lol I had my fort looted like 3 days after telamon said he was going to do it and it didn't get done. I kinda threw a mini temper tantrum saying if it was done this wouldn't of happened. He came 2 hours later and installed it. He don't always get things done immediately as it took over 4 months but hell its safe at last Thanks again telamon!
In this scenario.... i bought something, feel scared to use it, and some people have a moat? and its not available to others?
Yet. They are going to be free, supposedly, once they are patched in fully. Also, what's to be scared of? Even with a moat, table wall inside the doors or you're just asking to get jacked someday, somehow. Multi-layer security is the only way to be certain intruders won't get far.
Interesting. Yea i remember that thread, i also remember being pissed off about it because Chris' response basically insinuated that due to the complaining noone was getting shit... It's funny to me tho, I didn't realize you had to throw a hissy fit on the forums in order to get it installed when they were handed out to begin with. I've been patiently asking since I purchased my Fort last year. Never even get responses. Next time I get frustrated at something, I'll pop on here and make sure to bitch about the favoritism that takes place after publicly announcing that the moat system will be done when it's done and that's it. Happy for you tho @WorkerBee Sorry you got looted, been there before too.