was very banged up and I am glad you streamed it because I did not remember a bit of it. Good times
Hell yeah @merlin8666 start rebuilding the empire!
[ATTACH] 1 of 4 BO 18mil Message me if you want to trade other items for these sandals Plat & Hcoin @5kper (half must be in gold)
I will bo amibs if those are the prices listed and not per
Trust me go 90 45 90 Always use agi and str pots your whole goal I'd to get a para blow and drop a explo and ebolt and you need mana to heal and...
L 60k
E 1mil
90 str 45 Dex 90 int
[18:51:02] <Gavyn_Lughna> So.... a drunken band of murderers and bandits, got it... [18:51:12] <scuba> Yes [18:51:18] <scuba> actually thats accurate...
Separate names with a comma.