
Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by One, Oct 24, 2015.

What, if anything, should be done to reduce murder on this server?

  1. Prohibit criminal aggressors from using gates.

    18 vote(s)
  2. Implement holy light scrolls.

    1 vote(s)
  3. Allow characters with forensic evaluation to track PKs all over the map.

    12 vote(s)
  4. Make red characters vulnerable to slayers.

    6 vote(s)
  5. Increase stat-loss

    16 vote(s)
  6. Make mercenaries NPCs considerably stronger and unhireable by red characters.

    6 vote(s)
  7. Don't change anything I love PKs and I think this would be a better server if we had more of them.

    48 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  2. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
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    Aug 19, 2012
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    There have been a lot of intelligent comments made in this thread. Early on it seemed like it was just going to be another "Let's restate everything that could work in a perfect world but has never actually worked in practice" thread, but then some real reasoning and ideas started flowing.
    Vlar, newme and One like this.
  3. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  4. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2014
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    We've been the good guys for a long time, the bad guys just have better PR reps
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  5. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    we trammed up stuff enough. Lets not touch this.
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  6. Bogugh

    Bogugh Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2013
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    I've never been a fan of the murder system and I wonder how many kwh have been wasted on idling off counts and/or collecting plat. Consequences? Ok. Leaving my computer on all day? Nope.

    Edit: No, it isn't because of the environment.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2015
  7. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2014
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    I can't remember the last time I voulentarily turned my computer off
    Meradin, Erza Scarlet and Zagyg like this.
  8. Bogugh

    Bogugh Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2013
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    What makes one a "good guy" or a "bad guy"?

    Also, did you just compliment Blaise?
  9. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2014
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    hes good at spilling psycho babble and making people believe it, yes.
  10. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    You're going about it the wrong way. Everything you're suggesting is going to throw the balance off. Below are some ideas that should add more inconveniences to PKs of all type. On a shard like this, it's important to remember there are a lot of people who will take a murder count, but not actually go red or stat ever. These are probably the worst players and the ones you need to deal with because they are dodging all the current inconveniences that real PKs have to tolerate.

    - Any character who has a long term count cannot attend any third World events (CTF type events).

    - Any character who has -5 level karma cannot interact with NPCs outside of the banker. I believe this is how it actually was on OSI, but it's not the case here.

    - Any character with a long term murder count gets increased costs at NPC vendors.

    - Allow players to prevent their player vendors from selling to murderers.

    - Any character with a long term count cannot collect platinum from the welfare system.

    This shard has an incentive to stay logged in, so there's an incentive to acquire a murder count from time to time, knowing you're going to be logged in 20 hours a day anyway, a murder count here or there really doesn't impact you much at all and that's a real problem.
    Vlar, newme, Zagyg and 1 other person like this.
  11. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    Oh, Dread, you're right! Great flavor/accuracy addition to look into here.
  12. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  13. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  14. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    My two cents worth: PFR has some good ideas, which are based on OSI. He is also a top pker, who solos, thus he knows what reds go through.

    I don't enjoy pvp myself, but from years of playing UO, I know little about the play style.
    When you start adding things such as "can't gate after a criminal act", these sort of suggestions bother me. There are so many situations where a player might perform a criminal act without it being to murder innocents.

    Anti-Pker guilds. These can be tricky guilds, it all depends on the individual members. Some are great, will only go after murders for revenge or to assist other players who are being attacked by reds, while others have no qualms about killing innocents if it is to their advantage, such as killing innocents when the said innocent is trying to place a house where the guild wishes to place a house.

    I do kind of like the option that reds can't use player vendors, with the exception of Buc's Den. think Buc's Den and it's surrounding land should be completely open to reds. But even the player vendors, should be the owners choice.

    Personally, I think as far as PKers go, our server is fairly well balanced.

    Thanks for this thread. Some interesting posts.


    Marjo Governess of Wispfelt

    Westra on IRC
  15. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    sure but as One said a murderer simply wouldn't attempt to do any of those things on their red character so it's somewhat pointless.
  16. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    It's a culture issue.

    The problem here is that the reds are interested in opportunistic kills while taking on as little risk as possible. Even if you change the mechanics to deal with this, these people will always target the weak players and avoid the strong. The methods for doing so may change, but the theme of the behaviors will not.
    On OSI (at least on my server) there was a strong culture during this era of shitting on people who played like this. Reds were encouraged to be pvpers first and murderers second. This culture was perpetuated by the people at the top (on baja this was LoD) and reds that were not up to snuff were reviled by everyone and driven out of the community.

    On this server, the idea that a red should be a newbie targeting coward is perpetuated by most of the strong voices in the community (and these people are backed by the staff most of the time) and most of the newbies that get shit on don't even realize it's the "nice guys" like pax, fek, bart, blaise, etc that are the people shitting on them.
    Basically, the red community here just has no ethics. One of the most important rules for a red needs to be "don't shit where you eat" but there are a bunch of people here who didn't get the memo.
    Bamilus, Zagyg and One like this.
  17. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  18. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    One, I see one recurring problem with your suggestions. Many seem to be either "Black" or "White" and UO has many grey areas.

    As far as Pkers killing themselves for the bounty on their heads; that is an example of the grey area. If a pker wished to do this, all they have to do is have a friend kill them, friend turns in the head and they split the bounty.

    Back in the early days of UO ( goes with what Napo said), Pker's were about pvp. But that slowly changed. I played OSI multible servers for years, the attitude of ganging or going after the weak was very prevalent. I don't think it's just this server, was happening long before ML on OSI/EA servers. Think those type of players just came here.

    But saying that. We also have many pkers here who are about the pvp and not go after just the weak or gang pk. Actually blanket statements, don't really fit a populated server, for the same reasons they don't fit in real. Gets down to people are individuals. And we have a lot of peoples. :)
  19. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  20. Pax Romain

    Pax Romain Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    I have a lone red character that I play once in a blue moon. I've accrued a measly 88 long counts in well over a year's time, the majority of them being solo kills and I res most of the time. Kane has twice as many long terms as me in the same time frame. The idea that I go around "shitting on newbies," let alone am a prolific murderer, is complete and utter horseshit. The fact that you threw Blaise's name into the pile truly reveals that you don't even have some internal "plausibility" filter in your brain when you make shit up. Yeah man, Blaise is totally out there on his PK BLaIsE Da ReD shitting on newbs every night.

    I get that you and your friends have some ancient hate boner for Bart that predates me playing here. But it would be best to be upfront about it, rather than trying to cloak your hate in hypocritical ethics -- "he shits on newbs!" (read: he kills people in dungeons) -- when your own guild consistently ruins resist events and wastes hours of people's time (read: actual shitting on newbs).

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