[23:15:25] <Thelax> Question, the Concubine skirt leather bustier... is that the one thta gives taming? [23:15:32] <~Telamon> Yes
00:37TedjaminWait . . . Telamon . . . I thought the vampire mistresses dropped the + taming. The concubines drop the leather bustier that reads "concubines skirt" but is actually a leather piece 00:52Telamonyea the name is just wrong Also, OP literally posted what it does and the name of it, so whats the issue? You literally derailed a sale thread for no reason other than to troll, rather badly, might I add.
Just a heads up I did ask Telamon about the bustier from the concubine he did say yes. But I recon after busting his sack off on this event and creating 100+new script files for items/mobs im Sure it was honest mistake. I did test the concubine skirt out on a female char and didn’t notice any taming Any how @Jordan +1 points for looking out for the shard. -2 for accidentally derailing a sale thread as the OP advertises truth as far as I can tell. Lol. Any how nice find Stu.
This is what I read in IRC last night and surprised me so I wanted to make sure. Haven’t gotten either but congrats to everybody getting these awesome rares