A bad thread about PvP/Reds

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Skydancer, Mar 10, 2018.

  1. Anarchy

    Anarchy Active Member
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    Mar 5, 2014
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    The 8 hour short-term count is clearly much too less. Just as if it would be from modem-times when you paid for internet per minute :D
    Also, like you say, we can have 3 accounts with no cost here - it's just logical that the short-term count time should be tripled.

    Is there at all any PK out there having lots of short term counts? I dont think so.

    I think PKs have much too little risk here - too little it would be even fun to play a PK for me.
    I am pretty sure most active PKs in OSI-UOR had 5+ short term counts.
    I am pretty sure nearly none PK here have that.
    Considering that and that it is pretty easy (much easier than on OSI) to skill up here it feels unbalanced.
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  2. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  3. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  4. Waylan

    Waylan Member

    May 28, 2015
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    If you want specifics:

    • Discouraging Gameplay
    • Just because this is a felucca world does not give players the permission to harass and discourage other players in ways that exceed the boundaries of common sense. If your conduct is judged to be primarily focused on activities that will result in players no longer enjoying playing on Renaissance this conduct will be addressed.
    If spawn killing a player isn't in this bill, get rid of it.

    • Telling a player to get good or leave the server (This happens all the time in IRC. Either you conform, or you're a total lush and need to draw a backbone)

    • You may not collect items in any manner unattended.
    (This is broken all the freaking time.) See I count macroing miners in this field. None of the rest of this server would adhere to that.

    • Treat other players in game and on the forums with respect.
    (Because spawn killing is so respectful.)

    To name a few. Just meh. I want to stick around. And I have pretty thick skin.
  5. Waylan

    Waylan Member

    May 28, 2015
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    And there is a difference between banning for res- killing and warning.

    Personally I think it should be a warning, A 1 day, 3, 7, and then mod judgement. It enforces but you don't have any irreversible mods. Maby a semi-perma ban for repeat offenders but I wouldn't like to use that as an option.

    Leaving it unchecked though isn't doing any favors.
  6. Mayor McCheese

    Mayor McCheese Active Member

    Jun 8, 2014
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    It doesn't seem I have missed the point at all. The point is these pks have pretty simple and repeated tactics, which mean they can be defended. It is all in the game mechanics. Ill say right off the bat, all your examples are from a solo perspective. Maybe get a friend or friends to help or hunt with and you wont have that problem? Also, if bank more often? if you don't have 10k, a bag of regs, and whatever other goodies on you everytime a pk comes around maybe they wouldn't continually kill you? I mean if the pk can come around and kill you every 10-15 minutes in their rounds and you are stuffed up like a loot piñata, its kinda your fault. You kill monsters without much issue because you are better then them and understand their mechanics, well these pks, have your number man, change your style, strategy, or get help. It makes no sense to change rules to accommodate you when the majority find a way to cope and succeed.

    Now I'm not opposed to some of the proposed ideas, I think the murder system was based off the idea that most people only had one account and macroing off murder counts and stat loss was a major deterrent to pk'ing. So, maybe, evaluating that system needs to be done, but I don't think any current mechanic, even the ones that make me angry because pk's gate in on me too, are that one sided.
    eherruh, Jill Stihl and One like this.
  7. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    Based on how you assessed these situations I am going to have to recommend you get a mentor or a guild to help you out.

    1st example: This doesn't happen. If you think it DID happen to you, you are incorrect, and it was really just 3 people. If it DID happen, the very thought of being delivered 3 reds on screen that were all manned by 1 person should give you a shiver of excitement down your spine at the amount of risk in both items and pride they are putting on the table.

    2nd example: Everyone finds a nook, this is key. You need to have a space in which you can play and have fun. What I recommend is taking a look at all your farming options with a different set of eyes. Defensive eyes. There are very few spawns in the game that are pretty much completely un-defendable.
    Take the "PK hotspot" Ice arctic ogre lords:[​IMG]

    With magic reflect up and proper positioning, even this so called "PK hotspot" is easily ran any time of the day. You KNOW they are coming via the entrance or from just north of the spawn. The giant mountain protects your back, easily giving you enough time to recall. If you see reds coming from the other side you literally take a few steps onto the OTHER side of the pillar and they will have to run completely around to be able to get their spells off. Or stick an alt hidden at the entrance.
    This kind of thinking can be done at nearly every spawn in the game. Don't be defeated just cause you lost a battle. You got this, but as I said previously you need a mentor or a guild to help you out. SoF is recruiting, pm crunkjuice.
    Althorn, Ruck, eherruh and 5 others like this.
  8. Waylan

    Waylan Member

    May 28, 2015
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    I like this post a lot. We all do need to be adaptable. It's a big hurdle I've had to choke down in my own dealings relearning. But I don't see the 'rules changing to accommodate one' when we hurt for new players regardless. And getting stomped on is not a good way to retain fresh players.

    The 'Young' system doesn't work great because you're trapped on Occlo or you open yourself to thiefs/Pk's en-mass.
  9. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Anarchy and Killian like this.
  10. Waylan

    Waylan Member

    May 28, 2015
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    1) Agree
    2) Up to opinion? (I'm hard to offend but some people might take offense)
    3) No. There is a Judaical system for a reason. Leave that to that. We should talk of the in-game protocol in my opinion.
    4) Agree
    5) Agree (What's cheating vs exploit though?)
    6) Agree (But this happens all the time and people ignore it. So I beg to differ.)
  11. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    How did this even happen waylan? Were u rezzing repeatedly in front of him or something?
  12. Waylan

    Waylan Member

    May 28, 2015
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    Wondering healer in the Fort to the North.
  13. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    That was your mistake. We all make them. You should have either found a different wandering healer, stuck optioned out, or reverse gated out. When he pk'd you a 5 minute window opened giving him complete power over your living soul. For that 5 min you cannot count him again and like it or not, that is how it is. But he has no power over your ghost! So walk away. If he is willing to kill your naked character outside of that 5 min window power to him, you should see that as a win. 8 hours > 5 min.

    The bottom line for both you and the OP is that the mechanics are in your favor. The mechanics are in your favor. You have to realize this, you just need people to show you the way. SoF is recruiting pm crunkjuice.
    Hollywood likes this.
  14. Skydancer

    Skydancer Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    Meh. This conversation has been going since server launch by the looks of it. Nothing has ever been addressed and resolved. My perspective is that this server could be great, but is only supporting one side of the equation. I guess the equation doesn't matter when you can afk 1.2mil a month without ever leaving the house. These guys don't have to play the game, they can just sit around and progress leagues further than a someone who is around for the PvM.

    In the meantime, I'll take my PvM to a private server. Here, I think Skydancer will look better in red. One more to run the circuit and kill off the playerbase. Invitation accepted?
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2018
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  15. Waylan

    Waylan Member

    May 28, 2015
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    I'm just at a loss as to why somebody would? There was no aggro. I didn't insult him for the primary death. I didn't threaten him for the initial death of Sky. We didn't even speak. I just went to try to help get things together and both drags are dead, empty body, what not. He's got his gain. Where does it cross to destructive behavior when we've already lost everything and we die a few more times because... 'just because'.
  16. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    Its not "just because". It's "because you KEEP trying to get out of timeout but it hasn't been 5 minutes". Stop trying to get out of timeout.
  17. Waylan

    Waylan Member

    May 28, 2015
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    One of those was almost 20 minutes between deaths.

    Edit: I do thank you for the tip about time-outs. I didn't know that...
  18. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
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    Nov 27, 2017
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    You must mean 30? :)

    I see what you're saying here, it can seem impossible to try to compete with rich, geared, veterans. They also have macros set up and experience in using them.

    However, I agree that regarding count timers, three accounts and afk macroing it makes PKing here a lot easier than elsewhere. A hell of a lot.

    Could change? I'd be down for that.
    In the meantime, as others have more or less said. You need to adapt to the environment.
    Try being a thief and see how difficult things can be when you dont learn to adapt! Profiting from that on UOR is much harder than hitting your recall macro ;P
  19. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    WTF is Doxxing?

    Look at El Horno (the stove) giving out practical advice...

    In UOR you are either playing your game or your playing theirs... play your game, not theirs... By the same standard, DO NOT expect them to play yours...

    Everyone is so caught up in how they want the OTHER guy to play... Worry about yourself.... KNOW the rules... Report violations to the staff... IRC general chat bitching is just asking for more drama...

    Cant beat them, join them. Don't want to join them... learn to deal with them.

    NO ONE should be guaranteed a farming spot or protection just cause THEY feel they need it. Ocllo is the protection. Far too much in my opinion, but its there, use it. Step through the moongate where the point values can really skyrocket... More Risk.. MORE REWARD...

    #1 lesson in UO... learn to adapt
    Ruck and JimmyTheHand like this.
  20. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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