In Era stealing was the most unique and fun thing to ever exist in any game. You'd have to get opinions from others who played thief mains back then, but there were more thieves than tamers. Us good thieves had anti thief chars to smash all of hte gate hopping/line hopping/leg humpers, to thin them out. But it was mostly thief vs player(s) not thief vs mechanics. That's what's gone wrong here. And fails are higher here for every skill, I've noticed that. It's almost like it was set orig for power scrolls and then not adjusted to the proper successes once they were taken out of UOR. Anyhow, unless I'm specifically asked about what's wrong and how things can be improved (improved, not made over powered) then I'm done on these types of talks, it's like pissing into the wind, and I'm burned out on it.
Nothing should be changed (or stealing should become more difficult). If Thieving is made too easy it will have a significant impact on the community. In a foreseeable negative way. I also find it funny how known thieves want it to be made easier.
I think taming and all the other skills should be made harder then. I think you should fail about 50% of the time on everything, die when you do, wait 120 seconds to rez or to use your bank after any skill use, and blah blah
This is very natural and expected as dedicated thieves experience the mechanics daily and get more frustration out of it. A full-time tamer or crafter wouldn't normally bring these issues up. Dedicated thieves may still go on about stealing as they like that playstyle, even though they think it's unfairly balanced. There's an issue of the 'possibility' and 'playability' of the thieving playstyle where many thieves think the mechanics hurt playability, even though many things are still possible. You can see the "Thieving perfected - How?" for more in-depth discussion.
How did you know I didn't vote? Are you watching me!? I'm thinking maybe we should make a poll after having discussed all the ins and outs first? So we get a clear picture of the alternatives?
Your knock-down argument has convinced me and I shall therefor go to vote! Let's make thieving great again! I voted that NPC line of sight be decreased or removal of NPCs calling guards. My vote emphasizes the second one. When thinking of it, this is probably the most frustrating mechanic for me as a thief. It's the gamble roulette of theiving, will I get insta guard-whacked or will I not? The question is rarely: will I manage to escape after having succeeded/failed my stealing attempt? Rather, will the mechanics fancy me this one time or will it not?
Hrmm I dont like any of your options.. I would prefer that a thief has a chance to steal an item, will still go grey, but calling guards does nothing. Having a chance at being a perma blue thief is very dumb and I will tell you why. I can park 2 toons at occlo bank. One of them can run a steal macro and bank items all day. The other character has an auto-res macro running 24/7. See the problem?
Perma blue doesn't mean you aren't grey after you die, you still have to wait 2 minutes to rez. It means you steal and stay blue but are perma grey and can be attacked without penalty. When you die you and your corpse are grey. You aren't supposed to be able to bank or trade stolen items for something like 60 seconds (I don't think that's in play here) I want to be able to direct steal runebooks and bod books. The runebook bless deeds will have more incentive to have, and then a bod book bless deed can be put in for the same plat rate
1. double click bandage 2. target closest friendly This means your res guy would only resurrect him after he goes blue.